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Neonasionalisme (neo-nationalism[1][2]) ialah suatu bentuk nasionalisme yang muncul pada pertengahan dekad 2010-an terutamanya di Eropah dan Amerika Syarikat. Fahaman ini dikaitkan dengan beberapa kedudkan politik tertentu seperti populisme sayap kanan,[3] anti-globalisasi,[4] nativisme,[3] fahaman perlindungan,[5] bangkangan terhadap sistem imigresen[2] and Euroskeptisisme antara lainnya.

  1. ^ Stephens, Bret (21 November 2016). "Trump's Neo-Nationalists". The Wall Street Journal.
  2. ^ a b Eger, Maureen A.; Valdez, Sarah (2014). "Neo-nationalism in Western Europe". European Sociological Review. 31 (1): 115–130. doi:10.1093/esr/jcu087. Based on our combined analyses, we conclude that contemporary anti-immigrant parties constitute a new and distinct party family, which we term neo-nationalist.
  3. ^ a b Barber, Tony (11 July 2016). "A renewed nationalism is stalking Europe". Financial Times. ...the rise of rightwing populist nativism.
  4. ^ Stokes, Bruce (19 Disember 2016). "Analysis: Europe's far-right anger is moving mainstream". Chicago Tribune. Dicapai pada 7 March 2018.
  5. ^ Crouch, Colin; Sakalis, Alex; Bechler, Rosemary (2 October 2016). "Educating for democracy". openDemocracy. Some protagonists of the new nationalism - such as Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen - also advocate a retreat from the global economy into individual protectionist nation states.