Wonder Pets!

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Wonder Pets!

Pengembaran Pendidikan Muzikal

PenciptaJosh Selig
Dibangunkan oleh
Josh Seli
PengarahJennifer Oxley
Ginny McSwain (Suara)
Pelakon suara
Sofie Zamchick
Teala Dunn
Danica Lee
Penggubah lagu tema
Larry Hochman
Negara asalAmerika Syarikat
Bilangan musim3
Bilangan episod62
PenerbitViacom Media Networks
Tempoh siaran22 minit
Syarikat penerbitan
Saluran asal
Siaran asal3 Mac 2006 (2006-03-03) – 3 September 2016 (2016-09-03)

Wonder Pets ialah sebuah siri televisyen kanak-kanak animasi keluaran Amerika Syarikat yang muncul buat julung kalinya pada 3 Mac 2006, dalam slot Nick Jr. di saluran televisyen kabel Nickelodeon dan saluran Noggin (Sekarang Nick Jr.) pada 31 Ogos 2006. Siri ini juga disiarkan dalam alih suara Bahasa Melayu di TV9 mulai tahun 2008.

Watak-watak utama siri kartun ini merupakan tiga ekor haiwan peliharaan di bilik darjah sekolah rendah, iaitu Linny the Guinea-Pig (si tikus belanda), Turtle Tuck (kura-kura), dan Ming-Ming Duckling (itik), yang bersatu menjadi tiga wira bersaudara yang menyelamatkan anak haiwan dalam kesusahan sambil memperagakan manfaat nilai bekerjasama.

Sejarah dan format[sunting | sunting sumber]

Rancangan ini dicipta oleh Josh Selig bagi pihak Little Airplane Productions yang juga mencipta Piper O'Possum untuk Nick Jr. dan banyak lagi rancangan kanak-kanak. Rancangan ini berakar umbi dalam sebuah filem ringkas Nick Jr. berjudul "The New Adventures of Linny the Guinea Pig," di mana Linny mengembara di angkasa lepas dan dasar lautan sendirian. Tidak lama kemudian terciptalah Ming-Ming Duckling dan Turtle Tuck, maka lahirnya rancangan bertajuk The Super Singing Power Pets!, sebelum tajuknya diringkaskan menjadi Wonder Pets sahaja.

Gaya animasi yang dipakai dalam pembikinan Wonder Pets bergelar "photo-puppetry", yang mana para animator boleh memanipulasi gambar foto haiwan sebenar. Teknik ini juga menggunakan lukisan objek-objek (bukan watak), jadi hasilnya boleh dikatakan berupa animasi media campuran.

Kebanyakan dialognya adalah dinyanyi, jadi ramai yang membandingkan rancangan ini dengan persembahan operetta atau singspiel. Bagi setiap episod dibawa masuk orkestra 10 ahli, adakalanya termasuk sekali pemain muzik lain yang mahir mendendangkan muzik tradisional dari rantau yang dikunjungi wira-wira Wonder Pets dalam setiap episod.[1] Untuk melengkapkans setiap episod dari lakon layar ke kiriman akhir mengambil masa 33 minggu.[2]

Watak[sunting | sunting sumber]

  • Linny the Guinea Pig, usia 5 tahun,[3] ialah ketua Wonder Pets. Sebagai wira, dia memakai topi besbol kuning dan mantel biru. Linny nampaknya adalah ahli yang paling bijak di kalangan mereka kerana dia selalu memberikan pelbagai maklumat haiwan dan geografi kepada yang lain. Selalunya dialah yang mengingatkan kumpulannya mengenai nilai kerjasama dan lain-lain.
  • Turtle Tuck, 4 tahun, ialah seekor tuntung yang peramah. Apabila menjadi wira, dia memakai topi kelasi berwarna putih, kasut sirip biru, dan mantel merah. Tuck merupakan ahli yang paling empatetik kerana suka membantu menenangkan haiwan apabila Linny dan Ming-Ming melaksanakan operasi penyelamat. Tuck juga menampakkan kemahiran pemerhatian yang tajam, iaitu boleh menjumpai benda dari jauh.
  • Ming-Ming Duckling, 3 tahun,[3] ialah seekor anak itik yang ghairah. Sebagai wira, dia memakai topi keledar juruterbang, gogel, dan mantel hijau. Dialah satu-satunya ahli yang boleh terbang. Dia juga boleh berkomunikasi bersama burung-burung lain dalam "bahasa burung". Ming-Ming juga percaya bahawa dia berketurunan burung helang. Adakalanya Ming-Ming cuba menyelesaikan masalah dengan sendiri dan pernah sekali dia sendirinya menjadi haiwan yang memerlukan bantuan. Ming-Ming memainkan peranan pelawak dalam rancangan ini.

Struktur episod[sunting | sunting sumber]

Setiap episod mematuhi struktur yang serupa, dengan sedikit beza dari segi jalan cerita dan bentuk muzik.

Sebaik bermulanya setiap episod, penonton dapat mendengar murid-murid sekolah yang tidak kelihatan, mengucap jumpa lagi kepada haiwan-haiwan peliharaan bilik darjah sambil meninggalkan bangunan sekolah setelah selesainya pelajaran untuk hari ini. Setelah bilik darjah kosong, sebuah pemegang pensel bergoncang dan membuat bunyi berdering telefon tin. Selalunya, bilik darjah dihias dengan karya seni murid-murid dan benda-benda lain yang berkaitan dengan cerita, haiwan atau lokasi tertentu bagi episod berkenaan. Satu demi satu, haiwan-haiwan itu tertarik oleh bunyi deringan. Sehingga detik ini, haiwan-haiwan ini berbuat macam haiwan sahaja tanpa mengujar sepatah kata pun. Selepas bunyi berdering, maka Wonder Pets melengkapkan diri (Linny bertopi kuning; Ming-Ming bertopi keledar juruterbang; Tuck pula bertopi kelasi Perancis dan berkasut kalis air biru di kaki belakangnya) lalu bergegas menjawab telefon (Linny menjunam melalui lubang yang tersembunyi di bawah mangkuknya lalu mendarat di atas kuda mainan; Ming-Ming membuka pintu rahsia pendawaian sangkarnya lalu terbang keluar; Tuck terjun ke dalam air tangkinya lalu keluar dari singki) sambil menyanyi rangkap pembukaan berikut:

Versi Bahasa Melayu Versi Bahasa Inggeris
Linny: "Telefon, telefon berbunyi!"
Ming-Ming: "Telefon, kami datang!"
Tuck: "Telefon, telefon berbunyi!"
Linny: "Ada haiwan dalam bahaya…"
Ming-Ming: "Ada haiwan dalam bahaya…"
Tuck: "Ada haiwan dalam bahaya di sana!"
Linny: "The phone, the phone is ringing!"
Ming-Ming: "The phone, we'll be right there!"
Tuck: "The phone, the phone is ringing!"
Linny: "There's an animal in trouble…"
Ming-Ming: "There's an animal in twouble…"
Tuck: "There's an animal in trouble somewhere!"

Wonder Pets menjawab telefon lalu mendapati seekor haiwan berada dalam kesusahan di suatu tempat. Linny menjelaskan keadaannya kepada dua rakannya. Setelah mereka semua faham, mereka menyanyi:

Tuck: "Itu anak [haiwan]
[Dalam bahaya tertentu.]"
Ming-Ming: "Ini serius!"
Tuck: "Mesti tolong dia"
Linny: "Selamatkan [haiwan]!"
Semua: "Selamatkan [haiwan]!"
Tuck: "A baby [animal]
[In the specific peril.]"
Ming-Ming: "This is se-wious!"
Tuck: "We have to help him/her"
Linny: "Let's save the [animal]!"
Semua: "Let's save the [animal]!"

Mereka bertiga lompat ke dalam sekotak cebisan kain dan lompat keluar, memakai bermacam-macam pakaian yang selalunya berkaitan dengan kawasan atau haiwan yang akan dikunjungi mereka. Mereka berjenaka sejenak lalu masuk balik ke dalam kotak dan keluar dengan mantel Wonder Pets mereka.

Linny: "Linny,"
Tuck: "Tuck,"
Ming-Ming: "Dan Ming-Ming juga!"
Semua: "Wonder Pets datang membantu!"
Linny: "Linny,"
Tuck: "Tuck,"
Ming-Ming: "And Ming-Ming, too!"
Semua: "We're Wonder Pets and we'll help you!"

Mereka mendirikan sebuah kapal layar mainan bernama "Flyboat" dari bahan-bahan di bilik darjah: frisbee sebagai badan, penutup marker sebagai ekzos roket, sebiji guli, roda-roda, sebatang tiang, dan sehelai kertas sebagai layarnya. Sambil mengerjakan kapal, mereka menyanyi:

Linny: "Apa yang penting?"
Semua: "Kerjasama!"
Linny: "Apa yang penting?"
Semua: "Kerjasama!"
Linny: "What's gonna work?"
Semua: "Teamwork!"
Linny: "What's gonna work?"
Semua: "Teamwork!"

Biasanya, Wonder Pets menghadapi suatu rintangan kecil sebelum meninggalkan bilik darjah. Penyelesaiannya selalunya serupa dengan tindakan yang perlu diambil mereka untuk menyelamatkan haiwan dalam bahaya tersebut. Kemudian mereka lekas ke tempat kejadian sambil menyanyi:

Semua: "Wonder Pets! Wonder Pets! Kami datang
Membantu anak [haiwan] dalam kesusahan!"
Ming-Ming: "Kami tak besar,"
Tuck: "Dan kami tak kuat,"
Semua: "Bila bekerjasama semua jadi mudah!
Hei, Wonder Pets! Yey!"
Semua: "Wonder Pets! Wonder Pets! We're on our way
To help a baby [animal] and save the day!"
Ming-Ming: "We're not too big,"
Tuck: "And we're not too tough,"
Semua: "But when we work together we've got the right stuff!
Go, Wonder Pets! Yay!"

Ketika menyelamatkan haiwan terlibat, Wonder Pets selalu gagal dalam cubaan terawal. Lambat-laun bahayanya makin genting, menyebabkan Ming-Ming menyanyi, "Ini serius!" (bahasa Inggeris: "This is se-wious!") Tiba-tiba, Wonder Pets akhirnya ingat bagaimana mereka menyelesaikan masalah di bilik darjah dan menyedari bahawa usaha penyelamatan sama caranya. Maka mereka perlu bekerjasama untuk menjayakan usaha mereka. Mereka mengulangi lagu awal tadi:

Linny: "Linny,"
Tuck: "Tuck,"
Ming-Ming: "Dan Ming-Ming juga."
Semua: "Wonder Pets datang membantu!"
Linny: "Apa yang penting?"
Semua: "Kerjasama!"
Linny: "Apa yang penting?"
Semua: "Kerjasama!"
Linny: "Linny,"
Tuck: "Tuck,"
Ming-Ming: "And Ming-Ming, too."
Semua: "We're Wonder Pets and we'll help you!"
Linny: "What's gonna work?"
Semua: "Teamwork!"
Linny: "What's gonna work?"
Semua: "Teamwork!"

Setelah haiwan itu diselamatkan, tibanya si induk atau saudara mara untuk mengucap terima kasih kepada Wonder Pets kerana menyelamatkan anaknya. Wonder Pets menyambut kejayaan mereka dengan memakan daun saderi, ada kalanya induk itu menambah sedikit sajian tempatan, ataupun wira-wira itu meminta sajian tempatan juga. Kemudian mereka kembali ke bilik darjah, sambil menyanyi:

Semua: "Wonder Pets! Wonder Pets! Dah berjaya
Membantu anak [haiwan] dalam kesusahan"
Ming-Ming: "Kami tak besar,"
Tuck: "Dan kami tak kuat,"
Semua: "Bila bekerjasama, semua jadi mudah!
Hei, Wonder Pets! Yey!"
Semua: "Wonder Pets! Wonder Pets! We found a way
To help the baby [animal] and save the day!"
Ming-Ming: "We're not too big,"
Tuck: "And we're not too tough,"
Semua: "But when we work together we've got the right stuff!
Go, Wonder Pets! Yay!"

Senyap-senyap mereka kembali di sangkar masing-masing sehingga episod seterusnya. Flyboat pula berkecai dengan lancarnya. Linny sentiasa haiwan terakhir yang masuk ke dalam sangkar, dan tertanggalnya mantel dan topinya juha. Rentak muzik yang berkenaan dengan usaha penyelamatan mereka didendangkan, sementara Linny mengunyah daun saderi dalam sangkarnya sambil mengedip-ngedip matanya sampai penghujung rancangan.

Rujukan[sunting | sunting sumber]

  1. ^ Lynne Heffley, "Unchained melodies; In scoring the kids' show 'The Wonder Pets!,' top-notch composers get a warm and fuzzy feeling," Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, Calif.: Mar 3, 2006. pg. E.29.
  2. ^ Jennifer Oxley, "Meet the Creators of Wonder Pets!"
  3. ^ a b Robert Lloyd, "'Wonder Pets!' to the rescue", Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, Calif.: 3 Mac 2006. pg. E.29.

Pautan luar[sunting | sunting sumber]

Now I'm going to upload all of the Jack's Big Music Show episodes throughout 2006-2013. Here are all the episodes I'll be uploading for Lalaloopsy. 1 2 06 How Mel Got His Groove Back Bug Love 2 21 06 The Music Monster King of Swing 2 23 06 The Bongo Bird Grow Daddio 3 3 06 The Music Genie How Mel Got His Groove Back 8 20 07 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 9 2 07 The Grumpy Squirrel Marching Band 9 23 07 Jack's Big Oops! Silly Show 10 4 07 The Bongo Bird Little Bad Wolf 10 13 07 Jack and the Beanstalk Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 10 27 07 Mel’s Bath Day Jack’s Big Oops! 10 28 07 The Music Genie Jack Bunny 11 16 07 Jack’s Big Orchestra King of Swing 11 19 07 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Jack Bunny 12 8 07 Jack Bunny Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 12 13 07 Little Bad Wolf Snow Day 12 14 07 Spunky the Alien Jack Bunny 12 30 07 The Music Genie Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 12 31 07 Grow Daddio The Music Monster 1 1 08 The Bongo Bird Scat Cat 1 2 08 Little Bad Wolf Jack Bunny 1 11 08 Mel's Super Swell Dance Party Jack's Big Oops! 1 28 08 The Grumpy Squirrel The Music Monster 2 6 08 How Mel Got His Groove Back King of Swing 2 14 08 Bug Love Jack's Super Swell Sing-Along 2 19 08 Spunky the Alien Jack’s Big Orchestra 2 20 08 Marching Band Jack Bunny 2 21 08 Jack’s Big Orchestra Space Opera 2 22 08 Jack Bunny Spunky the Alien 2 27 08 Snow Day The Bongo Bird 2 28 08 Scat Cat How Mel Got His Groove Back 2 29 08 The Bongo Bird The Music Genie 3 4 08 Leonard the Country Squirrel King of Swing 3 6 08 King of Swing Laurie’s Big Song 3 17 08 The Grumpy Squirrel Little Bad Wolf 3 24 08 The Music Monster Spunky the Alien 4 4 08 The Bongo Bird The Music Genie 4 9 08 Mel's Super Swell Dance Party Snow Day 4 14 08 Jack and the Beanstalk Marching Band 4 15 08 Little Bad Wolf Bug Love 4 21 08 The Grumpy Squirrel Mel’s Bath Day 4 22 08 Jack Bunny The Music Monster 4 23 08 Mel’s Bath Day Spunky the Alien 4 24 08 The Music Monster The Grumpy Squirrel 4 25 08 Spunky the Alien Jack Bunny 5 6 08 Silly Show Leonard the Country Squirrel 5 8 08 Leonard the Country Squirrel King of Swing 5 13 08 How Mel Got His Groove Back Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 5 19 08 Jack and the Beanstalk Marching Band 5 22 08 Mel’s Bath Day Jack and the Beanstalk 7 11 08 King of Swing Bug Love 7 17 08 The Music Genie Grow Daddio 7 31 08 Jack’s Big Orchestra Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 8 1 08 The Music Genie Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 8 22 08 Jack and the Beanstalk Snow Day 8 29 08 Little Bad Wolf Laurie’s Big Song 9 11 08 The Grumpy Squirrel Scat Cat 9 13 08 Space Opera Scat Cat 9 15 08 Leonard the Country Squirrel The Bongo Bird 9 17 08 Jack's Big Orchestra Mel's Super Swell Dance Party 9 25 08 Bug Love Silly Show 9 26 08 Laurie’s Big Song Grow Daddio 9 27 08 Silly Show Spunky the Alien 9 28 08 Bug Love Laurie’s Big Song 9 29 08 Little Bad Wolf Mel’s Bath Day 9 30 08 Snow Day Jack’s Big Oops! 10 1 08 Mel’s Bath Day How Mel Got His Groove Back 10 6 08 Jack’s Big Orchestra Space Opera 10 11 08 Jack’s Big Orchestra Space Opera 10 15 08 King of Swing Scat Cat 10 29 08 Mel’s Bath Day Jack’s Big Oops! 11 4 08 Bug Love How Mel Got His Groove Back 11 6 08 King of Swing Grow Daddio 11 12 08 Space Opera Jack Bunny 11 16 08 Jack's Big Oops! How Mel Got His Groove Back 11 17 08 King of Swing The Bongo Bird 11 18 08 Little Bad Wolf Marching Band 11 19 08 The Bongo Bird Space Opera 11 20 08 The Music Genie Jack's Big Oops! 11 21 08 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird The Grumpy Squirrel 11 24 08 Jack Bunny Leonard the Country Squirrel 11 25 08 Jack and the Beanstalk Spunky the Alien 11 26 08 Groundhog Day Jack's Super Swell Sing-Along 12 6 08 The Music Monster Little Bad Wolf 12 7 08 Mel’s Bath Day Bug Love 12 8 08 How Mel Got His Groove Back Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 12 9 08 Silly Show Jack’s Big Orchestra 12 10 08 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Marching Band 12 11 08 Jack’s Big Orchestra How Mel Got His Groove Back 12 12 08 Marching Band Silly Show 12 13 08 How Mel Got His Groove Back Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 12 14 08 Snow Day 12 15 08 The Music Genie Scat Cat 12 16 08 Jack’s Big Oops! The Bongo Bird 12 17 08 Scat Cat Space Opera 12 18 08 The Bongo Bird The Music Genie 12 19 08 Space Opera Jack’s Big Oops! 12 20 08 The Music Genie Scat Cat 12 21 08 Snow Day 12 22 08 The Grumpy Squirrel Grow Daddio 12 23 08 Spunky the Alien King of Swing 12 25 08 Snow Day 12 26 08 King of Swing Spunky the Alien 12 27 08 The Grumpy Squirrel Grow Daddio 12 28 08 King of Swing Spunky the Alien 12 29 08 Leonard the Country Squirrel Jack Bunny 12 30 08 Little Bad Wolf Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 12 31 08 Jack Bunny Jack and the Beanstalk 1 1 09 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Leonard the Country Squirrel 1 2 09 Jack and the Beanstalk Little Bad Wolf 1 3 09 Leonard the Country Squirrel Jack Bunny 1 4 09 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Jack and the Beanstalk 1 13 09 Jack’s Big Orchestra The Music Genie 1 22 09 The Bongo Bird Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 1 23 09 King of Swing Jack’s Big Oops! 1 24 09 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along The Grumpy Squirrel 1 25 09 The Bongo Bird King of Swing 1 26 09 Scat Cat Leonard the Country Squirrel 1 30 09 Grow Daddio Space Opera 2 1 09 Mel’s Bath Day Grow Daddio 2 4 09 Jack Bunny Jack and the Beanstalk 2 6 09 Jack and the Beanstalk Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 2 13 09 How Mel Got His Groove Back Marching Band 2 14 09 Bug Love Little Bad Wolf 2 15 09 Jack’s Big Orchestra Snow Day 2 16 09 The Music Monster Jack’s Big Oops! 2 17 09 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird The Music Genie 2 18 09 Jack’s Big Oops! King of Swing 2 19 09 The Music Genie The Music Monster 2 20 09 King of Swing Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 2 21 09 The Music Monster Jack’s Big Oops! 2 22 09 The Music Genie King of Swing 2 23 09 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Space Opera 2 24 09 Laurie’s Big Song Scat Cat 2 25 09 Space Opera The Grumpy Squirrel 2 26 09 Scat Cat Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 2 27 09 The Grumpy Squirrel Laurie’s Big Song 2 28 09 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Space Opera 3 1 09 Scat Cat The Grumpy Squirrel 3 2 09 Leonard the Country Squirrel Spunky the Alien 3 3 09 The Bongo Bird Grow Daddio 3 4 09 Spunky the Alien Marching Band 3 5 09 Grow Daddio Leonard the Country Squirrel 3 6 09 Marching Band The Bongo Bird 3 7 09 Leonard the Country Squirrel Spunky the Alien 3 8 09 Grow Daddio Marching Band 3 9 09 Mel’s Bath Day Jack Bunny 3 10 09 Silly Show Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 3 11 09 Jack Bunny Jack’s Big Orchestra 3 12 09 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Mel’s Bath Day 3 13 09 Jack’s Big Orchestra Silly Show 3 14 09 Mel’s Bath Day Jack Bunny 3 15 09 The Music Genie Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 3 16 09 The Grumpy Squirrel Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 3 17 09 Jack and the Beanstalk Bug Love 3 18 09 King of Swing Little Bad Wolf 3 19 09 Bug Love How Mel Got His Groove Back 3 20 09 Little Bad Wolf Jack and the Beanstalk 3 21 09 How Mel Got His Groove Back King of Swing 3 22 09 Bug Love Little Bad Wolf 3 23 09 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Space Opera 3 24 09 Snow Day Marching Band 3 25 09 Space Opera The Music Monster 3 26 09 Marching Band Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 3 27 09 The Music Monster Snow Day 3 28 09 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Space Opera 3 29 09 Marching Band The Music Monster 3 30 09 Scat Cat Jack’s Big Oops! 3 31 09 The Bongo Bird The Grumpy Squirrel 4 1 09 Silly Show Jack and the Beanstalk 4 2 09 The Grumpy Squirrel Scat Cat 4 3 09 Jack and the Beanstalk The Bongo Bird 4 4 09 Scat Cat Jack’s Big Oops! 4 5 09 The Grumpy Squirrel Jack and the Beanstalk 4 6 09 Leonard the Country Squirrel Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 4 7 09 Jack’s Big Orchestra The Music Genie 4 8 09 Laurie’s Big Song Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 4 9 09 Little Bad Wolf Spunky the Alien 4 10 09 King of Swing Jack and the Beanstalk 4 11 09 Leonard the Country Squirrel Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 4 12 09 Grow Daddio Jack Bunny 4 13 09 How Mel Got His Groove Back Mel’s Bath Day 4 14 09 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Marching Band 4 15 09 Mel’s Bath Day Scat Cat 4 16 09 Marching Band How Mel Got His Groove Back 4 17 09 Scat Cat Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 4 18 09 How Mel Got His Groove Back Mel’s Bath Day 4 19 09 Marching Band Scat Cat 4 20 09 The Music Monster Jack’s Big Oops! 4 21 09 Bug Love Jack and the Beanstalk 4 22 09 Grow Daddio Silly Show 4 23 09 Jack and the Beanstalk The Music Monster 4 24 09 Silly Show Bug Love 4 25 09 The Music Monster Jack’s Big Oops! 4 26 09 Jack and the Beanstalk Grow Daddio 4 27 09 Laurie’s Big Song The Music Genie 4 28 09 The Bongo Bird The Grumpy Squirrel 4 29 09 The Music Genie King of Swing 4 30 09 The Grumpy Squirrel Laurie’s Big Song 5 1 09 King of Swing The Bongo Bird 5 2 09 Laurie’s Big Song The Music Genie 5 3 09 The Grumpy Squirrel King of Swing 5 4 09 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Snow Day 5 5 09 Little Bad Wolf Spunky the Alien 5 6 09 Snow Day Space Opera 5 7 09 Spunky the Alien Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 5 8 09 Space Opera Little Bad Wolf 5 9 09 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Snow Day 5 10 09 Spunky the Alien Space Opera 5 11 09 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird The Music Monster 5 12 09 Jack’s Big Orchestra How Mel Got His Groove Back 5 13 09 The Music Monster Jack Bunny 5 14 09 How Mel Got His Groove Back Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 5 15 09 Jack Bunny Jack’s Big Orchestra 5 16 09 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird The Music Monster 5 17 09 Leonard the Country Squirrel Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 5 18 09 Bug Love Scat Cat 5 19 09 Silly Show King of Swing 5 20 09 The Bongo Bird Marching Band 5 21 09 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Jack and the Beanstalk 5 22 09 The Grumpy Squirrel Mel’s Bath Day 5 23 09 Bug Love Scat Cat 5 24 09 The Bongo Bird Marching Band 5 25 09 Little Bad Wolf Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 5 26 09 Jack’s Big Oops! Laurie’s Big Song 5 27 09 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Space Opera 5 28 09 Laurie’s Big Song Little Bad Wolf 5 29 09 Marching Band Spunky the Alien 5 30 09 Spunky the Alien Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 5 31 09 Bug Love Grow Daddio 6 1 09 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Leonard the Country Squirrel 6 2 09 How Mel Got His Groove Back Jack Bunny 6 3 09 Grow Daddio Leonard the Country Squirrel 6 4 09 Laurie’s Big Song Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 6 5 09 Jack’s Big Orchestra Jack and the Beanstalk 6 8 09 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Mel’s Bath Day 6 9 09 Leonard the Country Squirrel Bug Love 6 10 09 The Music Monster Silly Show 6 11 09 Bug Love Spunky the Alien 6 12 09 Silly Show Leonard the Country Squirrel 6 13 09 Spunky the Alien The Music Monster 6 14 09 Snow Day 6 15 09 King of Swing The Grumpy Squirrel 6 16 09 Jack Bunny Jack and the Beanstalk 6 17 09 The Grumpy Squirrel The Bongo Bird 6 18 09 Jack and the Beanstalk King of Swing 6 19 09 The Bongo Bird Jack Bunny 6 20 09 King of Swing The Grumpy Squirrel 6 21 09 Jack and the Beanstalk The Bongo Bird 6 22 09 Mel’s Bath Day Jack’s Big Oops! 6 23 09 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Marching Band 6 24 09 Jack’s Big Oops! Little Bad Wolf 6 25 09 Marching Band Mel’s Bath Day 6 26 09 Little Bad Wolf Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 6 27 09 Mel’s Bath Day Jack’s Big Oops! 6 28 09 Marching Band Little Bad Wolf 6 29 09 Space Opera Scat Cat 6 30 09 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 7 1 09 Scat Cat The Music Genie 7 2 09 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Space Opera 7 3 09 The Music Genie Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 7 4 09 Space Opera Scat Cat 7 5 09 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird The Music Genie 7 6 09 Grow Daddio Silly Show 7 7 09 Jack’s Big Orchestra Laurie’s Big Song 7 8 09 Silly Show Leonard the Country Squirrel 7 9 09 Laurie’s Big Song Grow Daddio 7 10 09 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Laurie’s Big Song 7 11 09 Grow Daddio Silly Show 7 12 09 Laurie’s Big Song Leonard the Country Squirrel 7 13 09 The Music Monster Snow Day 7 14 09 How Mel Got His Groove Back Spunky the Alien 7 15 09 Snow Day Bug Love 7 16 09 Spunky the Alien The Music Monster 7 17 09 Bug Love How Mel Got His Groove Back 7 18 09 The Music Monster Snow Day 7 19 09 Spunky the Alien Bug Love 7 20 09 The Bongo Bird Jack and the Beanstalk 7 21 09 Jack Bunny King of Swing 7 22 09 Jack and the Beanstalk Mel’s Bath Day 7 23 09 King of Swing The Bongo Bird 7 24 09 Mel’s Bath Day Jack Bunny 7 25 09 The Bongo Bird Jack and the Beanstalk 7 26 09 Jack’s Big Orchestra Marching Band 7 27 09 Little Bad Wolf Scat Cat 7 28 09 The Grumpy Squirrel The Music Genie 7 29 09 Jack’s Big Oops! Marching Band 7 30 09 Scat Cat Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 7 31 09 Space Opera Grow Daddio 8 1 09 Little Bad Wolf Jack’s Big Oops! 8 2 09 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Little Bad Wolf 8 3 09 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Leonard the Country Squirrel 8 4 09 Silly Show Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 8 5 09 Leonard the Country Squirrel Bug Love 8 6 09 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 8 7 09 Bug Love Silly Show 8 8 09 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Little Bad Wolf 8 9 09 Leonard the Country Squirrel The Bongo Bird 8 10 09 How Mel Got His Groove Back Laurie’s Big Song 8 11 09 The Music Monster Mel’s Bath Day 8 12 09 Laurie’s Big Song King of Swing 8 13 09 Mel’s Bath Day How Mel Got His Groove Back 8 14 09 King of Swing The Music Monster 8 15 09 How Mel Got His Groove Back Laurie’s Big Song 8 16 09 Mel’s Bath Day King of Swing 8 17 09 The Bongo Bird Jack and the Beanstalk 8 18 09 Snow Day Jack’s Big Oops! 8 19 09 Jack and the Beanstalk Jack Bunny 8 20 09 Jack’s Big Oops! The Bongo Bird 8 21 09 Jack Bunny Snow Day 8 22 09 Jack and the Beanstalk Jack’s Big Oops! 8 23 09 Jack Bunny The Bongo Bird 8 24 09 The Music Genie Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 8 25 09 Spunky the Alien Marching Band 8 26 09 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Scat Cat 8 27 09 Marching Band The Music Genie 8 28 09 Scat Cat Spunky the Alien 8 29 09 The Music Genie Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 8 30 09 Marching Band Scat Cat 8 31 09 Grow Daddio Bug Love 9 1 09 The Grumpy Squirrel Jack’s Big Orchestra 9 2 09 Bug Love Little Bad Wolf 9 3 09 Jack’s Big Orchestra Grow Daddio 9 4 09 Little Bad Wolf The Grumpy Squirrel 9 5 09 Grow Daddio Bug Love 9 6 09 Jack’s Big Orchestra Little Bad Wolf 8 17 10 Mel’s Bath Day The Music Genie 8 18 10 Jack and the Beanstalk King of Swing 8 19 10 The Music Genie The Bongo Bird 8 20 10 King of Swing Mel’s Bath Day 8 23 10 Bug Love Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 8 24 10 Jack’s Big Orchestra Jack and the Beanstalk 8 25 10 Spunky the Alien Jack Bunny 8 26 10 Jack’s Big Oops! How Mel Got His Groove Back 8 27 10 Grow Daddio Silly Show 8 30 10 Marching Band Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 8 31 10 Leonard the Country Squirrel Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 9 3 10 The Bongo Bird Jack’s Big Oops! 9 6 10 Scat Cat Space Opera 9 10 10 Bug Love The Bongo Bird 10 5 10 Jack and the Beanstalk Jack’s Big Oops! 10 26 10 The Music Monster Laurie's Big Song 11 6 10 The Bongo Bird Scat Cat 11 7 10 The Music Genie Spunky the Alien 11 8 10 Jack’s Big Oops! Jack and the Beanstalk 11 9 10 How Mel Got His Groove Back Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 11 10 10 Jack and the Beanstalk Silly Show 11 11 10 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Jack’s Big Oops! 11 12 10 Silly Show How Mel Got His Groove Back 11 26 10 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Spunky the Alien 11 29 10 Leonard the Country Squirrel Mel's Bath Day 12 1 10 Mel’s Bath Day Bug Love 12 6 10 Jack Bunny Laurie’s Big Song 12 7 10 The Bongo Bird Space Opera 12 8 10 Laurie’s Big Song Marching Band 12 9 10 Space Opera Jack Bunny 12 10 10 Marching Band The Bongo Bird 12 13 10 King of Swing Snow Day 12 14 10 Jack’s Big Oops! How Mel Got His Groove Back 12 15 10 Snow Day Silly Show 12 16 10 How Mel Got His Groove Back King of Swing 12 17 10 Silly Show Jack’s Big Oops! 12 20 10 Jack’s Big Orchestra Little Bad Wolf 12 21 10 The Music Genie Spunky the Alien 12 22 10 Little Bad Wolf Snow Day 12 23 10 Spunky the Alien Jack’s Big Orchestra 12 25 10 Snow Day 12 27 10 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Jack and the Beanstalk 12 28 10 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 12 29 10 Scat Cat Mel’s Bath Day 12 30 10 The Grumpy Squirrel Bug Love 12 31 10 Laurie’s Big Song Leonard the Country Squirrel 1 1 11 Spunky the Alien Little Bad Wolf 1 3 11 Leonard the Country Squirrel Grow Daddio 1 5 11 Spunky the Alien Jack’s Big Oops! 1 6 11 Silly Show Space Opera 1 11 11 Little Bad Wolf Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 1 12 11 Jack’s Big Orchestra Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 1 13 11 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Jack and the Beanstalk 1 14 11 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Little Bad Wolf 1 15 11 Jack’s Big Oops! Jack’s Big Oops! 1 16 11 Space Opera Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 1 17 11 Mel’s Bath Day Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 1 18 11 Spunky the Alien The Grumpy Squirrel 1 19 11 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Scat Cat 1 20 11 The Grumpy Squirrel Mel’s Bath Day 1 21 11 Scat Cat Spunky the Alien 1 22 11 Silly Show Scat Cat 1 23 11 The Music Genie The Bongo Bird 1 24 11 King of Swing Laurie's Big Song 1 30 11 Snow Day Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 1 31 11 Jack's Big Oops! The Bongo Bird 2 2 11 Jack and the Beanstalk Groundhog Day 2 4 11 Laurie’s Big Song Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 2 5 11 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird King of Swing 2 6 11 Spunky the Alien Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 2 7 11 The Bongo Bird Scat Cat 2 8 11 Space Opera Jack’s Big Orchestra 2 9 11 Jack and the Beanstalk Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 2 10 11 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Little Bad Wolf 2 11 11 The Grumpy Squirrel How Mel Got His Groove Back 2 14 11 Bug Love Mel’s Bath Day 2 15 11 Scat Cat Spunky the Alien 2 16 11 Laurie’s Big Song Grow Daddio 2 17 11 Snow Day The Bongo Bird 2 18 11 King of Swing Jack’s Big Oops! 3 11 11 Spunky the Alien Jack's Big Orchestra 3 14 11 Little Bad Wolf The Grumpy Squirrel 3 15 11 Grow Daddio Leonard the Country Squirrel 3 16 11 Space Opera Bug Love 3 17 11 Mel’s Bath Day Jack’s Big Oops! 3 18 11 Jack and the Beanstalk How Mel Got His Groove Back 4 8 11 The Bongo Bird Scat Cat 4 12 11 Marching Band Spunky the Alien 4 14 11 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Leonard the Country Squirrel 4 20 11 Little Bad Wolf How Mel Got His Groove Back 4 21 11 Bug Love Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 4 22 11 Grow Daddio Grow Daddio 4 25 11 The Music Genie King of Swing 4 26 11 Jack’s Big Oops! The Music Monster 4 27 11 Jack Bunny Snow Day 4 28 11 Marching Band Scat Cat 4 29 11 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Jack and the Beanstalk 5 11 11 The Music Genie The Music Monster 5 12 11 Marching Band Mel's Bath Day 5 13 11 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 5 16 11 Jack Bunny The Bongo Bird 5 17 11 Jack and the Beanstalk Scat Cat 5 18 11 The Bongo Bird Space Opera 5 19 11 Scat Cat Jack Bunny 5 20 11 Space Opera Jack and the Beanstalk 6 14 11 Snow Day The Music Genie 6 15 11 Space Opera The Bongo Bird 6 16 11 Bug Love Jack's Super Swell Sing-Along 6 17 11 Marching Band Jack and the Beanstalk 6 20 11 Mel's Bath Day Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 6 21 11 Mel's Super Swell Dance Party Mel's Super Swell Dance Party 6 22 11 Bug Love The Grumpy Squirrel 6 23 11 Laurie's Big Song Space Opera 6 24 11 King of Swing Bug Love 6 30 11 Jack's Big Oops! The Music Monster 7 1 11 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Grow Daddio 7 4 11 The Bongo Bird King of Swing 7 5 11 Groundhog Day Marching Band 7 6 11 Leonard the Country Squirrel Jack's Big Orchestra 7 7 11 Grow Daddio Leonard the Country Squirrel 7 8 11 Jack Bunny How Mel Got His Groove Back 7 11 11 Scat Cat Laurie's Big Song 7 12 11 Jack and the Beanstalk Scat Cat 7 13 11 Silly Show Jack Bunny 7 14 11 Little Bad Wolf Mel's Bath Day 7 15 11 The Music Genie Jack and the Beanstalk 7 18 11 Marching Band Snow Day 7 19 11 Jack's Big Orchestra Mel's Bath Day 7 20 11 Snow Day Jack and the Beanstalk 7 21 11 Leonard the Country Squirrel Laurie's Big Song 7 22 11 Mel's Super Swell Dance Party Scat Cat 7 25 11 Space Opera Bug Love 8 8 11 The Bongo Bird Jack's Big Oops! 8 15 11 Groundhog Day Little Bad Wolf 8 16 11 Jack and the Beanstalk Marching Band 8 17 11 Jack Bunny Grow Daddio 8 18 11 Little Bad Wolf Jack's Big Orchestra 8 19 11 The Music Genie How Mel Got His Groove Back 8 22 11 Marching Band Mel's Bath Day 8 23 11 Jack and the Beanstalk Jack's Big Oops! 8 24 11 Mel's Super Swell Dance Party Laurie's Big Song 8 25 11 Snow Day Scat Cat 8 26 11 Space Opera Bug Love 8 31 11 How Mel Got His Groove Back Spunky the Alien 9 1 11 Bug Love Jack Bunny 9 2 11 King of Swing Jack's Super Swell Sing-Along 9 12 11 The Bongo Bird King of Swing 9 13 11 Grow Daddio The Music Genie 9 14 11 Silly Show The Grumpy Squirrel 9 15 11 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Little Bad Wolf 9 16 11 Leonard the Country Squirrel The Bongo Bird 9 26 11 Mel's Bath Day Jack and the Beanstalk 10 6 11 The Music Monster Scat Cat 10 7 11 Bug Love Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 10 10 11 Jack and the Beanstalk The Music Monster 10 11 11 Scat Cat The Music Genie 10 12 11 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Jack's Big Oops! 10 13 11 Leonard the Country Squirrel King of Swing 10 14 11 Spunky the Alien The Grumpy Squirrel 10 17 11 Silly Show Laurie's Big Song 10 18 11 The Music Monster The Bongo Bird 10 19 11 How Mel Got His Groove Back Little Bad Wolf 10 20 11 Leonard the Country Squirrel Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 10 21 11 Grow Daddio Silly Show 10 24 11 How Mel Got His Groove Back The Music Monster 11 1 11 Jack's Super Swell Sing-Along Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 11 7 11 Scat Cat Laurie's Big Song 11 8 11 Mel's Bath Day The Bongo Bird 11 9 11 Jack Bunny Little Bad Wolf 11 10 11 Groundhog Day Jack and the Beanstalk 11 11 11 The Grumpy Squirrel Jack's Big Oops! 12 26 11 How Mel Got His Groove Back Spunky the Alien 12 27 11 Snow Day Jack's Big Oops! 12 28 11 The Music Genie Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 12 29 11 Laurie's Big Song The Bongo Bird 12 30 11 Mel's Super Swell Dance Party Laurie's Big Song 1 2 12 Spunky the Alien Grow Daddio 1 3 12 Scat Cat Little Bad Wolf 1 4 12 Groundhog Day Jack's Super Swell Sing-Along 1 5 12 Mel's Bath Day The Music Genie 1 6 12 Snow Day The Grumpy Squirrel 1 9 12 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird How Mel Got His Groove Back 1 10 12 Jack and the Beanstalk Mel's Bath Day 1 11 12 The Bongo Bird Jack's Big Orchestra 1 12 12 Leonard the Country Squirrel Jack and the Beanstalk 1 13 12 How Mel Got His Groove Back Grow Daddio 1 16 12 Snow Day Silly Show 1 17 12 Jack's Big Orchestra Marching Band 1 18 12 Silly Show Space Opera 1 19 12 The Music Monster Jack's Big Oops! 1 20 12 Spunky the Alien Bug Love 1 23 12 Snow Day Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 1 24 12 How Mel Got His Groove Back Laurie's Big Song 1 25 12 Mel's Super Swell Dance Party The Bongo Bird 1 26 12 Jack's Big Oops! Grow Daddio 1 27 12 Bug Love The Music Genie 1 30 12 Jack's Big Orchestra Jack Bunny 1 31 12 Leonard the Country Squirrel King of Swing 2 1 12 Spunky the Alien Little Bad Wolf 2 2 12 Leonard the Country Squirrel Jack's Super Swell Sing-Along 2 3 12 Groundhog Day The Grumpy Squirrel 2 6 12 Scat Cat Mel's Bath Day 2 7 12 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird How Mel Got His Groove Back 2 8 12 Leonard the Country Squirrel Bug Love 2 9 12 How Mel Got His Groove Back Jack and the Beanstalk 2 10 12 The Bongo Bird Snow Day 2 13 12 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Silly Show 2 14 12 Jack's Big Oops! Bug Love 2 15 12 Mel's Bath Day Marching Band 2 16 12 Jack's Super Swell Sing-Along Space Opera 2 17 12 Jack's Big Orchestra The Bongo Bird 2 20 12 Little Bad Wolf The Bongo Bird 2 21 12 How Mel Got His Groove Back Jack's Big Oops! 2 22 12 Silly Show Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 2 23 12 Bug Love The Grumpy Squirrel 2 24 12 Scat Cat Spunky the Alien 2 27 12 Leonard the Country Squirrel Scat Cat 2 28 12 Spunky the Alien Grow Daddio 2 29 12 Laurie's Big Song Jack's Big Oops! 8 13 12 Spunky the Alien Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 8 14 12 Laurie’s Big Song Leonard the Country Squirrel 8 15 12 Jack’s Big Orchestra Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 8 16 12 Space Opera The Bongo Bird 8 17 12 Jack and the Beanstalk The Grumpy Squirrel 8 20 12 How Mel Got His Groove Back Spunky the Alien 8 21 12 Jack’s Big Oops! Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 8 22 12 Scat Cat Laurie’s Big Song 8 23 12 Silly Show Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 8 24 12 Bug Love Leonard the Country Squirrel 8 27 12 Marching Band Space Opera 8 28 12 Little Bad Wolf The Bongo Bird 8 29 12 Grow Daddio Jack and the Beanstalk 8 30 12 Jack’s Big Orchestra How Mel Got His Groove Back 8 31 12 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along The Grumpy Squirrel 9 3 12 Marching Band Grow Daddio 9 4 12 Jack and the Beanstalk Spunky the Alien 9 5 12 Bug Love Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 9 6 12 Jack’s Big Oops! Scat Cat 9 7 12 Laurie’s Big Song Silly Show 9 10 12 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Leonard the Country Squirrel 9 11 12 Space Opera Little Bad Wolf 9 12 12 How Mel Got His Groove Back Jack’s Big Orchestra 9 13 12 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along The Bongo Bird 9 14 12 Marching Band The Grumpy Squirrel 9 17 12 Little Bad Wolf Laurie’s Big Song 9 18 12 Space Opera How Mel Got His Groove Back 9 19 12 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Jack’s Big Oops! 9 20 12 Bug Love Jack’s Big Orchestra 9 21 12 The Grumpy Squirrel Marching Band 9 25 12 Mel’s Bath Day The Bongo Bird 9 26 12 Laurie’s Big Song Little Bad Wolf 10 1 12 Jack’s Big Oops! Grow Daddio 10 2 12 Silly Show Bug Love 10 3 12 Leonard the Country Squirrel Jack and the Beanstalk 10 4 12 Spunky the Alien Scat Cat 10 5 12 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 10 8 12 Marching Band Jack Bunny 10 9 12 The Music Genie The Grumpy Squirrel 10 10 12 Mel’s Bath Day Little Bad Wolf 10 11 12 The Bongo Bird Space Opera 10 12 12 Laurie’s Big Song How Mel Got His Groove Back 10 15 12 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Jack’s Big Oops! 10 16 12 Jack’s Big Orchestra Silly Show 10 17 12 Grow Daddio Bug Love 10 18 12 Leonard the Country Squirrel Jack and the Beanstalk 10 19 12 Scat Cat Spunky the Alien 10 22 12 The Bongo Bird Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 10 23 12 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Marching Band 10 24 12 The Music Genie Jack Bunny 10 25 12 The Grumpy Squirrel Mel’s Bath Day 10 26 12 Laurie’s Big Song Space Opera 10 29 12 How Mel Got His Groove Back Jack’s Big Oops! 10 30 12 Jack’s Big Orchestra Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 10 31 12 Little Bad Wolf The Music Monster 11 1 12 How Mel Got His Groove Back The Music Genie 11 2 12 The Bongo Bird Marching Band 11 5 12 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Space Opera 11 6 12 Jack and the Beanstalk The Bongo Bird 11 7 12 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Grow Daddio 11 8 12 The Music Monster Silly Show 11 9 12 Leonard the Country Squirrel Jack’s Big Oops! 11 10 12 The Music Monster Laurie’s Big Song 11 13 12 Jack and the Beanstalk Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 11 14 12 Jack’s Big Orchestra Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 11 15 12 Grow Daddio Jack’s Big Orchestra 11 16 12 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Little Bad Wolf 11 19 12 The Music Genie Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 11 20 12 Bug Love The Bongo Bird 11 21 12 Grow Daddio Marching Band 11 22 12 Leonard the Country Squirrel 11 23 12 Spunky the Alien Space Opera 11 26 12 Scat Cat The Music Monster 11 27 12 How Mel Got His Groove Back Jack’s Big Oops! 11 28 12 King of Swing Silly Show 11 29 12 The Grumpy Squirrel Laurie’s Big Song 11 30 12 Snow Day Jack’s Big Orchestra 12 3 12 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Jack and the Beanstalk 12 4 12 Mel’s Bath Day Snow Day 12 5 12 Little Bad Wolf Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 12 6 12 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party The Music Genie 12 7 12 The Bongo Bird Bug Love 12 9 12 Jack’s Big Orchestra Jack’s Big Oops! 12 14 12 Laurie’s Big Song The Grumpy Squirrel 12 17 12 Jack’s Big Oops! Spunky the Alien 12 18 12 The Music Monster Jack’s Big Orchestra 12 19 12 Scat Cat Jack and the Beanstalk 12 20 12 Mel’s Bath Day Jack Bunny 12 21 12 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Little Bad Wolf 12 26 12 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along The Music Genie 12 27 12 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party The Bongo Bird 12 28 12 Bug Love Silly Show 12 31 12 Space Opera Leonard the Country Squirrel 1 1 13 Grow Daddio Marching Band 1 2 13 How Mel Got His Groove Back King of Swing 1 3 13 Laurie’s Big Song Snow Day 1 4 13 Jack’s Big Oops! The Grumpy Squirrel 1 7 13 Spunky the Alien Scat Cat 1 8 13 The Music Monster Mel’s Bath Day 1 9 13 Little Bad Wolf Jack’s Big Orchestra 1 10 13 Jack and the Beanstalk Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 1 11 13 Jack Bunny Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along 1 15 13 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party The Music Genie 1 16 13 The Bongo Bird Bug Love 1 17 13 Space Opera Silly Show 1 18 13 Grow Daddio Marching Band 1 21 13 How Mel Got His Groove Back Laurie’s Big Song 1 22 13 King of Swing Jack’s Big Oops! 1 23 13 Snow Day The Grumpy Squirrel 1 24 13 The Music Monster Spunky the Alien 1 25 13 Mel’s Bath Day Little Bad Wolf 1 28 13 Jack’s Big Orchestra Jack and the Beanstalk 1 29 13 Phil the Coo-Coo Bird Jack Bunny 1 30 13 Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along Scat Cat 1 31 13 Leonard the Country Squirrel Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party 2 1 13 The Music Genie The Bongo Bird 2 7 13 King of Swing Snow Day 2 8 13 Jack’s Big Oops! The Grumpy Squirrel 2 11 13 Mel’s Bath Day The Music Monster 2 12 13 Snow Day Spunky the Alien 2 13 13 Jack and the Beanstalk Jack’s Big Orchestra 2 14 13 Bug Love Bug Love 2 15 13 Jack Bunny Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 2 18 13 Scat Cat Jack’s Super Swell Sing-Along The Music Monster Little Bad Wolf 2 19 13 Mel’s Super Swell Dance Party Leonard the Country Squirrel 2 20 13 The Music Genie Space Opera 2 21 13 The Bongo Bird Silly Show 2 22 13 Grow Daddio How Mel Got His Groove Back 2 25 13 Marching Band King of Swing 2 26 13 Laurie’s Big Song Snow Day 2 27 13 Jack’s Big Oops! Mel’s Bath Day 2 28 13 The Grumpy Squirrel Spunky the Alien 3 1 13 Little Bad Wolf Jack’s Big Oops! 3 4 13 Jack and the Beanstalk Scat Cat 3 5 13 Spunky the Alien The Grumpy Squirrel 3 6 13 Space Opera Marching Band 3 7 13 Silly Show Jack Bunny 3 8 13 Mel’s Bath Day Space Opera 3 9 13 Little Bad Wolf Phil the Coo-Coo Bird 3 15 13 Snow Day Jack’s Big Oops! 6 16 14 The Music Monster Jack and the Beanstalk 12 26 14 Snow Day The Grumpy Squirrel