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Perang Greece-Turki (1919–1922)

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Perang Greece-Turki 1919–1922
Sebahagian daripada Perang Kemerdekaan Turki

Arah jam daripada atas-kiri: Mustafa Kemal pada penghujung Pertempuran İnönü Pertama; tentera Greece berundur semasa tahap terakhir; serangan Greece dalam Pertempuran Gediz di sungai Gediz; infantri Turki dalam parit.
Tarikh15 Mei 191914 Oktober 1922
(3 tahun, 4 bulan, 4 minggu dan 1 hari)
Anatolia Barat

Kemenangan Turki[23][24][25]

Tanah-tanah yang asalnya diserahkan kepada kerajaan beraja Greece daripada empayar Uthmaniyyah digabungkan ke dalam republik Turki.
Pihak yang terlibat

Pergerakan Kebangsaan Turki

Disokong oleh:

Kerajaan Yunani Kerajaan beraja Greece

Disokong oleh: Sukarelawan Pontic[19][20][21][22]
Komandan dan pemimpin
Unit terlibat
Tentera Darat Nationalis (bermula 1920)
Pasukan Kebangsaan (sehingga 1920)
Green Army (sehingga 1920)
Kerajaan Yunani Tentera Asia Kecil
Empayar Uthmaniyah Tentera Khilafah[14]
Republik Armenia Pertama legion sukarelawan Armenia[26]
Green Army (bermula 1920)
Kerugian dan korban
Tentera tetap:
  • 9,167 mati[39]
  • 2,474 mati akibat kecederaan atau sebab bukan tempur[39]
  • 31,097 cedera[39]
  • 11,150 hilang
  • 6,522 tawanan[40]**
  • 19,362 mati[41]
  • 4,878 mati bukan akibat pertempuran
  • 48,880 cedera
  • 18,095 hilang
  • s. 13,740 tawanan*[42]
264,000 orang awam Greece mati

Jumlah orang awam Turki mati diragui. 30,000+ bangunan dan 250+ kampung musnah atau dibakar oleh Tentera Darat Greece.


* 20,826 tahanan Greece ditawan. Sekitar 740 pegawai dan 13,000 askar tiba di Greece semasa pertukaran tawanan pada tahun 1923. Kira-kira 7,000 orang dianggap mati semasa dalam tahanan Turki.[42]
** Greece menawan 22,071 orang tentera dan orang awam. Di mana 520 pegawai dan 6,002 tentera. Semasa pertukaran tawanan pada tahun 1923, 329 pegawai, 6,002 askar dan 9,410 orang awam tiba di Turki. Selebihnya iaitu 6,330, kebanyakan orang awam, dianggap mati semasa dalam tawanan Greece.[44]

  • Dewan Kebangsaan Besar Turki dibuka pada tahun 1920.
  • Pasukan Kebangsaan (Kuva-yi Milliye) beroperasi secara bebas antara tahun 1919 hingga 1920 sehingga ia diletakkan di bawah kawalan Dewan Perhimpunan Besar.

Perang Greece-Turki 1919–1922[e] terjadi antara Greece dan Pergerakan Kebangsaan Turki semasa pembahagian Empayar Uthmaniyyah selepas tamatnya Perang Dunia I, antara 15 Mei 1919 hingga 14 Oktober 1922. KOnflik ini merupakan sebahagian daripada Perang Kemerdekaan Turki.

  1. ^ For further information, see United States during the Turkish War of Independence.
  2. ^ The French supported the Greeks until November 1920 and a small period between the Battle of Kütahya–Eskişehir and the Battle of the Sakarya. After these two times, France did not support the Greeks anymore.[18]
  3. ^ The Turks fought only with irregular units (Kuva-yi Milliye, i.e. the National Forces) in the years 1919 and 1920. The Turks established their regular army (Kuva-yi Nizamiye), i.e. the Nationalist Army under the Ankara Government, towards the end of 1920. The First Battle of İnönü was the first battle where regular army units fought against the Greek army.
  4. ^ One Greek division had at least 25% more men than a Turkish division. In 1922, Turkish divisions had 7,000–8,000 men averagely, whereas Greek divisions had well over 10,000 men per division.
  5. ^ It is known as the Western Front (Batı Cephesi, غرب جبهه سی) in Turkey, and the Asia Minor Campaign (Μικρασιατική Εκστρατεία) or the Asia Minor Catastrophe (Μικρασιατική Καταστροφή) in Greece. It is also referred to as the Greek invasion of Anatolia.[45]
  1. ^ Jelavich, Barbara (1983). History of the Balkans: Twentieth century. Cambridge University Press. m/s. 131. ISBN 978-0-521-27459-3.
  3. ^ Внешняя политика Азербайджана в годы cоветской власти
  4. ^ "Hüseyin Adıgüzel – Atatürk, Nerimanov ve Kurtuluş Savaşımız". 24 Disember 2014. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 24 Disember 2014.
  5. ^ Andican, A. Ahat (2007). Turkestan Struggle Abroad From Jadidism to Independence. SOTA Publications. m/s. 78–81. ISBN 978-908-0-740-365.
  6. ^ The Place of the Turkish Independence War in the American Press (1918–1923) by Bülent Bilmez: "...the occupation of western Turkey by the Greek armies under the control of the Allied Powers, the discord among them was evident and publicly known. As the Italians were against this occupation from the beginning, and started "secretly" helping the Kemalists, this conflict among the Allied Powers, and the Italian support for the Kemalists were reported regularly by the American press.
  7. ^ Sforza, Diario, November 28, 1920, 61
  8. ^ David Lloyd George, The Truth about the Peace Treaties, v. 2 (Gollancz, London: 1938), pp. 1348–1349
  9. ^ Michael Smith, Ionian Vision: Greece in Asia Minor, 1919-1922, University of Michigan Press, 1999.
  10. ^ Ζολώτα, Αναστασίου Π. (1995). Η Εθνική Τραγωδία (National Tragedy). Αθήνα, Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, Τμήμα Πολιτικών (University of Athens) Επιστημών και Δημοσίας Διοικήσεως. σελίδες pp. 44–58
  12. ^ Briton Cooper Busch: Mudros to Lausanne: Britain's Frontier in West Asia, 1918–1923, SUNY Press, 1976, ISBN 0-87395-265-0, sayfa 216 Diarkibkan 2013-06-08 di Wayback Machine.
  13. ^ "British Indian troops attacked by Turks; thirty wounded and British officer captured – Warships' guns drive enemy back
  14. ^ a b The Kuva-yi Inzibatiye legion, also known as the Caliphate Army, was established by the imperial government of the Ottoman Empire, supported the Greek Army during the war fighting with 4,000–7,000 soldiers, under the command of Süleyman Şefik Pasha, against the Turkish Army and the Turkish National Movement. See: Meydan, Sinan (2010). Cumhuriyet tarihi yalanları. Yenibosna, İstanbul: İnkılâp. m/s. 217, 342–344. ISBN 978-9751030542. OCLC 775482636. and Jowett, Philip (2015). Armies of the Greek-Turkish War 1919–22. Bloomsbury Publishing. m/s. 45. ISBN 978-1472806864. OCLC 894307254.
  15. ^ New York Times, Smyrna is taken away from Turkey, 17 May 1919
  16. ^ Cevizoğlu, Hulki (2007). 1919'un Şifresi (Gizli ABD İşgalinin Belge ve Fotoğrafları). Ceviz Kabuğu Yayınları. m/s. 66, 77. ISBN 9789756613238.
  17. ^ Yalçın, Soner (19 Mac 2014). "ABD "Türkiye'nin paylaşılması"nda nasıl rol almıştı?". Odatv. Dicapai pada 18 Jun 2024.
  18. ^ Turgut Özakman, Şu Çılgın Türkler (115th edition, September 2005), p. 23: Sevr Antlaşması'nı ve tabii Üçlü Anlaşma'yı milliyetçilere silah zoruyla kabul ettirmek görevi, İngilizlerin aracılığıyla Yunan ordusuna önerilir, o da kabul eder. Yunan hükümeti, bu hizmetine karşılık, İzmir ve Doğu Trakya'dan başka, İstanbul'un da Yunanistan'a verileceği ümidine kapılır.
    Fakat beklenilmeyen bir olay Yunanistan'ı karıştıracaktır. Kral Aleksandros ölür. Venizelos, Konstantin'in tahta geri dönmesini engellemek için seçimleri yenilemeye karar verir ve seçime "ya Konstantin, ya ben!" sloganıyla girer. Halk Konstantin'i ve onu destekleyen partiyi seçer. Venizelos yurtdışına kaçar. Vaktiyle Konstantin'in devrilmesine yardım etmiş olan Fransız hükümeti, Konstantin'e ve muhalefete oy veren Yunan halkına kızar ve yeni iktidara karşı tavır alır.
    İngilizler de tedirgin olurlar ama tavır almak için beklemeyi tercih ederler.
    Venizelos'un sürgüne yolladığı, hapse attırdığı siviller ve askerler, tıpkı Hürriyet ve İtilaf Partililer gibi, iktidar özlemi ve kinle tutuşmuş bir halde yeniden sahnede boy gösterirler. Kralcı General Papulas, Anadolu'daki Yunan ordusunun komutanlığa atanır. İktidar, Anadolu'yu boşalttığı takdirde, Yunanistan'ın Fransa ve İtalya'dan sonra, İngiltere'nin de desteğini kaybedip yalnız kalacağını anlar; azdırdıkları Anadolu Rumlarını yazgılarıyla baş başa bırakmayı da göze alamaz. Sonunda Venizelos'un yayılmacı politikasını ve İngilizlerin askeri olmayı kabul eder. Bu sebeple Anadolu olaylarını iyi bilen bazı Venizeloscu komutanlara dokunmaz.
    ("The task of forcing the nationalists to accept the Treaty of Sèvres and of course the Tripartite Agreement at gunpoint was offered to the Greek army through the British, and it accepted it. In return for this service, the Greek government hoped that, in addition to Izmir and Eastern Thrace, Istanbul would also be given to Greece.
    However, an unexpected event will confuse Greece. King Alexander dies. Venizelos decides to renew the elections in order to prevent Constantine's return to the throne and enters the elections with the slogan "Constantine or me!". The people elect Constantine and the party that supports him. Venizelos flees abroad. The French government, which had once helped overthrow Constantine, is angry with Constantine and the Greek people who voted for the opposition, and takes a stand against the new government.
    The British were also uneasy, but preferred to wait to take a stand.
    The civilians and soldiers exiled and imprisoned by Venizelos reappeared on the stage, just like the members of the Freedom and Accord Party, fuelled by a longing for power and a grudge. The royalist General Papoulas was appointed commander of the Greek army in Anatolia. The government realised that if it evacuated Anatolia, Greece would lose the support of Britain, after France and Italy, and would be left alone; it could not afford to leave the Anatolian Greeks, whom they had been inflaming, alone with their fate. In the end, he accepted Venizelos' expansionist policy and to become a soldier of the British. For this reason, he did not touch some of the Venizelist commanders who knew the Anatolian events well.")
  19. ^ Türk İstiklal Harbi Serisi, 6th Volume, “İstiklal Harbinde Ayaklanmalar”, p. 126
  20. ^ Kenan ESENGİN; “Millî Mücadelede Ayaklanmalar, pp. 175–189,Kum Saati Yayınları, 2006
  21. ^ M. Şevki YAZMAN, "Anadolu'nun İşgali", pp. 83–84, Kum Saati Yayınları, 2006, Istanbul
  22. ^ A. Nedim ÇAKMAK; “İşgal Günlerinde İşbirlikçiler Hüsnüyadis Hortladı”, pp. 54–55, Kum Saati Yayınları, 2006, İstanbul.
  23. ^ According to John R. Ferris, "Kemenangan muktamad Turki di Anatolia ... produced Britain's gravest strategic crisis between the 1918 Armistice and Munich, plus a seismic shift in British politics ..." Erik Goldstein and Brian McKerche, Power and Stability: British Foreign Policy, 1865–1965, 2004 p. 139
  24. ^ A. Strahan claimed that: "The internationalisation of Constantinople and the Straits under the aegis of the League of Nations, feasible in 1919, was out of the question after the complete and decisive Turkish victory over the Greeks". A. Strahan, Contemporary Review, 1922.
  25. ^ N. B. Criss, Istanbul Under Allied Occupation, 1918–1923, 1999, p. 143. "But now in 1922, after the decisive Turkish victory over the Greeks, 40,000 Turkish soldiers moved towards Çannakale."
  26. ^ Ia terdiri (setakat 1922) sekitar 2,500 orang sukarelawan etnik Armenia. Lihat Ramazian, Samvel (2010). Ιστορία των αρμενο-ελληνικών στρατιωτικών σχέσεων και συνεργασίας / Հայ-հունական ռազմական առնչությունների եւ համագործակցության պատմություն [History of Armenian-Greek military relations and cooperation] (dalam bahasa Greek dan Armenia). Athens: Stamoulis Publications. m/s. 200–201, 208–209. ISBN 978-9609952002. Cited in Vardanyan, Gevorg (12 November 2012). Հայ-հունական համագործակցության փորձերը Հայոց ցեղասպանության տարիներին (1915–1923 թթ.) [The attempts of the Greek-Armenian Co-operation during the Armenian Genocide (1915–1923)]. (dalam bahasa Armenia). Research Center on Western Armenian Studies. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 25 Ogos 2020. Dicapai pada 25 Ogos 2020.
  27. ^ Ergün Aybars, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti tarihi I, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 1984, pp. 319–334 (dalam bahasa Turki)
  28. ^ Turkish General Staff, Türk İstiklal Harbinde Batı Cephesi, Edition II, Part 2, Ankara 1999, p. 225
  29. ^ a b c d e Görgülü, İsmet (1992), Büyük Taarruz: 70 nci yıl armağanı (dalam bahasa Turki), Genelkurmay basımevi, m/s. 1, 4, 10, 360.
  30. ^ a b Erikan, Celâl (1917). 100 [i.e. Yüz] soruda Kurtuluş Savaşımızın tarihi. Gerçek Yayınevi.
  31. ^ a b Tuğlacı, Pars (1987), Çağdaş Türkiye (dalam bahasa Turki), Cem Yayınevi, m/s. 169.
  32. ^ Eleftheria, Daleziou (2002). "Britain and the Greek-Turkish War and Settlement of 1919–1923: the Pursuit of Security by "Proxy" in Western Asia Minor". University of Glasgow. m/s. 108. Dicapai pada 11 Julai 2014.
  33. ^ Türk İstiklal Harbinde Batı Cephesi [The Western Front in the Turkish War of Independence] (dalam bahasa Turki), 2 (ed. II), Ankara: Turkish General Staff, 1999, m/s. 225.
  34. ^ Asian Review. East & West. 1934.
  35. ^ Sandler, Stanley (2002). Ground Warfare: An International Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-57607-344-5.
  36. ^ History of the Campaign of Minor Asia, General Staff of Army, Athens: Directorate of Army History, 1967, m/s. 140, on June 11 (OC) 6,159 officers, 193,994 soldiers (=200,153 men).
  37. ^ Eleftheria, Daleziou (2002). "Britain and the Greek-Turkish War and Settlement of 1919–1923: the Pursuit of Security by "Proxy" in Western Asia Minor". University of Glasgow. m/s. 243. Dicapai pada 11 Julai 2014.
  38. ^ Giritli, İsmet (November 1986), Samsun'da Başlayan ve İzmir'de Biten Yolculuk (1919–1922) (ed. III), Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi [Atatürk Research Center], diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 5 April 2013
  39. ^ a b c Sabahattin Selek: Millî mücadele – Cilt I (engl.: National Struggle – Edition I), Burçak yayınevi, 1963, p. 109 (dalam bahasa Turki)
  40. ^ Taşkıran, Cemalettin (2005). "Kanlı mürekkeple yazın çektiklerimizi ... !": Milli Mücadelede Türk ve Yunan esirleri, 1919–1923. Platin Yayınları. m/s. 26. ISBN 978-975-8163-67-0.
  41. ^ Επίτομος Ιστορία Εκστρατείας Μικράς Ασίας 1919–1922 [Abridged History of the Campaign of Minor Asia] (dalam bahasa Greek), Athens: Directorate of Army History, 1967, Table 2.
  42. ^ a b Στρατιωτική Ιστορία journal, Issue 203, December 2013, p. 67
  43. ^
    • Özdalga, Elizabeth. The last dragoman: the Swedish orientalist Johannes Kolmodin as scholar, activist and diplomat (2006), Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, p. 63.
    • Toynbee, Arnold. "Toynbee, Arnold (6 April 1922) [9 March 1922], "Letter", The Times, Turkey".
    • Loder Park, U.S. Vice-Consul James. "Smyrna, 11 April 1923. US archives US767.68116/34".
    • HG, Howell. "Report on the Nationalist Offensive in Anatolia, Istanbul: The Inter-Allied commission proceeding to Bourssa, F.O. 371-7898, no. E10383.(15 September 1922)
  44. ^ Ahmet Özdemir, Savaş esirlerinin Milli mücadeledeki yeri, Ankara University, Türk İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü Atatürk Yolu Dergisi, 2nd ed., Number 6, 1990, pp. 328–332
  45. ^ Kate Fleet; I. Metin Kunt; Reşat Kasaba; Suraiya Faroqhi (2008). The Cambridge History of Turkey. m/s. 226.


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