Dolce & Gabbana: Perbezaan antara semakan

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== References ==
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Semakan pada 16:38, 26 Mac 2018


Dolce & Gabbana S.R.L.
Jenis/bentuk sahSocietà a responsabilità limitata
Ditubuhkan1985; 39 tahun yang lalu (1985)
PengasasDomenico Dolce dan Stefano Gabbana
Ibu pejabatMilan, Itali
Kawasan perkhidmatanWorldwide
Tokoh penting
  • Alfonso Dolce, CEO
  • Cristiana Ruella, COO
KeluaranPakaian, kasut, beg tangan, cermin mata hitam, jam tangan, barang kemas, minyak wangi dan kosmetik.
Bilangan kakitangan3,150
Syarikat indukDolce & Gabbana Luxembourg S.à.r.l.
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Dolce & Gabbana (sebutan bahasa Itali: [ˈdoltʃe e ɡɡabˈbaːna]) adalah sebuah rumah fesyen mewah Itali[1] diasaskan pada tahun 1985 di Legnano oleh pereka Itali Domenico Dolce dan Stefano Gabbana.[2]

Kedua-duanya bertemu di Milan pada tahun 1980 dan direka bentuk untuk rumah fesyen yang sama. Pada tahun 1982, mereka menubuhkan sebuah studio perunding pereka; pada masa ia berkembang menjadi "Dolce & Gabbana". Mereka mempersembahkan koleksi wanita pertama mereka pada tahun 1985[3] di Milan, di mana setahun kemudian kedai mereka akan membuka pintu.

Pada tahun 1988, mereka melancarkan garis leotard, dan pada tahun 1989 mereka mula merancang pakaian dalam dan pakaian renang. Dolce & Gabbana mula mengeksport produk mereka ke Jepun dan negara-negara lain termasuk Amerika Syarikat, di mana mereka menubuhkan bilik pameran mereka sendiri pada tahun 1990. Pada tahun 1992, pada tahun yang sama mereka menyampaikan koleksi lelaki mereka, mereka juga melancarkan minyak wangi pertama mereka Dolce & Gabbana. Mereka memenangi anugerah Woolmark pada tahun 1991, dan Perfume's Academy "Rasa Paling Feminin Tahun" pada tahun 1993 untuk wangi mereka Dolce & Gabbana Parfum. Pada penghujung tahun 1990-an, pendapatan syarikat sekitar AS$500 juta dan pada tahun 2003 pendapatan mereka mencapai $633 juta. Menjelang tahun 2005, perolehan mereka 600 juta.[4]

Rumah reka bentuk

Koleksi awal

Koleksi pertama dari kedua-dua reka bentuk telah ditunjukkan pada bulan Oktober 1985[3][5] bersama-sama lima label Itali lain-lain yang muncul sebagai sebahagian daripada Minggu Fesyen Milan. Kedua-duanya tidak mempunyai cukup wang untuk menyewa model atau menyediakan aksesori untuk mereka, jadi mereka mencari bantuan daripada rakan-rakan mereka. Peragawati (kawan mereka) hanya memakai barang peribadi mereka untuk melengkapi pakaian. Mereka menggunakan lembaran tempat tidur yang dibawa Dolce dari rumah sebagai tirai panggung mereka.[6]

Pasangan itu melabel koleksi pertama mereka Wanita Sejati, kerana sebahagiannya menggunakan wanita tempatan sebagai model di landasan.[5] Jualan dari koleksi pertama mereka cukup mengecewakan untuk Gabbana untuk membatalkan pesanan kain mereka akan membuat koleksi kedua mereka. Walau bagaimanapun, keluarga Dolce menawarkan untuk menolong kos mereka apabila kedua-dua mereka melawatnya di Sicily selama Krismas, sementara secara kebetulan, syarikat kain itu tidak menerima notis pembatalan pada masa sehingga kain sudah siap untuk mereka kembali di Milan ketika mereka kembali.[7] They produced the next collection in 1986 and opened their first store that same year.[5] Michael Gross menulis koleksi ketiga mereka dalam wawancara pada tahun 1992, "Mereka adalah rahsia yang hanya diketahui oleh segelintir editor fesyen Itali. Beberapa model mereka berubah di belakang layar reyot. kain T-shirt-kapas dan elastik-sutera, Transformasi. " Pakaian dalam koleksi ini datang dengan petunjuk mengenai tujuh cara yang berbeza yang boleh dipakai dalam pakaian, kerana pemakai boleh menggunakan Velcro dan merangkul untuk mengubah bentuk pakaian.[8]

Koleksi keempat mereka adalah yang pertama untuk memberi impak besar kepada pasaran fesyen Itali. Dalam koleksi ini, Dolce menarik akarnya dari Sicily. Kempen pengiklanan koleksi ditembak oleh jurugambar Ferdinando Scianna di Sicily, dan menampilkan model Belanda Marpessa Hennink dalam gambar hitam dan putih[9][10] diilhamkan oleh pawagam Itali tahun 1940-an. Mereka meneruskan penggunaan pawagam Itali sebagai inspirasi dalam koleksi kelima mereka, melukiskan karya pembuat filem Luchino Visconti dan filemnya The Leopard.[5]

Salah satu daripada koleksi yang keempat mereka diberi label "The Sicilian Dress" oleh akhbar fesyen, dan dinamakan oleh pengarang Hal Rubenstein sebagai salah satu daripada 100 pakaian paling penting yang pernah direka. Ia dianggap sebagai bahagian paling penting dalam era ini untuk jenama. Rubenstein menyifatkan bahagian itu pada tahun 2012 dengan menulis, "Pakaian Sicily adalah inti dari Dolce & Gabbana, batu permata sartorial jenama. Pakaian berpakaian dari slip-tetapi ia adalah satu slip yang dihiasi Anna Magnani, dan ia siluet yang telah menghiasi Anita Ekberg, Sophia Loren, [dan sebagainya]. Tali itu menyerupai badan dengan ketat seperti tali pinggang bra, garis leher berjalan lurus tetapi mendapat sekurang-kurangnya dua kali, sekali di setiap sisi untuk membelai setiap payudara dan di tengah-tengah untuk menemui tuck uplifting yang memberikan dorongan lembut. Slip tidak hanya meluncur ke bawah, tetapi masuk ke pinggang untuk memegang angka tegas tetapi tidak terlalu ketat dan kemudian melebar untuk menekankan pinggul, hanya untuk jatuh dengan tirus sedikit di lutut untuk menjamin bahawa pinggul akan bergoyang ketika pemakai berjalan."[11]

1980-an dan 1990-an

Pada tahun 1987, kedua-dua mereka melancarkan pakaian rajutan yang berasingan dan pada tahun 1989, mereka mula merancang pakaian dalam pakaian dan pakaian pakaian renang. Dua tahun kemudian, mereka melancarkan garis leotard mereka. Pada tahun 1989, Dolce & Gabbana membuka kedai pertama mereka di Jepun dengan kerjasama Kashiyama Co. Mereka mula mengeksport produk mereka ke Amerika Syarikat, di mana mereka mendirikan ruang pameran mereka sendiri pada tahun 1990. Pada tahun 1992, pada tahun yang sama mereka menyampaikan koleksi lelaki mereka , mereka juga melancarkan minyak wangi pertama mereka Dolce & Gabbana. Mereka memenangi "Oscar des Parfums" untuk minyak wangi lelaki terbaik pada tahun 1996 dari Akademi Parfum Perancis, yang kali pertama kali gelaran itu telah diberikan kepada jenama Itali. Menjelang akhir tahun 1990-an jualan mereka sekitar $ 500 juta dan pada tahun 2003 sahaja, pendapatan mereka mencapai $ 633.2 juta. Pada tahun 1990, mereka melancarkan koleksi lelaki pertama mereka.[12] Tahun itu, mereka juga memindahkan rumah reka bentuknya ke pejabat pejabat pertamanya dan mula merancang pakaian dan potongan lain yang lebih mahal sebagai tambahan kepada pakaian aslinya.[8] Koleksi wanita Spring / Summer 1990 mereka merujuk lukisan mitos Raphael, dan kedua-duanya mula membina reputasi untuk pakaian berlapis kristal. Koleksi wanita musim gugur / musim sejuk 1991 juga dihiasi oleh pernak-pernik, termasuk pingat filigree dan korset embellished. Koleksi Wanita 1992 / Musim Sejuk 1992 kemudiannya diilhamkan oleh skrin perak tahun 1950-an, walaupun koleksi itu masih termasuk saman kristal yang dihiasi dengan kristal.[13]

Pada tahun 1991, koleksi lelaki mereka dianugerahkan Anugerah Woolmark untuk koleksi lelaki yang paling inovatif tahun ini.[14] Apa yang dianggap sebagai perjumpaan pertama mereka ke dalam pengiktirafan antarabangsa datang apabila Madonna (penghibur) ] memakai korset yang diperbuat daripada batu permata dan jaket yang disertakan dari Dolce & Gabbana di premiere 1991 New York City Truth or Dare: In Bed with Madonna. Kedua-duanya kemudian bermitra dengan Madonna pada tahun 1993 untuk merekabentuk 1500 kostum untuk tur antarabangsa Girlie Show untuk menyokong album 1992-nya Erotica.[12] Dalam temu bual mengenai pakaian, Madonna menyatakan bahawa, "Pakaian mereka seksi dengan rasa humor-seperti saya."[8] Pada tahun 1994, jaket cap derma dua-breasted rumah itu dinamakan "La Turlington" selepas model Christy Turlington. Pada tahun yang sama syarikat itu melancarkan talian utama kedua-D & G, garis yang bertujuan untuk individu yang lebih muda. Pada tahun 1996, pameran landasan D & G hanya disiarkan di Internet dan bukan landasan, dalam gerakan eksperimen ke arah media baru. Pada tahun itu Dolce & Gabbana juga merancang pakaian untuk filem Romeo + Juliet.[15]

Dalam industri perfileman, kedua-dua Dolce & Gabbana muncul dalam filem The Star Maker (1995 film) | The Star Maker] '(L'Uomo delle Stelle)' 'oleh pengarah Giuseppe Tornatore peranan kecil sebagai tambahan. Mereka muncul dalam peranan yang lebih penting dalam penyesuaian filem Rob Marshall Nine.[16] Sebagai penggemar, mereka juga bekerja di video muzik Girl Panic! oleh Duran Duran.[17]

Dari segi pengembangan pasaran, pada tahun 1989 Dolce & Gabbana menandatangani perjanjian dengan kumpulan Kashiyama untuk membuka butik pertamanya di Jepun. Mereka mengeluarkan wangian pertama mereka untuk wanita pada tahun 1992, yang dipanggil "Dolce & Gabbana Pour Femme", yang dianugerahi anugerah Akademi Perfume 1993 untuk haruman feminin terbaik tahun ini. Haruman lelaki pertama mereka, "Dolce & Gabbana pour Homme", adalah penerima anugerah maskulin terbaik penghargaan tahun dari Akademi yang sama pada tahun 1995.[14] That year Dolce & Gabbana's collections caused a controversy with the British and Italian press, when they selected the American gangster motif as inspiration for their work.[18] Dolce & Gabbana mengubah inspirasi Musim Gugur / Musim Sejuk 1995 ini ke pakaian wanita, yang mana pengkritik menyatakan membawa kelebihan erotik kepada pakaian. Kedua-dua mereka telah menggunakan motif ini sebelum pada tahun 1992 apabila jurugambar Steven Meisel menembak sebuah kempen iklan untuk rumah di mana model-model itu muncul dalam "gangster chic". Ini termasuk mantel gaya 1930-an dan topi kulit hitam yang luas.[19]

Pengarang Nirupama Pundir menyatakan, "Dolce & Gabbana, dengan gaya superfeminin dan fantastik mereka, memisahkan diri dari fesyen yang serius dan sihat yang dikuasai selama sedekad."[20]


Dolce & Gabbana continued to work with Madonna, designing the costumes for her Drowned World Tour in 2001, in support of her 2000 album Music.[15] They also designed costumes for the international tours of Missy Elliott, Beyoncé, and Mary J. Blige.[15][21] In 1999, the duo appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show in support of singer Whitney Houston, who used the show to debut the Dolce & Gabbana designed costumes for her My Love Is Your Love tour, considered by fashion and music critics to be unusually risqué.[22] The duo continued to design costumes for musical artists through the 2000s, including the costumes for Kylie Minogue's Showgirl Homecoming tour.[15] Madonna also participated in Dolce & Gabbana's 2010 advertising campaigns.[11]

In the 2000s, Dolce & Gabbana took a great deal of inspiration from the sport of football as well. In 2003 the men's line took its main inspiration from the world's great football stars.[12] Other forms of art began taking inspirations from Dolce & Gabbana too. In 2003 dance music artist Frankie Knuckles said that the fashion house was a "great barometer" for trends in both fashion and music.[23] As for their impact on the design world, in 2002 the corsets that were a key part of Dolce & Gabbana's early designs were revived by many of Europe's main designers as a trend.[24] In recent years Dolce & Gabbana has begun holding private viewings of their new collections for buyers, in order to sell their collections before they become public and to pre-empt the copying of their designs by fast fashion companies.[25]

By 2005 their turnover was €597 million.[4] In 2006, the company started a new journey in accessories and leather goods for men and women. The company also ventured into cosmetics, with Scarlett Johansson as the face of the advertising campaign.

In 2012, D&G was merged with Dolce & Gabbana in order to strengthen the main line. The final independent D&G collection was the Spring/Summer 2012 collection shown in September 2011.[26] The New Yorker published in 2005 that, "Dolce and Gabbana are becoming to the two-thousands what Prada was to the nineteen-nineties and Armani was to the nineteen-eighties—gli stilisti whose sensibility defines the decade."[7] As for personal awards, in both 1996 and 1997 Dolce & Gabbana were named by FHM as the designers of the year. In 2003 GQ Magazine named Dolce & Gabbana among their "Men of the Year". The following year readers of British Elle voted Dolce & Gabbana the best international designers at the 2004 Elle Style Awards.[27] Dolce & Gabbana celebrated the 20th anniversary of their brand on 19 June 2010 at the Piazza della la Scala and Palazzo Marino in Milan. A public exhibition was also held the following day that included a room in which several dozen televisions were piled haphazardly upon each other, each showing a different collection from the design house's twenty-year history.[28]


A pair of Dolce & Gabbana's Golden Sneakers.

Dolce & Gabbana had two central lines (D&G and Dolce&Gabbana) until 2012, when the lines merged under the label Dolce & Gabbana.


Dolce&Gabbana (spelled without spaces, unlike the name of the me) specialises in luxury items inspired by high-designs and is more formal and 'timeless', responding to long-term trends as well as seasonal changes.[29] It also sells sunglasses and corrective eyewear, purses, and watches. In April 2009 it launched its make-up range, unveiled at Selfridges, London by Scarlett Johansson.[30] In February 2010, it was announced that American singer Madonna would design a collection of sunglasses titled MDG, set to be released in May of that year. It also offers fragrances for men and women. An example is 'The One' which is a perfume by Dolce&Gabbana.

D & G

D & G was the younger, more flamboyant diffusion line of the brand. Unlike Dolce&Gabbana, D&G sold watches as well as clothing: watches were manufactured by Naloni and Binda Group. In 2011, Dolce & Gabbana decided to discontinue the D & G-line in order to put "more strength and energy" into their other collections.[31]

Other lines

Dolce & Gabbana created a bridal collection, but only between 1992 and 1998. The Dolce & Gabbana Home Collection—started in 1994—was also discontinued in 1999, with the exception of unique pieces being created for D&G premises. The first women's beachwear collection was developed in 1989, followed by the first men's beachwear collection in 1992. D&G launched an eyewear line in 1998 and a timepieces line in 2000. That same year D&G launched both a men's and women's underwear collection, separate from their Dolce & Gabbana lingerie collection. In 2001 they launched the D&G Junior line for children. In 2006 the duo launched the Anamalier line of leopard print accessories for women, and in 2007 they launched a line of crocodile travel cases for men. Other bags produced by the house include the Miss Sicily tote bag,[32] and the "Dolce" bag, offered in straw and leather.[33]

In 2009 they launched their first line of color cosmetics,[34] with Scarlett Johansson as the face of the advertising campaign.[35] Dolce & Gabbana launched its first line of fine jewellery in late 2011 with an 80-piece line including bejewelled rosaries, charm bracelets, and necklaces.[36] They later launched a fine jewellery collection for men.[37] Dolce & Gabbana have received several awards for their fragrances, as was described in the above sections. Their current fragrances include: "The One", "Sport", "Light Blue", "Dolce", "Classic", "Sicily", "The One Rose", and the original scents "Pour Homme" and "Parfum".[38] On 16 October 2014, the company announced that Colin Farrell would be the face of their new fragrance called "Intenso."[39]


Dolce & Gabbana made the "DG" logo an iconic and instantly recognizable symbol,[40] but they were never able to get the matching internet address In fact, is one of the oldest Internet domains and was already registered in 1986 by the computer company Data General, now defunct. After that company closed in 1999, the url went to EMC before Dollar General purchased it in 2010 after a bidding war with Dolce & Gabbana.[41]



Dolce & Gabbana has designed the on-field attire for A.C. Milan since 2004.[42] In addition to having their on-field uniforms designed by Dolce & Gabbana, A.C. Milan players also dress in team-issued Dolce & Gabbana attire when at official functions off the field.[43] The duo also designed the off-field suits for the Italy national football team.[44] In 2010, Dolce & Gabbana signed a three-year deal with the Chelsea F.C. to design and provide the club's on- and off-field uniforms and attire. The deal included the creation of clothing for female staff members in addition to male staff members and the players themselves. The off-field outfits designed for the club included a dark blue suit featuring the lion symbol on the breast pocket. The designers also re-designed the club's director's lounge and main office reception area.[45] Dolce & Gabbana were also the named sponsors of the Milano Thunder Italian Boxing Team.[46]


In 2006, Dolce & Gabbana partnered with Motorola to produce the Motorola V3i Dolce & Gabbana cellular phone.[47] In 2009, Dolce & Gabbana partnered with Sony Ericsson to produce a version of its Jalou cellular phone line with 24-karat gold details and the logo of the design house emblazoned on the co-designed piece of technology.[48] Dolce & Gabbana also partnered with Citroën to co-design a version of their C3 Pluriel vehicle.[49] In 2010 Dolce & Gabbana partnered with Martini to produce a "gold edition" of its vermouth.[50] In 2010 the design house then teamed with singer Madonna to release a co-designed line of sunglasses called MDG.[51]

Advertising campaigns

The commercial for the first women fragrance of Dolce & Gabbana ran for several years in Italy, created by filmmaker Giuseppe Tornatore, scored by Ennio Morricone, and starred actress Monica Bellucci. The 30-second commercial begins with a man slapping an octopus against the stone ridges of a tide pool. He stands and looks around his surroundings at different women going about their daily lives. One woman (Bellucci) is seen changing into a 1950s-style bathing suit behind a white sheet being held up by two other women. After she changes, she tosses her bra atop a prickly pear cactus and walks towards the ocean. Later she is seen lying atop a well-made bed, and the man who saw her is standing outside her window, holding her bra up to his nose. The film closes with the image of the Dolce & Gabbana fragrance bottles against a black backdrop.[52] In 2003, the Dolce & Gabbana perfume Sicily was advertised in another commercial about a Sicilian funeral, which was also directed by Giuseppe Tornatore.[53]

Gisele Bündchen starred in the 2006 commercial for the fragrance "The One", featuring Bundchen in front of a vanity mirror being made up, with flashes of a mob of cameramen interspersed; she then puts on a golden dress, shoes, and a pair of D&G sunglasses.[54] Photographers and filmmakers that have worked with Dolce & Gabbana on advertising campaigns have included Giampaolo Barbieri,[55] Michel Comte,[56] Fabrizio Ferri,[57] Steven Klein,[58][59] Steven Meisel,[60] Mert + Marcus,[61] Jean Baptiste Mondino,[35] Ferdinando Scianna,[62] Giampaolo Sgura,[63] Mario Sorrenti,[64] Sølve Sundsbø,[65] Mario Testino,[66] Giuseppe Tornatore, and Mariano Vivanco.[67] Dolce & Gabbana have won two Leadawards for their campaigns from Germany's leading advertising awards. In 2004 they won for their Fall/Winter 2003/04 campaign[68] and in 2006 they won for their Fall/Winter 2005/06 campaign.[69]

Inspirations and style

The Dolce & Gabbana store of Via della Spiga in Milan

Originally inspired by eclectic, thrift shop bohemian style, Dolce & Gabbana's deeply colored, animal prints have been described as "haute hippy dom" taking inspiration in particular from Italy's prestigious film history. "When we design it's like a movie (Domenico)," says Domenico Dolce. "We think of a story and we design the clothes to go with it (Domenico)." They claim to be more concerned about creating the best, most flattering clothes than sparking trends, once admitting that they wouldn't mind if their only contribution to fashion history was a black bra (Dolce & Gabbana 2007). Sicily and Sicilian culture is the most important style and identity of Dolce & Gabbana.

D & G trademarks include underwear-as-outerwear (such as corsets and bra fastenings), gangster boss pinstripe suits, and extravagantly printed coats. Meanwhile, their feminine collections are always backed by powerful ad campaigns, like the black-and-white ads featuring model Marpessa photographed by Ferdinando Scianna in 1987 (Dolce & Gabbana). "They find their way out of any black dress, any buttoned-up blouse (Domenico)," says Rossellini. "The first piece of theirs I wore was a white shirt, very chaste, but cut to make my breasts look as if they were bursting out of it (Domenico)."

Once dubbed the "Gilbert and George of Italian fashion",[70] Dolce & Gabbana gave their fashion interests a musical turn in 1996, by recording their own single, in which they intoned the words "D&G is love" over a techno beat (Dolce & Gabbana 2011). Newer to the design game than other heavyweight Italian fashion houses such as Armani and Versace, the pair acknowledge that luck has played its part in their phenomenal success. By 1997, their company reported a turnover of €400 million, prompting both designers to announce that they planned to retire by the age of 40 – a promise they did not keep (Domenico).

After the designers spotted a Veneziano painting of Christ on the cross wearing a pair of their branded underwear briefs in the Venice Biennale, they commissioned the artist to do a portrait of them with the Madonna portrayed as the likeness of the chanteuse and performer Madonna Ciccone and the courtiers as two putti at her feet.[71][72]

In January 2016, the company launched a high-end fashion range aimed at wealthy Muslim women featuring a collection of hijabs and abayas printed with daisies, lemons and roses.[73]


In addition to designing clothing, Dolce & Gabbana have co-authored nearly two dozen books featuring photographic narratives as well as collections of their own work. The proceeds of many of these books go to charities including the Children’s Action Network and the Butterfly Onlus "école sans frontières" Foundation.[34] The following is a bibliography of their literary works:

  • 10 Anni Dolce & Gabbana (A collection of the most important advertising and editorial images of the design house's first decade)[74]
  • Wildness[75]
  • Animal[76]
  • Hollywood (Features over 100 photographs of the movie stars from the post-1985 era)[77]
  • Calcio (Photographs of 44 soccer players, 3 teams, and 2 coaches)[78]
  • A.C. Milan[79]
  • Music (Features over 150 of globally recognised musicians)[80]
  • 20 Years Dolce & Gabbana (A chronological photographic history of each of the house's collections, using over 1000 photos)[34]
  • Milan[81]
  • 2006 Italia (A book celebrating the 2006 World Cup title won by Italy)[82]
  • Fashion Album (Contains over 400 images paying homage to the great fashion photographers of Dolce & Gabbana collections)[83]
  • Secret Ceremony[84]
  • Family (A book that focuses on the family as the center of a man's life)[34]
  • The Good Shepherd (A book that illustrates the day of a common shephard, wearing Dolce & Gabbana clothing)[85]
  • Milano Beach Soccer[34]
  • Diamonds & Pearls[86]
  • 20 Years of Dolce & Gabbana for Men[87]
  • Icons 1990–2010[88]
  • Fashion Shows 1990 – 2010[89]
  • Nazionale Italiana: South Africa 2010 (A series of images starring the Italian National Football Team during the training sessions preceding the 2010 FIFA World Cup)[90]
  • Uomini[91][92]
  • Milan Fashion Soccer Players Portraits[93]
  • David Gandy (A 280-page photographic coffee table book of images chronicling collaborations with British model David Gandy from 2006 to 2011)[94]
  • Campioni[95]

Spaces and exhibitions

Dolce & Gabbana opened the La sede di via San Damiano atelier in September 1995. They opened a combined seven-floor boutique and corporate space Lo showroom di via Goldoni in 2002, moving from its prior main showroom at Piazza Umanitaria. In July 2006 Dolce & Gabbana then opened a 5,000 square foot show floor Lo showroom di via Broggi in Milan. The design house also bought the Il Metropol theatre in Milan, a historic cinema built in the 1940s. It was renovated and reopened in September 2005.[34] In 2006 Dolce & Gabbana opened IL GOLD, an establishment with café, bar, bistro, and restaurant areas. This is followed by the opening of a co-sponsored drinking establishment the duo founded at their Milanese men's showroom called the Martini Bar in 2003.[15] An additional Martini Bar was later opened at their Shanghai showroom in 2006.[34] In 2009 Dolce & Gabbana had 93 boutiques and 11 factory outlets, and was sold in over 80 countries.[96] In all they have 251 mono-brand stores.[97]

In the United States standalone boutiques can be found in Bal Harbour, Beverly Hills, Chicago, Houston, Las Vegas, and New York City. Dolce & Gabbana also operates boutiques in other cities in select department stores: Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, and Bergdorf Goodman.

In addition to developing runway shows and advertising campaigns for its collections, Dolce & Gabbana use their spaces to host photography and other art exhibitions. Soon after the opening of the Il Metropol, they hosted two exhibitions by artist Ron Arad in the lobby space: Blo-Glo between April 2006 and April 2007,[98] and Bodyguards in late April 2007.[99] They held photography exhibitions featuring the work of Enzo Sellerio in 2007[100] and Herbert List in 2008.[101] In 2011 Dolce & Gabbana held an open house and architectural exhibition with Studio Piuarch showcasing the studio's various architectural designs and projects since 1996.[102] Studio Piuarch built the Dolce & Gabbana headquarters in 2006, which was where the exhibition and open house was held.[103]

Dolce & Gabbana also uses its spaces for book launches and photographic exhibitions of its own clothing, such as the book launch of their book David Gandy in 2011.[104] They also use other spaces as well, such as the Palazzo della Ragione in Milan, where in May 2009 they staged a photographic exhibition of over 100 images selected from the history of US Vogue over its 90-year history. The exhibition was called Extreme Beauty in Vogue.[105][106]

The company has production factories in Legnano[107] and Incisa in Val d'Arno.[108]



Fail:1 dolce gabbana.jpg
2007 D&G advertising image subject to controversy.

Dolce & Gabbana was publicly criticised by Britain's advertising watchdog Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in January 2007, for an advertising campaign showing models brandishing knives.

Following complaints from consumer groups in February 2007, Dolce & Gabbana pulled an advertisement in Spain that showed a man holding a woman to the ground by her wrists while a group of men look on. Spain's Labour and Social Affairs Ministry branded the campaign as illegal and humiliating to women, saying the woman's body position had no relation to the products Dolce & Gabbana was trying to sell.[109] Italian publications followed suit, banning the ad. This advertisement was called "a glorification of gang rape" and declared "one of the most controversial advertisements in fashion history" by Debonair Magazine.[110] When asked about the ad being banned in Spain, Dolce & Gabbana responded that the "Spaniards were a bit backward." [111] According to the Daily Mail, Dolce & Gabbana's ad was said to "offend the dignity of the woman." [111]

This particular ad was brought up again seven years later by Kelly Cutrone, a well-known fashion publicist, when she mentioned it on her Twitter account. According to, "she slammed Dolce & Gabbana, claiming the ad, which depicts a woman being pinned to the group by a half-naked man as three men look on, stimulates a 'gang bang'." [111] According to the Huffington Post UK, feminist writer Louise Pennington recently also commented on the image. She stated that, "This particular image is a representative of an increasingly misogynistic contraction of women in the fashion industry demonstrating very clear links between the fashion-beauty industry and the mainstreaming of pornography. Those who suggest this image is harmless fail to recognize the reality of rape culture and the dehumanization of women's bodies in our pornographic mainstream media." [112]

Hong Kong photo ban controversy

One of the four streets blocked during the Sunday protest.

On 5 January 2012, Apple Daily reported that only Hong Kong citizens had been prevented from taking pictures of Dolce & Gabbana window displays in both their Hong Kong stores, stirring anti-Mainland Chinese sentiment.[113] In particular staff and security personnel at their flagship store on Canton Road asserted the pavement area outside was private property where photography was forbidden. The actions sparked protests spanning several days and gained international news coverage on 8 January.[114][115][116][117] Citing the case of Zhou Jiugeng, a Nanjing official whose high-living lifestyle was identified by Chinese citizens using internet photographs, local news reports speculated that the Dolce & Gabbana photo ban may have been imposed at the request of some wealthy Chinese government officials attempting to block details on the source of their wealth.[118][119]

Dolce & Gabbana finally issued a formal apology to Hong Kong citizens from its Milan headquarters on 18 January 2012.[120][121]

Gay adoption and in vitro fertilisation

In an interview in 16 March 2015 issue of Italian magazine Panorama, Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce caused controversy when they remarked, "We oppose gay adoptions. The only family is the traditional one." They also criticized in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and surrogacy by saying, "No chemical offspring and rented uterus: life has a natural flow, there are things that should not be changed."[122] Since the comments were made by two gay men in an industry often seen as gay-friendly, reactions were especially harsh.

Critics took to social media to voice their opposition, with the hashtag #BoycottDolceGabbana garnering 30,000 tweets on Twitter in five days. Celebrities, including Elton John, Madonna, Victoria Beckham, Ricky Martin, Martina Navratilova and Courtney Love, were among those expressing anger over the remarks. Love said she would "burn all of her Dolce and Gabbana clothing", while John, father of two children conceived through IVF, commented, "How dare you refer to my beautiful children as 'synthetic'. And shame on you for wagging your judgmental little fingers at IVF - a miracle that has allowed legions of loving people, both straight and gay, to fulfil their dream of having children."[123] In an Instagram post Madonna, who appeared in a 2010 Dolce & Gabbana campaign, said, "All babies contain a soul however they come to this earth and their families. There is nothing synthetic about a soul!! So how can we dismiss IVF and surrogacy? Every soul comes to us to teach us a lesson. God has his hand in everything even technology! We are arrogant to think Man does anything on his own. As above so below! Think before you speak."[124]

More than 10,000 people signed an online petition calling for Macy’s and Debenhams to stop stocking the brand in their department stores, until D&G retracted their statements and apologized. Protesters also gathered outside Dolce & Gabbana’s flagship London shop calling for an international boycott of the luxury fashion store.[125]

Dolce & Gabbana criticized calls for a boycott on their brand as "medieval" and called for fans to use the hashtag #BoycottEltonJohn, though it resulted in only 1,500 tweets.[126] Social conservative website LifeSiteNews launched a petition in support of Dolce & Gabbana that got more than 20,000 signatures.[127] After being asked during an interview with CNN if he supported having children through IVF, Dolce replied, "Yeah, I don't have anything bad, because the beauty of the world is freedom...We love gay couple. We are gay. We love gay couple. We love gay adoption. We love everything. It's just an express of my private point of view."[128][129]


In their Spring/Summer 2013 collection they included earrings and fabric prints that to American audiences closely resembled imagery associated with the Mammy archetype with many media outlets commenting the likeness. The designs, however, were made in reference to Sicilian Moor's heads, popular good luck charms in Sicilian folklore. [130]

In the spring of 2016, the brand came under fire for a listing on their web store of a pair of sandals featuring colorful decorations and pom poms with the title of "Slave Sandal in Napa Leather". Other retailers listed them as the Bianca or the Pom Pom sandal. Sandals in Italy are often referred to as such in reference to Ancient Rome. When social media users called the name into question, the listing was changed.[131]

Legal issues

In May 2009, the Italian government charged Dolce & Gabbana with tax evasion for having moved assets of about 249 million euros to Luxembourg in the 2004–2006 period.[132][133]

On 19 June 2013, they were found guilty of failing to declare 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) of income to authorities after moving their brand to Gado, a Luxembourg-based holding company. The court sentenced them both to one year and eight months in jail.[134] Dolce & Gabbana were quick to file a 90-page appeal and thus did not face any jail time.

On 30 April 2014, a three judge panel overruled the appeal and decided to uphold the initial sentence.[135] However, since they were sentenced to only one year and six months, which is under the two-year minimum, both of them will not serve actual imprisonment in jail.[135][136]

On 24 October 2014, both Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana were found innocent of tax evasion by the Italian Court of Justice.[137] After the court's decision was announced, Stefano Gabbana tweeted in Italian, "We knew it!!! We are honest people!"[138][139]


  1. ^ Vernon, Polly (20 Februari 2005). "Mixing business and pleasure". The Guardian. London. Dicapai pada 27 Julai 2007.
  2. ^ "Dolce & Gabbana" (dalam bahasa Itali). Dizionario di Economia e Finanza – Enciclopedia italiana. Dicapai pada 17 November 2014.
  3. ^ a b Givhan, Robin (2 April 2012). "Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, Bras Go On". Newsweek. Dicapai pada 15 Oktober 2012.
  4. ^ a b "Who's Who – Dolce & Gabbana Biography". UK. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 7 September 2008. Dicapai pada 27 Mei 2008. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (bantuan)
  5. ^ a b c d Brenda Polan and Roger Trendre (2009). The Great Fashion Designers. Berg. m/s. 206.
  6. ^ Stefanie Blendis and Gisella Deputato (21 Julai 2012). "Dolce & Gabbana: Fashion's golden duo". CNN International. Dicapai pada 29 Mei 2012.
  7. ^ a b John Seabrook (14 Mac 2005). "Hands and Eyes: When Dolce met Gabbana". The New Yorker.
  8. ^ a b c Michael Gross (7 September 1992). "La Dolce (& Gabbana) Vita". New York Magazine. m/s. 16–17.
  9. ^ Locatelli, Rossella. "Marpessa - Vogue Italia Encyclo". Vogue Italia. Dicapai pada 7 April 2015.
  10. ^ Muñoz Martinez-Mora, Ines (Mei 2013). "Marpessa Clase Superior" [Marpessa Top Class]. Vogue España (dalam bahasa Spanish): 206–216. |access-date= requires |url= (bantuan)CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  11. ^ a b Hal Rubenstein (2012). 100 Unforgettable Dresses. Harper Collins.
  12. ^ a b c Valerie Steele (2010). The Berg Companion to Fashion. Berg. m/s. 223–225. Dicapai pada 3 Mei 2012.
  13. ^ Valentina Zannoni (27 November 2011). "Dolce & Gabbana and their Private Renaissance". Swide Magazine. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  14. ^ a b "Dolce & Gabbana". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 15 August 2012. Dicapai pada 29 May 2012. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (bantuan)
  15. ^ a b c d e "Dolce & Gabbana". Vogue. Dicapai pada 29 Mei 2012.
  16. ^ Angela Bottolph (3 Disember 2009). "Dolce & Gabbana turn film stars!". Grazia Daily. Dicapai pada 29 Mei 2012.
  17. ^ Lauren Milligan (13 Jun 2011). "Supermodel Summit". Vogue. Dicapai pada 29 Mei 2012.
  18. ^ Caroline Evans (2003). Fashion at the Edge: Spectacle, Modernity, and Deathliness. Yale University Press. m/s. 19.
  19. ^ Rebecca Arnold (2001). Fashion, Desire and Anxiety: Image and Morality in the 20th Century. I.B. Tauris. m/s. 39–40.
  20. ^ Nirupama Pundir (2007). Fashion Technology: Today And Tomorrow. Mittal Publications. m/s. 40.
  21. ^ Carrie Bornillo-Vrenna (2008). Cherry Bomb: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Better Flirt, a Tougher Chick, and a Hotter Girlfriend—and to Living Life Like a Rock Star. Simon & Schuster. m/s. 55.
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  23. ^ Michale Paoletta (8 November 2003). "Armani Conjures 'Night' for its Second A/X Disc". Billboard Magazine. m/s. 28.
  24. ^ Brendan Lemon (Mac 2002). "A model designers". Out Magazine. m/s. 74.
  25. ^ Richard A. D'Aveni (2009). Beating the Commodity Trap: How to Maximize Your Competitive Position and Increase Your Pricing Power. Harvard Business Press. m/s. 34.
  26. ^ Ella Alexander (1 Jun 2011). "The End of D&G". Vogue UK. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  27. ^ "International Awards". Dicapai pada 29 Mei 2012.
  28. ^ Dolce & Gabbana (16 Julai 2010). "Dolce&Gabbana 20th Anniversary. A day in history. A video". Youtube: Dolce & Gabbana Channel. Dicapai pada 31 Mei 2012.
  29. ^ Valerie Steele (2010). The Berg Companion to Fashion. Berg. m/s. 225.
  30. ^ "Scarlett Johansson launches D&G Make-up at Selfridges".
  31. ^ "Dolce & Gabbana to launch Couture". NYMag. Dicapai pada 29 Jun 2012.
  32. ^ Tabitha Simmons (28 Februari 2012). "Editors' Eye: The Ten Things We Loved (or Longed For) This February". Vogue UK. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  33. ^ Tracy Lomrantz (27 Januari 2012). "Celebrity Obsession Alert: Dolce & Gabbana's "Dolce" Bag Is Everything For Spring". Glamour.
  34. ^ a b c d e f g "Group History". Dicapai pada 30 Mei 2012.
  35. ^ a b Kevin Jagernauth (24 Oktober 2011). "Watch: Scarlett Johansson Likes Her Lips For Kissing In Dolce & Gabbana Ad By Jean-Baptiste Mondino". Indiewire. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  36. ^ Lisa Niven (9 November 2011). "Dolce's Jewels". Vogue UK. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  37. ^ Matthews, Damion (12 November 2015). "» Fit For a King: Dolce & Gabbana's Fine Jewellery Collection". SFLUXE (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Dicapai pada 26 Jun 2016.
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  43. ^ Grant Wahl (28 Julai 2009). "Onyewu finding his way into Milan". Sports Illustrated. Dicapai pada 29 Mei 2012.
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  52. ^ Valentina Zannoni (9 Oktober 2011). "1994: Monica Bellucci and Giuseppe Tornatore for Dolce & Gabbana". Swide Magazine. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  53. ^ Valentina Zannoni (30 Oktober 2011). "Funeral alla Dolce & Gabbana". Swide Magazine. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  54. ^ Valentina Zannoni (13 November 2011). "Gisele is The One". Swide Magazine. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  55. ^ "Photo Spread". GQ Russia. Mac 2011. m/s. 242–245.
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  57. ^ "Spring/Summer 1987: The Power of Dolce & Gabbana Transformation". Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
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  63. ^ "Alfred Kovac & Valerija Sestic For D&G Summer 2012 Eyewear". Ohlala Magazine. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 4 Disember 2014. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (bantuan)
  64. ^ "On Fire". W Magazine. Mac 2008. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  65. ^ Karin Nelson (23 Ogos 2009). "Pulse; Wearing the Works". New York Times. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  66. ^ Phong Luu (15 Februari 2012). "Meet Adam Senn, the new face of Dolce & Gabbana's The One Sport". The Daily Telegraph. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  67. ^ Gary Pini (7 Mei 2012). "Why Is This Dolce & Gabbana Poster Worth $500?". Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  68. ^ "The Winners". Dicapai pada 29 Mei 2012.
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  70. ^ Jo Craven (11 Mei 2011). "Dolce & Gabbana". Vogue UK. Dicapai pada 31 Mac 2012.
  71. ^ "Lunch with the FT: Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana". Financial Times.
  72. ^ "10 Magazine".
  73. ^ Gani, Aisha (7 Januari 2016). "Dolce & Gabbana launches luxury hijab collection". The Guardian (dalam bahasa Inggeris). ISSN 0261-3077. Dicapai pada 9 November 2016.
  74. ^ Dolce & Gabbana (1996). 10 Anni Dolce & Gabbana. Leonardo Arte SRL.
  75. ^ Dolce & Gabbana (1997). Dolce & Gabbana Wildness. Leonardo Arte SRL.
  76. ^ Dolce & Gabbana (1998). Animal. Abbeville Press.
  77. ^ Dolce & Gabbana (2003). Hollywood. Assouline.
  78. ^ "Mariano Vivanco". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 14 Mei 2012. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (bantuan)
  79. ^ Dolce & Gabbana and Mariano Vivanco (2004). AC Milan Dressed by Dolce & Gabbana. Dolce & Gabbana.
  80. ^ "Books". Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  81. ^ Dolce & Gabbana and Mariano Vivanco (2006). Milan. Mondadori Electa.
  82. ^ "2006 Italia". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 21 Julai 2011. Dicapai pada 30 Mei 2012. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (bantuan)
  83. ^ Dolce & Gabbana and Mariuccia Casadio (2006). Fashion Album. Skira.
  84. ^ Steven Klein and Dolce & Gabbana (2007). Secret Ceremony. Dolce & Gabbana SRL.
  85. ^ Michael Roberts (2007). The Good Shepherd. Dolce & Gabbana SRL.
  86. ^ Jared Paul Stern (26 Disember 2008). "Dolce & Gabbana's Diamonds & Pearls". The Luxist. Dicapai pada 30 Mei 2012.
  87. ^ 20 Years of Dolce & Gabbana for Men. Mondadori Electa. 2010.
  88. ^ "Icons: Dolce & Gabbana 1990–2010". 2DM. 1 Jun 2011. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  89. ^ Fashion Shows 1990 – 2010 Dolce & Gabbana. Mondadori Electa. 2011.
  90. ^ Rod Hagwood (27 Mei 2010). ""Sporno" Soccer studs pitch Fashion or Futball?". Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 30 Mei 2012. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (bantuan)
  91. ^ Mariano Vivanco and Dolce & Gabbana (2011). Uomini. Rizzoli.
  92. ^ Lauren Milligan (6 Januari 2011). "Dolce Undressed". Vogue UK.
  93. ^ "Dolce & Gabbana celebrates AC MILAN". DA Man. 24 Ogos 2011. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  94. ^ Dolce & Gabbana (2011). David Gandy. Rizzoli.
  95. ^ "Campioni". Dicapai pada 3 Julai 2012.
  96. ^ Jack W. Plunkett (2008). Plunkett's Retail Industry Almanac 2009: Retail Industry Market Research, Statistics, Trends and Leading Companies. Plunkett Research.
  97. ^ "Group Profile". Dicapai pada 29 Mei 2012.
  98. ^ "Blo-Glo by Ron Arad". Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  99. ^ "Bodyguards by Ron Arad". Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  100. ^ "Freeze: Photos by Enzo Sellerio". Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  101. ^ "Herbert List: An Eye for Beauty". Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  102. ^ Pauline Sung (11 April 2011). "Haute Event: Dolce & Gabbana and Studio Piuarch Present Open House – Piuarch@Dolce&Gabbana". Haute Living. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  103. ^ Nico Saieh (16 Jun 2008). "Dolce & Gabbana Headquarters / Studio Piuarch". ArchDaily. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  104. ^ Carolina Rimondi (20 Jun 2011). "Dolce & Gabbana Celebrates with David Gandy". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 24 Ogos 2011. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (bantuan)
  105. ^ "Extreme Beauty in Vogue". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 16 Mei 2012. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (bantuan)
  106. ^ Tim Blanks (2009). "To the Extreme". Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  107. ^ "Mauro Gasperi". Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012.
  108. ^ "what's up in viapiranesi". Ymag. 14 April 2011. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 4 Disember 2011. Dicapai pada 19 Mei 2012. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (bantuan)
  109. ^ "Dolce & Gabbana angry at advertising campaign controversy in Spain". Euskal Irrati Telebista. 23 Februari 2007. Dicapai pada 24 Februari 2007.
  110. ^ "The Most Controversial Ads in Fashion History". Dicapai pada 24 September 2011.
  111. ^ a b c Chan, Augustine Reyes (18 Mac 2015). "People Are Pissed at Dolce & Gabbana Again For These Ads Depicting Gang Rape". NextShark. Dicapai pada 14 Oktober 2015.[pautan mati kekal]
  112. ^ Moss, Rachel (18 Mac 2015). "'Gang Rape' Dolce & Gabbana Advert Brings Yet More Controversy For Brand After 'Synthetic' IVF Comments". Huffington Post UK. Dicapai pada 16 November 2015.
  113. ^ 梁御和、盧勁業、伍雅謙 (5 Januari 2012). "擅禁途人拍照 玷污購物天堂 名店惡霸 D&G" [D&G the Tyrannical Luxury Shop Unpermittedly Forbids By-passers to Take Photos, "Shoppers' Paradise" Ashamed]. Apple Daily (dalam bahasa Chinese). Hong Kong. Dicapai pada 5 Januari 2012.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  114. ^ "Protest at Dolce and Gabbana store in Hong Kong follows alleged ban on photography". News Limited Australia. 8 Januari 2012. Dicapai pada 8 Januari 2012.
  115. ^ "Hundreds protest D&G photo 'ban' in Hong Kong". The Sunday Times. UK. 8 Januari 2012. Dicapai pada 8 Januari 2012.
  116. ^ "One thousand protest Dolce & Gabbana Hong Kong store over photo ban". The Daily Telegraph. UK. 9 Januari 2012. Dicapai pada 9 Januari 2012.
  117. ^ "Dolce & Gabbana Photo Ban Sparks Protest". The Wall Street Journal. 9 Januari 2012. Dicapai pada 9 Januari 2012.
  118. ^ "D&G事件起因 傳內地高幹投訴 怕被扯上貪污" [Alleged Cause of D&G Incident: Fear of Corruption [Accusations], Mainland Officials Complain]. Oriental Daily. 8 Januari 2012. Dicapai pada 8 Januari 2012.
  119. ^ Malcolm Moore in Shanghai (30 Disember 2008). "Chinese internet vigilantes bring down another official".
  120. ^ D&G凌晨「道歉」 網民拒收「行貨」,AM730,19 January 2012
  121. ^ Dolce & Gabbana Apologizes for Photo Spat, Wall Street Journal, 19 January 2012
  122. ^ "Figli e famiglia, la verità di Dolce e Gabbana". Panorama. Dicapai pada 27 Mac 2015.
  123. ^ "Dolce and Gabbana say 'Boycott Elton John'". BBC. Dicapai pada 27 Mac 2015.
  124. ^ Sieczkowski, Cavan (19 Mac 2015). "Madonna Responds To The Dolce & Gabbana Controversy". Huffington Post. Dicapai pada 27 Mac 2015.
  125. ^ Gani, Aisha (19 Mac 2015). "Dolce & Gabbana protesters demand boycott outside London shop". The Guardian. Dicapai pada 26 Mac 2015.
  126. ^ "Dolce and Gabbana say 'Boycott Elton John'". BBC News. 16 Mac 2015. Dicapai pada 15 Ogos 2015.
  127. ^ I Support Dolce and Gabbana Petition at LifeSiteNews Website
  128. ^ Madison Park, Anna Coren (18 Mac 2015). "CNN Exclusive: Dolce & Gabbana: We don't judge on IVF". CNN. Dicapai pada 15 Ogos 2015.
  129. ^ Wareing, Charlotte (18 Mac 2015). "Dolce & Gabbana slam boycott campaign over IVF and adoption row as 'medieval'". Daily Mirror. Dicapai pada 26 Mac 2015.
  130. ^ Sauers, Jenna (27 September 2012). "Dolce & Gabbana Shows Racist 'Mammy' Earrings and Fabric Prints". Jezebel. Dicapai pada 19 Julai 2016.
  131. ^ Bitette, Nicole (4 Mac 2016). "Dolce & Gabbana release offensive 'Slave Sandal' as part of Spring 2016 collection". New York Daily News.
  132. ^ "D&G tentano l'evasione del secolo". Mazzetta blog. 31 Mei 2009. Dicapai pada 31 Mei 2009.[pautan mati kekal]
  133. ^ "Più Gabbana che Dolce Perché i giornali ignorano quella notizia". Il Giornale (dalam bahasa Italian). 26 Mei 2009. Dicapai pada 31 Mei 2009.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  134. ^ "Dolce and Gabbana Convicted of Tax Evasion". Time. 19 Jun 2013. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 22 Jun 2013. Dicapai pada 19 Jun 2013. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (bantuan)
  135. ^ a b Wang, Lisa (30 April 2014). "Dolce, Gabbana Found Guilty of Tax Evasion". Business of Fashion. Dicapai pada 7 Mei 2014.
  136. ^ "Dolce & Gabbana found guilty of tax evasion". 30 April 2014.
  137. ^ Wood, Robert W. (25 Oktober 2014). "Dolce & Gabbana Cleared Of Tax Evasion, Could Help Lionel Messi Trial".
  138. ^ "Dolce & Gabbana Founders Found Innocent in Tax Evasion Case". E! Online.
  139. ^ LEITCH, LUKE (24 Oktober 2014). "Dolce and Gabbana cleared of tax evasion: Rome's supreme court overturned a ruling that found designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana guilty of tax evasion with a 20-month prison penalty".

Further reading

  • "Dolce & Gabbana." The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Fashion and Fashion Designers. London: Thames & Hudson, 2007. Credo Reference. Web. 29 November 2011.
  • "Gabbana, Stefano." Marquis Who's Who in the World. New Providence: Marquis Who's Who LLC, 2011. Credo Reference. Web. 29 November 2011.
  • "Gabbana, Stefano." The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Fashion and Fashion Designers. London: Thames & Hudson, 2007. Credo Reference. Web. 29 November 2011.
  • "Domenico Dolce Quotes – Swide Magazine." Swide Magazine by Dolce&Gabbana. Swide Magazine, 2 June 2011. Web. 29 November 2011.
  • "Dolce & Gabbana – Biography on Bio." Bio: Shows, Video, TV Schedule and More on Bio. AETN UK. Web. 29 November 2011.

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