Templat:Weekday after date

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Usage[sunting sumber]

{{Weekday after date|Y|M|D|W|S}} uses the optional date format string S (defaults to "F d, Y") to return the date of the first W (=Sunday, Monday, ..., Saturday) after the specified date with year Y, month M (spelled out), and day of month D.

Examples[sunting sumber]

The first Sunday after April 23, 2024 is given by "{{Weekday after date|2024|April|23|Sunday}}" as "Ralat: waktu tidak sah".

In the following table, 25 May 2014 is a Sunday.

Syntax What it looks like Notes
{{Weekday after date|2014|May|25|Monday|d F Y}} Ralat: waktu tidak sah
{{Weekday after date|2014|May|25|Tuesday|d F Y}} Ralat: waktu tidak sah
{{Weekday after date|2014|May|25|Wednesday|d F Y}} Ralat: waktu tidak sah
{{Weekday after date|2014|May|25|Thursday|Y-m-d}} Ralat: waktu tidak sah
{{Weekday after date|2014|May|25|Friday|Y-m-d}} Ralat: waktu tidak sah
{{Weekday after date|2014|May|25|Saturday|d F Y}} Ralat: waktu tidak sah
{{Weekday after date|2014|May|25|Sunday|d F Y}} Ralat: waktu tidak sah When a starting date falls on the specified weekday, the resulting date will be one week later.
{{Weekday after date|2014|05|25|Thursday|d F Y}} Error: Invalid time. Numeric month results in error

See also[sunting sumber]