New South Wales: Perbezaan antara semakan

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[[Fail:Map of NSW Highways.png|thumbnail|Peta menunjukkan [[Senarai lebuh raya di New South Wales|lebuh raya]] di New South Wales.]]
[[Fail:Map of NSW Highways.png|thumbnail|Peta menunjukkan [[Senarai lebuh raya di New South Wales|lebuh raya]] di New South Wales.]]
After winning a comfortable though reduced majority in 1984, Wran resigned as premier and left parliament. His replacement [[Barry Unsworth]] struggled to emerge from Wran's shadow and lost a 1988 election against a resurgent Liberal Party led by [[Nick Greiner]]. Unsworth was replaced as ALP leader by Bob Carr. Initially Greiner was a popular leader instigating reform such as the creation of the [[Independent Commission Against Corruption]] (ICAC). Greiner called a snap election in 1991 which the Liberals were expected to win. However the ALP polled extremely well and the Liberals lost their majority and needed the support of independents to retain power.
Selepas menang selesa walaupun majoriti berkurangan pada tahun 1984, Wran meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri dan meninggalkan parlimen. Penggantinya [[Barry Unsworth]] bergelut untuk keluar dari bayang-bayang Wran dan kalah pilihan raya 1988 melawan kebangkitan Parti Liberal diketuai oleh [[Nick Greiner]]. Unsworth telah digantikan sebagai pemimpin ALP oleh Bob Carr. Pada mulanya Greiner adalah seorang pemimpin yang popular dengan pembaharuan seperti penciptaan [[Suruhanjaya Bebas Menentang Rasuah]] (ICAC). Greiner memanggil pilihan raya mengejut pada tahun 1991 yang Liberal dijangka menang. Walau bagaimanapun ALP memperoleh undian dengan sangat baik dan Liberal kehilangan majoriti dan memerlukan sokongan calon bebas untuk mengekalkan kuasa.

Greiner was accused (by ICAC) of corrupt actions involving an allegation that a government position was offered to tempt an independent (who had defected from the Liberals) to resign his seat so that the Liberal party could regain it and shore up its numbers. Greiner resigned but was later cleared of corruption. His replacement as Liberal leader and Premier was [[John Fahey (politician)|John Fahey]]. Although personally popular, Fahey's government suffered from a series of scandals including tax evasion, illegal recording of customer conversations, sexual harassment, and death threats. {{Fact|date=June 2007}} In the 1995 election, Fahey's government lost narrowly and the ALP under [[Bob Carr]] returned to power.
Greiner was accused (by ICAC) of corrupt actions involving an allegation that a government position was offered to tempt an independent (who had defected from the Liberals) to resign his seat so that the Liberal party could regain it and shore up its numbers. Greiner resigned but was later cleared of corruption. His replacement as Liberal leader and Premier was [[John Fahey (politician)|John Fahey]]. Although personally popular, Fahey's government suffered from a series of scandals including tax evasion, illegal recording of customer conversations, sexual harassment, and death threats. {{Fact|date=June 2007}} In the 1995 election, Fahey's government lost narrowly and the ALP under [[Bob Carr]] returned to power.

Semakan pada 02:53, 1 September 2015

32°0′S 147°0′E / 32.000°S 147.000°E / -32.000; 147.000

New South Wales
Flag of New South Wales Coat of Arms of New South Wales
Bendera Jata
Slogan atau nama samaran: First State, Premier State
Moto(s): "Orta Recens Quam Pura Nites"
(Baru Naik, Betapa How Brightly You Shine)
Peta Australia dengan New South Wales diserlahkan
Negeri dan wilayah Australia lain
Ibu negeri Sydney
Kerajaan Perlembagaan persekutuan
Gabenor Professor Marie Bashir
Perdana Menteri Morris Iemma (ALP)
Wakil persekutuan
 - Kerusi Dewan 50
 - Kerusi Senat 12
Keluaran Kasar Negeri (2004-05)
 - Produk ($m)  $305,437 (Pertama)
 - Produk per capita  $45,153 (ke-4)
Penduduk (Akhir Mac 2006)
 - Populasi  6,817,100 (Pertama)
 - Kepadatan  8.45/km² (ke-3)
21.9 /sq mi
 - Jumlah  809,444 km² (ke-5)
312,528 sq mi
 - Tanah 800,642 km²
309,130 sq mi
 - Air 8,802 km² (1.09%)
3,398 sq mi
 - Tertinggi Gunung Kosciuszko
2,228 m (7,310 ft)
 - Terendah Aras laut
Zon waktu UTC+10 (+11 DST)
(perbezaan ½-jam)
 - Postal NSW
 - ISO 3166-2 AU-NS
 - bunga Waratah
(Telopea speciosissima)
 - Burung Kookaburra
(Dacelo gigas)
 - Haiwan Platipus
(Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
 - Ikan Ikan kerapu biru
(Achoerodus viridis)
 - Warna Biru langit
(Pantone 291)
Laman web

New South Wales (disingkatkan sebagai NSW) adalah negeri dengan penduduk teramai di Australia. NSW terletak di bahagian tenggara Australia, di utara Victoria dan selatan Queensland. Ia diasaskan pada 1788 dan pada asalnya terdiri dari sebahagian besar tanah besar Australia, dan juga New Zealand, Pulau Lord Howe dan Pulau Norfolk. Sewaktu abad ke-19 kawasan-kawasan besar telah diasingkan berturut-turut untuk membentuk koloni British di Tasmania, Australia Selatan, Victoria, Queensland dan New Zealand.

Penduduk New South Wales digelar New South Welshman. Ibu negeri dan bandar terbesar NSW ialah Sydney.


Orang Asli

Penduduk asal kawasan ini adalah puak-puak Orang Asli yang tiba di Australia sekitar empat puluh ke enam puluh ribu tahun lepas.

Penenokaan Eropah

Penemuan Eropah pada New South Wales telah dilakukan oleh Kapten James Cook sewaktu perjalanannya sepanjang pantai timur Australia pada 1770.

Dalam jurnal meliputi kajiannya pada pantai timur benua Australia, Cook pertama menamakan pantai timur Australia "New Wales", yang mana dia membetulkan jurnalnya kepada "New South Wales".[1]

Penelokaan yang pertama oleh British telah dilakukan oleh apa yang digelar dalam sejarah Australia sebagai First Fleet diketuai oleh Kapten Arthur Phillip yang mengambil peranan gabenor setelah ketibaan pada 1788 hingga 1792.[2][3] Pada masa itu New South Wales adalah keseluruhannya sebuah koloni banduan.

Bertahun-tahun selepas kekecohan, anarki dan pembuangan Gabenor William Bligh, seorang gabenor baru, Leftenan-kolonel (kemudian Major-Jeneral) Lachlan Macquarie, telah dikirimkan dari Britain untuk mempebaharukan penerokaan ini pada 1809.[4] Sewaktu sebagai gabenor, Macquarie mewujudkan jawatankuasa pembinaan jalanraya, dermaga, gereja dan bangunan awam, mengirim peneroka ke seluruh benua Australia dan memberikan kerja pada seorang pengatur cara untuk mereka bentuk susun atur jalan Sydney. Legasi Macquarie adalah masih muncul sehingga kini.

Kerubut emas

Kerubut emas berlaku pada pertengahan abad ke-19 mewujudkan pengembangan bagi pendudukan New South Wales. Selepas Kerubut , peneroka mendapatkan sebuah kerajaan yang dapat memerintah dan menguruskan kawasan mereka. Penyebabnya adalah Akta Perlembangaan New South Wales 1855, diterajui melalui Parlimen British oleh veteran radikal Lord John Russell, yang hanya mahu perlembagaan yang menyeimbangkan unsur-unsur demokrasi terhadap kepentingan harta, seperti juga sistem Parlimen di Britain pada masa ini. Akta tersebut mencipta dwidewan Parlimen New South Wales, dengan dewan rendah, Dewan Undangan, yang terdiri daripada 54 orang ahli.

Apabila penduduk terus meningkat, negara-negara jajahan yang berasingan telah berpecah dari NSW yang besar. Tasmania, Victoria, Australia Selatan, dan Queensland telah dibentuk sebagai pemerintahan jajahan sendiri lalu mengurangkan keluasan NSW seperti sekarang.


Pada akhir abad ke-19, gerakan ke arah persekutuan antara tanah jajahan Australia memperoleh momentum. Konvensyen dan forum yang melibatkan pemimpin tanah jajahan telah diadakan secara tetap. Pendukung NSW sebagai negara perdagangan bebas berada dalam pertikaian dengan tanah jajahan lain terkemuka iaitu Victoria yang mempunyai ekonomi yang bersifat melindungi. Pada masa ini jawatan kastam adalah biasa di sempadan, walaupun di Sungai Murray. Penyokong persekutuan termasuk tokoh utama NSW Sir Henry Parkes yang ucapannya pada 1889 di Tenterfield itu sangat penting bagi perhimpunan menyokong penglibatan NSW. Edmund Barton yang kemudiannya menjadi Perdana Menteri pertama di Australia merupakan satu lagi penyokong kuat bagi persekutuan dan mesyuarat diadakan di Corowa pada tahun 1893 bagi menggubal sebuah perlembagaan awal.

Pada tahun 1898 referendum popular untuk membentuk persekutuan yang dicadangkan telah diadakan di NSW, Victoria, Australia Selatan dan Tasmania. Semua undi membawa majoriti bersetuju, tetapi kerajaan NSW bawah pemerintahan George Reid (lebih dikenali sebagai "ya-ntidak Reid" kerana sering berubah pendapat mengenai isu itu) menetapkan syarat undi "ya" yang lebih tinggi daripada sekadar majoriti mudah yang tidak dipenuhi.

Pada tahun 1899 referendum lanjut telah diadakan di negeri-negeri yang sama dan juga Queensland (tetapi tidak Barat Australia). Semua menghasilkan undi ya dengan majoriti meningkat daripada tahun sebelumnya. NSW juga memenuhi syarat yang telah ditetapkan kerajaan untuk undian ya. Sebagai kompromi kepada persoalan di mana ibu negara akan ditempatkan, satu perjanjian telah dibuat bahawa tapak itu berada dalam NSW tetapi tidak kurang daripada 100 batu (161 km) dari Sydney. Akhirnya kawasan itu yang kini membentuk Australian Capital Territory diserahkan oleh NSW apabila Canberra dipilih.

Awal abad ke-20

New South Wales pada 1916

Pada tahun-tahun selepas Perang Dunia I, harga tinggi yang dinikmati semasa perang telah menurun dengan penyambungan semula perdagangan antarabangsa, dan para petani menjadi semakin tidak puas hati dengan harga tetap yang dibayar oleh pihak berkuasa pasaran wajib yang diwujudkan sebagai langkah perang oleh kerajaan Hughes. Pada tahun 1919 petani membentuk Parti Negara, diketuai di peringkat kebangsaan oleh Earle Page, seorang doktor dari Grafton, dan di peringkat negeri oleh Michael Bruxner, seorang petani kecil dari Tenterfield.

Kemelesetan Besar yang bermula pada tahun 1929 menandakan bermulanya tempoh konflik politik dan kelas di New South Wales. Pengangguran besar-besaran dan kejatuhan harga komoditi mencelakakan kedua-dua pekerja bandar dan petani. Penerima faedah daripada rasa tidak puas hati yang berlaku bukanlah Parti Komunis, yang kekal kecil dan lemah, tetapi populisme Buruh Jack Lang. Kerajaan kedua Lang telah dipilih pada bulan November 1930 pada dasar mengenepikan hutang New South Wales kepada pemegang bon British dan menggunakan wang untuk membantu mereka yang menganggur melalui kerja-kerja awam. Ini telah dikecam sebagai haram oleh golongan konservatif, dan juga oleh kerajaan persekutuan Buruh James Scullin. Akibatnya ialah penyokong Lang dalam Kaukus persekutuan menjatuhkan kerajaan Scullin, menyebabkan perpecahan kedua dalam Parti Buruh. Pada bulan Mei 1932 Gabenor, Sir Philip Game membubar kerajaannya. Pilihan raya berikutnya dimenangi oleh pembangkang konservatif.

Kem tahanan perang Jepun diCowra, 1944, beberapa minggu sebelum pelarian Cowra

Dengan tercetusnya Perang Dunia II pada tahun 1939, perbezaan antara New South Wales dan negeri-negeri lain yang telah muncul pada abad ke-19 telah pudar akibat daripada persekutuan dan pembangunan ekonomi di sebalik dinding tarif perlindungan. New South Wales terus mendahului Victoria sebagai pusat industri, dan termausk kepesatan aspek kewangan dan perdagangan. Buruh kembali memerintah di bawah kepimpinan William McKell yang sederhana pada tahun 1941 dan kekal berkuasa selama 24 tahun. Perang Dunia Kedua menyaksikan lonjakan lain dalam pembangunan perindustrian bagi memenuhi keperluan ekonomi perang, dan juga penghapusan pengangguran.

Pasca perang di New South Wales

Buruh kekal berkuasa hingga tahun 1965. Pada penghujung penggal berkuasa, ia mengumumkan rancangan untuk pembinaan sebuah kemudahan opera/seni di Bennelong Point. Pertandingan reka bentuk telah dimenangi oleh Jørn Utzon. Kontroversi atas kos apa yang akhirnya akan menjadi Sydney Opera House menjadi isu politik dan merupakan faktor dalam kekalahan Buruh pada tahun 1965 oleh Parti Liberal konservatif yang diketuai oleh Sir Robert Askin. Sir Robert kekal sebagai tokoh kontroversi dengan penyokong yang mendakwa dia menjadi reformis terutama dari segi membentuk semula ekonomi NSW. Orang lain walaupun hal era Askin mempunyai sinonim dengan rasuah dengan Askin ketua rangkaian yang melibatkan polis NSW dan penerbitan buku SP (Goot).

Pada tahun 1960-an, gerakan pemisah di rantau New England di negeri ini membawa kepada referendum mengenai isu itu. Negeri baru akan mengandungi sebahagian besar NSW utara termasuk Newcastle. Referendum telah nyaris dikalahkan dan tiada kempen aktif atau penganjuran untuk negeri baru di NSW dalam bentuk kumpulan.

Peletakan jawatan Askin pada tahun 1975 diikuti oleh beberapa perdana menteri yang tidak bertahan lama oleh pemimpin-pemimpin Parti Liberal. Apabila pilihan raya umum datang pada tahun 1976, Neville Wran di bawah ALP telah kembali berkuasa. Wran dapat mengubah kemenangan satu kerusi tipis ini menjadi kemenangan yang sangat besar pada tahun 1978 dan 1981.

Peta menunjukkan lebuh raya di New South Wales.

Selepas menang selesa walaupun majoriti berkurangan pada tahun 1984, Wran meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri dan meninggalkan parlimen. Penggantinya Barry Unsworth bergelut untuk keluar dari bayang-bayang Wran dan kalah pilihan raya 1988 melawan kebangkitan Parti Liberal diketuai oleh Nick Greiner. Unsworth telah digantikan sebagai pemimpin ALP oleh Bob Carr. Pada mulanya Greiner adalah seorang pemimpin yang popular dengan pembaharuan seperti penciptaan Suruhanjaya Bebas Menentang Rasuah (ICAC). Greiner memanggil pilihan raya mengejut pada tahun 1991 yang Liberal dijangka menang. Walau bagaimanapun ALP memperoleh undian dengan sangat baik dan Liberal kehilangan majoriti dan memerlukan sokongan calon bebas untuk mengekalkan kuasa.

Greiner was accused (by ICAC) of corrupt actions involving an allegation that a government position was offered to tempt an independent (who had defected from the Liberals) to resign his seat so that the Liberal party could regain it and shore up its numbers. Greiner resigned but was later cleared of corruption. His replacement as Liberal leader and Premier was John Fahey. Although personally popular, Fahey's government suffered from a series of scandals including tax evasion, illegal recording of customer conversations, sexual harassment, and death threats. [perlu rujukan] In the 1995 election, Fahey's government lost narrowly and the ALP under Bob Carr returned to power.

Like Wran before him Carr was able to turn a narrow majority into landslide wins at the next two elections (1999 and 2003). During this era, NSW hosted the 2000 Sydney Olympics which were internationally regarded as very successful and helped boost Carr's popularity. Carr surprised most people by resigning from office in 2005. He was replaced by Morris Iemma who remains Premier and was re-elected in March 2007.


New South Wales Parliament House

Executive authority is vested in the Governor of New South Wales, who represents and is appointed by Queen Elizabeth II. The current Governor is Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir (Lady Shehadie). The Governor commissions as Premier the leader of the parliamentary political party that can command a simple majority of votes in the Legislative Assembly. The Premier then recommends the appointment of other Members of the two Houses to the Ministry, under the principle of responsible or Westminster government. It should be noted, however, that as in other Westminster systems, there is no constitutional requirement in NSW for the Government to be formed from the Parliament - merely convention. The Premier is Morris Iemma of the Australian Labor Party.


The form of the Government of New South Wales is prescribed in its Constitution, which dates from 1856, although it has been amended many times since then. Since 1901 New South Wales has been a state of the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Australian Constitution regulates its relationship with the Commonwealth.

Under the Australian Constitution, New South Wales ceded certain legislative and judicial powers to the Commonwealth, but retained independence in all other areas. The New South Wales Constitution says: "The Legislature shall, subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, have power to make laws for the peace, welfare, and good government of New South Wales in all cases whatsoever." In practice, however, the independence of the Australian states has been greatly eroded by the increasing financial domination of the Commonwealth.[perlu rujukan]


ALP 52 (56%) 19 (45%)
Liberal 22 (24%) 10 (24%)
National 13 (14%) 5 (11%)
Independent/Other 6 (6%) 8 (20%)
Source: Parliament of New South Wales.[5]

The State Parliament is composed of the Sovereign and two houses: the Legislative Assembly (lower house), and the Legislative Council (upper house). Elections are held every four years on the fourth Saturday of March, the most recent being on 24 March 2007. At each election one member is elected to the Legislative Assembly from each of 93 electoral districts and half of the 42 members of the Legislative Council are elected by a statewide electorate.

Emergency services

New South Wales is policed by the New South Wales Police Force, a statutory authority. Established in 1862, the NSW Police Force investigates Summary and Indictable offences throughout the State of New South Wales. The state has two fire services: the volunteer based New South Wales Rural Fire Service, mainly active in small towns and the countryside, and the New South Wales Fire Brigades, a government agency responsible for protecting urban areas. There is some overlap due to suburbanisation. Ambulance services are provided through the Ambulance Service of New South Wales. Rescue services (ie. vertical, road crash, confinement) are a joint effort by all emergency services, with Ambulance Rescue, Police Rescue Squad and Fire Rescue Units contributing. Volunteer rescue organisations include the State Emergency Service (SES) and Volunteer Rescue Association (VRA).



The estimated population of New South Wales at the end of June 2007 was 6.89 million people. Population grew by 1.1% over the preceding year,[6] lower than the national rate of 1.5%.

62.9% of NSW's population is based in Sydney.[7]


Sutton school was opened in 1871
The Sydney Grammar School, established in 1854, is the oldest secondary school still in use in Sydney CBD
Charles Sturt University has campuses in several country towns in New South Wales

Primary and Secondary

The NSW school system comprises a kindergarten to year twelve system with primary schooling up to year 6 and secondary schooling between year 7 and 12. Within these to sets of schooling are various stages. Stage 1 includes years 1 and 2 (Kindergarten is Early Stage 1, and is considered separate in terms of curriculum planning). Stage 2 incorporates years 3 and 4. This cycle continues until it reaches stage 6 and ends with the Higher School Certificate (HSC) in year 12.

Schooling is compulsory until age 15.[8] However, almost all students remain at school until completion of the School Certificate at the end of Year 10.

School Certificate

The School Certificate is awarded by the Board of Studies to students at the end of Year 10. The Certificate is issued by the Board following completion of a Board-approved course of study and completion of the external tests.

The Board administers five external tests in English-literacy, Mathematics, Science, Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship. The tests have no pass or fail but are designed to grade a student on their ability. The results of this test are categorised into bands 1 through to 6 with band 1 as the lowest and band 6 as the highest.[9]

Higher School Certificate

The Higher School Certificate (HSC) is the usual Year 12 leaving certificate in NSW. Most students complete the HSC prior to entering the workforce or going on to study at college, university or TAFE (although the HSC itself can be completed at TAFE). The HSC must be completed for a student to get a University Admissions Index, which determines the students rank against fellow students who completed the Higher School Certificate.


Eleven universities primarily operate in New South Wales. Sydney is home to Australia's first university, the University of Sydney, founded in 1850, as well as the University of New South Wales, Macquarie University, the University of Technology, Sydney and the University of Western Sydney. The Australian Catholic University has two of its six campuses in Sydney, and the private University of Notre Dame Australia also operates a secondary campus in the city.

Outside Sydney, the leading universities are the University of Newcastle and the University of Wollongong. Armidale is home to the University of New England, and Charles Sturt University and Southern Cross University have campuses spread across cities in the state's south-west and north coast respectively.

The public universities are state government agencies, however they are largely regulated by the federal government, which also administers their public funding. Admission to NSW universities is arranged together with universities in the Australian Capital Territory by another government agency, the Universities Admission Centre.

Primarily vocational training is provided up the level of advanced diplomas is provided by the state government's ten Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes. These institutes run courses in over 130 campuses throughout the state.


The Three Sisters in the Blue Mountains by Katoomba
The coast of Coffs Harbour
Thredbo ski fields in Southern New South Wales

New South Wales is bordered on the north by Queensland, on the west by South Australia, on the south by Victoria and on the east by the Tasman Sea. The Australian Capital Territory and the Jervis Bay Territory are Federal enclaves of New South Wales.

The state can be divided geographically into four areas. New South Wales' three largest cities, Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong, lie near the centre of a narrow coastal strip extending from cool temperate areas on the far south coast to subtropical areas near the Queensland border. The Illawarra region is centred on the city of Wollongong, with the Shoalhaven, Eurobodalla and the Sapphire Coast to the south. The Central Coast lies between Sydney and Newcastle, with the North Coast and Northern Rivers regions reaching northwards to the Queensland border. Tourism is important to the economies of coastal towns such as Coffs Harbour, Lismore, Nowra and Port Macquarie, but the region also produces seafood, beef, dairy, fruit, sugar cane and timber.

The Great Dividing Range extends from Victoria in the south through New South Wales to Queensland, parallel to the narrow coastal plain. This area includes the Snowy Mountains, the Northern, Central and Southern Tablelands, the Southern Highlands and the South West Slopes. Whilst not particularly steep, many peaks of the range rise above 1,000 metres (3,280 ft), with the highest Mount Kosciuszko at 2,229 metres (7,308 ft). The relatively short ski season underwrites the tourist industry in the Snowy Mountains. Agriculture, particularly the wool industry, is important throughout the highlands. Major centres include Armidale, Bathurst, Bowral, Goulburn, Inverell, Orange, Queanbeyan and Tamworth.

The western slopes fill a significant portion of the state's area and have a much sparser population than areas nearer the coast. Agriculture is the central to the economy of the western slopes, particularly the Riverina region and Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area in the state's south-west. Towns such as Albury, Dubbo, Griffith, Leeton and Wagga Wagga exist primarily to service these agricultural regions. The western slopes decend slowly to the western plains that comprise almost two-thirds of the state and are largely arid or semi-arid. The mining town of Broken Hill is the largest centre in this area.[10]

The highest maximum temperature recorded was 50.0 °C (122.0 °F) at Wilcannia in the state's west on 11 January 1939. The lowest minimum temperature was -23.0 °C (-9.4 °F) at Charlotte Pass on 29 June 1994 in the Snowy Mountains. This is also the lowest temperature recorded in whole of Australia excluding the Antarctic Territory.[11]


The Hunter Valley is known for its wineries.
Sheep in the Riverina which has a large wool industry

Since the 1970s, New South Wales has undergone an increasingly rapid economic and social transformation. [perlu rujukan] Old industries such as steel and shipbuilding have largely disappeared, and although agriculture remains important its share of the state's income is smaller than ever before.[perlu rujukan] New industries such as information technology and financial services are largely centred in Sydney and have risen to take their place with many companies having their Australian headquarters in Sydney CBD.[perlu rujukan] In addition, the Macquarie Park area of Sydney has attracted the Australian headquarters of many information technology firms.

Coal and related products are the state's biggest export. Its value to the state's economy is over A$5 billion accounting for about 19% of all exports from NSW.[12]

Tourism has also become important, with Sydney as its centre but also stimulating growth on the North Coast, around Coffs Harbour and Byron Bay.[perlu rujukan] Tourism is worth over $23 billion to the New South Wales economy and employs over 8% of the workforce.[13]

New South Wales had a Gross State Product in 2006 (equivalent to Gross Domestic Product) of A$310 billion which equalled A$45,584 per capita.[14]

On 9 October 2007, NSW announced plans to build a 1,000 MW (megawatt) bank of wind powered turbines. The output of these is anticipated to be able to power up to 400,000 homes. The cost of this project will be $1.8 billion for 500 turbines.[15]


EnergyAustralia Stadium in Newcastle is the homeground of the Newcastle Knights
The Bathurst 1000, held at Mount Panorama Circuit in Bathurst

Throughout Australian history, NSW sporting teams have been very successful in both winning domestic competitions and providing players to the Australian national teams. The NSW Blues play in the Ford Ranger Cup and Sheffield Shield cricket competitions, the NSW Waratahs in the Super 14 rugby union competition and The 'Blues' represent NSW in the annual Rugby League State of Origin series.

As well as the State of Origin, the headquarters of the Australian Rugby League and National Rugby League (NRL) are in Sydney, which is home to 8 of the 16 National Rugby League (NRL) teams. (South Sydney Rabbitohs, Sydney Roosters, Parramatta Eels, Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks, Wests Tigers, Penrith Panthers, Canterbury Bulldogs and Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles), as well as being the northern home of the St George Illawarra Dragons, which is half-based in Wollongong. A tenth team, the Newcastle Knights is located in Newcastle. The main summer sport is cricket.

The state is represented by three teams in soccer's A-League: Sydney FC (the inaugural champions in 2005-06), the Central Coast Mariners, based at Gosford and the Newcastle United Jets (2007-08 A League Champions). Soccer has the highest number of registered players in New South Wales of any football code.[16] Australian rules football has historically not been strong in New South Wales outside the Riverina region. However, the Sydney Swans relocated from South Melbourne in 1982 and their presence and success since the late 1990s has raised the profile of Australian rules football, especially after their AFL premiership in 2005. Other teams in national competitions include basketball's Sydney Kings, West Sydney Razorbacks and Sydney Uni Flames, and netball's Sydney Swifts.

Sydney was the host of the 2000 Summer Olympics and the 1938 British Empire Games. The Olympic Stadium, now known as ANZ Stadium is the scene of the annual NRL Grand Final. It also regularly hosts rugby league State of Origin games and rugby union internationals, and has recently hosted the final of the 2003 Rugby World Cup and the soccer World Cup qualifier between Australia and Uruguay.

The Sydney Cricket Ground hosts the 'New Year' cricket test match from 2-6 January each year, and is also one of the sites for the finals of the One Day International series. The annual Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race begins in Sydney Harbour on Boxing Day. The climax of Australia's touring car racing series is the Bathurst 1000, held near the city of Bathurst.


The Pro Hart gallery in Broken Hill

New South Wales is home to several artistic bodies including: the Sydney Symphony (Australia's busiest and largest orchestra) and Opera Australia (head office in Sydney) both of which perform a subscription series at the Sydney Opera House. The Art Gallery of New South Wales (AGNSW), houses a significant collection of Australian art; other major spaces include the Sydney Jewish Museum, the Museum of Sydney and the Museum of Contemporary Art. Besides this Sydney is host to the Australian Ballet for its Sydney season (the ballet is headquartered in Melbourne). Sydney is home to five Arts teaching organisations which have all produced world famous students: The National Art School, The College of Fine Arts, the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA), the Australian School of Film, Radio and Television and the Conservatorium of Music (now part of the University of Sydney). The world famous Australian Chamber Orchestra has its headquarters in Sydney, however, spends most of its time touring both the world and Australia.

Lihat pula


  1. ^ Lihat pula pramuka Kapten W.J.L. Wharton pada transkripsi 1893nya pada jurnal Cook. Available online di Pengumpulan Teks Elektronik Perpustakaan Universiti Adelaide.
  2. ^ Phillip, Arthur (1789). "The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay". Project Gutenberg. With an Account of the Establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island
  3. ^ Fletcher, B. H. (1967). "Phillip, Arthur (1738 - 1814)". Australian Dictionary of Biography. Melbourne University Press. m/s. pp 326-333. |pages= has extra text (bantuan)
  4. ^ McLachlan, N. D. (1967). "Macquarie, Lachlan (1762 - 1824)". Australian Dictionary of Biography. Melbourne University Press. m/s. pp 187-195. |pages= has extra text (bantuan)
  5. ^ "Member Statistics". Parliament of New South Wales.
  6. ^ 3101.0 - Australian Demographic Statistics, June 2007
  7. ^ 1338.1 - New South Wales in Focus, 2007
  8. ^ Education Act 1990 (NSW), Section 22
  9. ^ Introduction to the School Certificate - Board of Studies NSW
  10. ^ Australian Encyclopaedia, Vol. 7, Grolier Society
  11. ^ "World Temperature Extremes".
  12. ^
  13. ^,pc=HOME
  14. ^ 1338.1 - New South Wales in Focus, 2007
  15. ^ Australia to get 1,000 megawatt wind farm
  16. ^ 4177.0 - Participation in Sports and Physical Recreation, Australia, 2005-06

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