Templat:Infobox venue
This templates generates an infobox to summarize information about stadia, arenas, or other sporting venues, as well as theatres and cinemas.
[sunting sumber]{{{native_name}}} | |
{{{nickname}}} | |
[[File:{{{logo_image}}}|{{{logo_size}}}|alt={{{logo_alt}}}|upright=1]] {{{logo_caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{image_alt}}}|upright={{{image_upright}}}]] {{{image_caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{image_map}}}|{{{map_size}}}|alt={{{map_alt}}}|upright=1]] {{{map_caption}}} | |
Nama penuh | {{{fullname}}} |
Nama silam | {{{former names}}} |
Alamat | {{{address}}} {{{city}}} {{{country}}} |
Lokasi | {{{location}}} |
Koordinat | {{{coordinates}}} |
Transit awam | {{{publictransit}}} |
Parkir | {{{parking}}} |
Pemilik | {{{owner}}} |
Pentadbir | {{{operator}}} |
Jawatan | {{{designation}}} |
Jenis | {{{type}}} |
Aliran | {{{genre}}} |
Jenis Tempat Duduk | {{{seating_type}}} |
Suite Eksekutif | {{{Suites}}} |
Kapasiti | {{{capacity}}} |
Rekod kehadiran | {{{record_attendance}}} |
Saiz Padang | {{{dimensions}}} |
Bentuk Padang | {{{field_shape}}} |
Keluasan | {{{Acreage}}} |
Permukaan | {{{surface}}} |
Papan Markah | {{{scoreboard}}} |
Skrin | {{{screens}}} |
Penggunaan semasa | {{{currentuse}}} |
Pengeluaran | {{{production}}} |
Pembinaan | |
Pecah tanah | {{{broke ground}}} |
Dibina | {{{built}}} |
Dibuka | {{{opened}}} |
Pengubahsuaian | {{{renovated}}} |
Diperluas | {{{expanded}}} |
Ditutup | {{{closed}}} |
Dibuka semula | {{{reopened}}} |
Dirobohkan | {{{demolished}}} |
Dibina semula | {{{rebuilt}}} |
Tahun aktif | {{{yearsactive}}} |
Kos pembinaan | {{{cost}}} |
Arkitek | {{{architect}}} |
Jurubina | {{{builder}}} |
Pengurus projek | {{{project manager}}} |
Jurutera struktur | {{{structural engineer}}} |
Perkhidmatan jurutera | {{{services engineer}}} |
Kontraktor am | {{{general contractor}}} |
Kontraktor utama | {{{main contractors}}} |
Tuan rumah | |
{{{tenants}}} | |
Laman sesawang | |
{{{website}}} | |
{{{nrhp}}} |
{{Infobox venue | name = | nickname = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | fullname = | former names = | logo_image = | logo_caption = | image = | image_size = | image_alt = | caption = | pushpin_map = | pushpin_mapsize = | pushpin_map_caption = | pushpin_label_position = | latd = | latm = | lats = | latNS = | longd = | longm = | longs = | longEW = | coordinates_display = | iso_region = | address = | location = | coordinates = <!-- {{Coord|LAT|LON|type:landmark|display=inline,title}} --> | type = | genre = | broke_ground = | built = | opened = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} --> | renovated = | expanded = | closed = | demolished = | owner = | operator = | surface = | scoreboard = | production = | cost = | architect = | project_manager = | structural engineer = | services engineer = | general_contractor = | main_contractors = | seating_type = | capacity = | suites = | record_attendance = | dimensions = | field_shape = | acreage = | volume = | tenants = | embedded = | website = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} --> | publictransit = }}
[sunting sumber]All attributes are optional.
Parameter | Explanation |
name | Name of the sporting venue. Defaults to {{PAGENAME}} |
stadium_name | |
centre_name | |
nickname | English nickname(s) of the venue |
native_name | Name of the venue in native language/script (e.g. दशरथ रंगशाला) |
native_name_lang | If |native_name= is present, ISO 639-1 code of language/script of value (e.g. ne)
fullname | Insert the official full name of the venue |
former names | Insert the venue's former name(s). Use the format:
logo_image | Insert an image link in the form: [[File:MyLogo.jpg|250px|alt=My alt text]] . For more on alt text, please see WP:ALT.
logo_caption | Insert a caption for the stadium logo |
image | Image name without "File:" or other formatting. e.g. MyImage.jpg |
image_size | Size of the image as a raw number (i.e. without "px"). If not specified, image width defaults to "frameless" (220px). |
image_alt | alt text for the image. |
caption | Insert a caption for the stadium image |
pushpin_map | The name of a location map as per Template:Location map |
pushpin_mapsize | The width to display the pushpin map, in pixels. Just the number, without "px". If omitted or left empty, defaults to 250. |
pushpin_map_caption | Caption to display below the pushpin map. If left blank or omitted, a caption will not be displayed. |
pushpin_label_position | The position of the label on the pushpin map relative to the pushpin mark. Valid values are left, right, top and bottom. This defaults to either left or right, depending on the coordinates of the marker and its position relative to the right border of the map image. |
latd | Latitude degrees. Can also be used for decimal degrees. |
latm | Latitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if latd has a decimal value. |
lats | Latitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if latd has a decimal value. |
latNS | Latitude North or South (enter N or S). Omit or leave blank if latd has a decimal value. |
longd | Longitude degrees. Can also be used for decimal degrees. |
longm | Longitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if longd has a decimal value. |
longs | Longitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if longd has a decimal value. |
longEW | Longitude East or West (enter E or W). Omit or leave blank if longd has a decimal value. |
location | Insert the venue's location |
coordinates | Insert the geographical coordinates, preferably with {{coord}} |
type | Theatre, Stadium, ... |
genre | music, concerts, sporting events, theatre, dance |
broke_ground | Insert the date when ground was broken to build the venue |
built | Insert a date range of when the venue was under construction |
opened | Insert the date of when it opened |
renovated | Insert the date of when it was renovated |
expanded | Insert the date of when it was expanded |
closed | Insert the date of when it was closed |
demolished | Insert the date of when it was demolished |
owner | Insert the name(s) of the venue's owner(s) |
operator | Insert the name(s) of the venue's operator(s) |
surface | Enter the surface of the venue (e.g. grass, sand, artificial turf) |
scoreboard | Enter the details of any scoreboard at the venue. If specific details are not known, just enter "Yes" if the venue has a scoreboard or "No" if there is none. |
production | Enter the theatrical production currently being housed at the venue. |
cost | Enter the construction cost, preferably in the currency that the venue is located in (see WP:DATE for details) Per its own documentation, the inflation template should not be used. |
architect | Insert the name(s) of the venue's architect(s) |
project_manager | Insert the name(s) of the project manager(s) who led the venue's construction |
structural engineer | Insert the name(s) of the venue's structural engineer(s) |
services engineer | Insert the name(s) of the venue's services engineer(s) |
general_contractor | Insert the name(s) of the venue's general contractor(s) |
main_contractors | Insert the name(s) of the venue's main contractor(s) |
seating_type | soft seat, reserved seating |
capacity | Insert the seating capacity of the venue. If it is a multi-purpose venue, use the format:
suites | Insert the number of suites |
record_attendance | Insert the all-time record attendance of the venue. (include the date and event if you wish) If it is a multi-purpose venue, use the format:
dimensions | Insert the dimensions of the venue:
field_shape | Oval rectangular or circular |
acreage | Insert the acreage. |
volume | Insert the volume. |
tenants | Insert the teams and any other parties who use the venue as their home stadium or arena. Use the format:
Alternatively, you can use the {{infobox venue/tenantlist}} sub-template to automatically line rows up. |
embedded | Embed another infobox with such capability like {{designation list}} and {{infobox NRHP}}. See their respective documentation for more information. |
website | Insert the website, preferably with {{URL}} |
publictransit | The nearest public transport stop. Example: [[Roosevelt/State (CTA)|Roosevelt Station]], [[Chicago Transit Authority]] |
[sunting sumber]Penanda HTML yang dihasilkan oleh templat ini termasuklah mikroformat hCard, yang menjadikan nama tempat dan lokasi boleh dihuraikan oleh komputer, sama adan bertindak secara automatik untuk mengkatalogkan rencana merentasi Wikipedia atau melalui alat pelayar yang dikendalikan oleh orang, contohnya untuk menambah subjek pada buku alamat. Di dalam hCard terdapat mikroformat Geo, yang membolehkan koordinat (garis lintang dan bujur) dihuraikan, supaya ia boleh mencari peta atau memuat turun unit GPS.
[sunting sumber]Jika suatu tempat itu mempunyai medan "diasaskan", "ditubuhkan", "dibuka atau yang serupa, gunakan templat {{Tarikh mula}}. Jika ia mempunyai URL, gunakan templat {{URL}}.
Harap tidak membuang contoh-contoh subtemplat ini.
[sunting sumber]hCard menggunakan kelas-kelas HTML termasuklah:
- adr
- agent
- category
- county-name
- extended-address
- fn
- label
- locality
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
Geo dihasilkan dengan memanggil {{Koord}}, dan menggunakan kelas-kelas HTML:
- geo
- latitude
- longitude
Jangan menamakan semula atau membuang kelas-kelas ini, atau meruntuhkan unsur-unsur bersarang yang menggunakannya.
[sunting sumber]Apabila menggunakan koordinat, sila gunakan tahap ketepatan yang bersesuaian. Jangan gunakan parameter |name=
pada {{Koord}}.
[sunting sumber]This templates generates an infobox to summarize information about stadia, arenas, or other sporting venues.
Parameter | Keterangan | Jenis | Status | |
Name | name | Name of the sporting venue | Rentetan | pilihan |
Stadium name | stadium_name | Name of the sporting venue (synonym for {{{name}}}) | Rentetan | pilihan |
Centre name | centre_name | Name of the sporting venue (synonym for {{{name}}}) | Rentetan | pilihan |
Nickname(s) | nickname | English nickname(s) of the venue | Rentetan | pilihan |
Native name | native_name | Name of venue in native language/script | Rentetan | pilihan |
Native name language | native_name_lang | If {{{native_name}}} present, ISO 639-1 language code of language/script of its value | Rentetan | pilihan |
Full name | fullname | Official full name of the venue | Rentetan | pilihan |
Former name(s) | former names | Venue's former name(s) in format "FormerName (year–year)" | Rentetan | pilihan |
Logo image link | logo_image | Image link to the logo | Nama laman | pilihan |
Logo caption | logo_caption | Caption for the stadium logo | Rentetan | pilihan |
Image link | image | Image link | Nama laman | pilihan |
Image caption | caption | Caption for the image | Rentetan | pilihan |
Location | location | Baris | pilihan | |
Coordinates | coordinates | Geographical coordinates | Rentetan | pilihan |
Ground broke date | broke_ground | Date when ground was broken to build the venue | Rentetan | pilihan |
Build date | built | Date range of when the venue was under construction | Rentetan | pilihan |
Date of opening | opened | Date of when it opened | Baris | pilihan |
Date of renovation | renovated | Date of when it was renovated | Rentetan | pilihan |
Date of expansion | expanded | Date of when it was expanded | Rentetan | pilihan |
Date of closing | closed | Date of when it was closed | Baris | pilihan |
Date of demolishing | demolished | Date of when it was demolished | Rentetan | pilihan |
Owner(s) | owner | Name(s) of the venue's owner(s) | Rentetan | pilihan |
Operator(s) | operator | Name(s) of the venue's operator(s) | Rentetan | pilihan |
Surface | surface | Surface of the venue (e.g. grass, sand, artificial turf) | Rentetan | pilihan |
Scoreboard | scoreboard | Details of scoreboard at the venue. If not known, just enter "Yes" if the venue has a scoreboard and "No" otherwise. | Rentetan | pilihan |
Cost | cost | Construction cost, preferably in the currency that the venue is located | Rentetan | pilihan |
Architect(s) | architect | Name(s) of venue's architect(s) | Rentetan | pilihan |
Project manager(s) | project_manager | Name(s) of venue's project manager(s) | Rentetan | pilihan |
Structural engineer(s) | structural engineer | Name(s) of venue's structural engineer(s) | Rentetan | pilihan |
Services engineer(s) | services engineer | Name(s) of venue's services engineer(s) | Rentetan | pilihan |
General contractor(s) | general_contractor | Name(s) of venue's general contractor(s) | Rentetan | pilihan |
Main contractor(s) | main_contractors | Name(s) of venue's main contractor(s) | Rentetan | pilihan |
Capacity | capacity | Rentetan | pilihan | |
Suites | suites | Number of suites | Baris | pilihan |
Record attendance | record_attendance | All time record attendance of the venue. If it is a multi-purpose venue, use the format: "Record Attendance (Date & Event)" | Rentetan | pilihan |
Dimensions | dimensions | Dimensions of the venue | Rentetan | pilihan |
Acreage | acreage | Baris | pilihan | |
Volume | volume | Baris | pilihan | |
Tenants | tenants | The teams and any other parties who use the venue as their home stadium or arena. Use the format: "TeamName (league/organization) year–year" | Rentetan | pilihan |
Embedded | embedded | Embed another infobox | Rentetan | pilihan |
Website | website | Rentetan | pilihan | |
Public transit | publictransit | The nearest public transport stop | Rentetan | pilihan |