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14 Jun 2024

  • bezasjrh B Templat:Taxonomy/Arthraxon 10:33 +668Singmata bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan '{{Don't edit this line {{{machine code|}}} |rank=genus |link=Arthraxon |parent=Arthraxoninae |refs={{cite journal|last1=Soreng|first1=Robert J.|last2=Peterson|first2=Paul M.|last3=Romaschenko|first3=Konstantin|last4=Davidse|first4=Gerrit|last5=Teisher|first5=Jordan K.|last6=Clark|first6=Lynn G.|last7=Barberá|first7=Patricia|last8=Gillespie|first8=Lynn J.|last9=Zuloaga|first9=Fernando O.|title=A worldwide phylogenetic classification of the Poaceae (Gra...')
  • bezasjrh B Arthraxon 10:33 +4,419Singmata bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan '{{Automatic taxobox |image = Arthraxon hispidus kobunags01.jpg |image_caption = ''Arthraxon hispidus'' |display_parents = 4 |parent_authority = Benth. |taxon = Arthraxon |authority = P.Beauv., 1812<ref>[ Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie François Joseph 1812. Essai d'une Nouvelle Agrostographie 111-112] description in Latin, commentary in French</ref><ref>[...')
  • bezasjrh B Templat:Taxonomy/Anomochloeae 10:29 +685Singmata bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan '{{Don't edit this line {{{machine code|}}} |rank=tribus |link=Anomochloa|Anomochloeae |parent=Anomochlooideae |refs={{cite journal|last1=Soreng|first1=Robert J.|last2=Peterson|first2=Paul M.|last3=Romaschenko|first3=Konstantin|last4=Davidse|first4=Gerrit|last5=Teisher|first5=Jordan K.|last6=Clark|first6=Lynn G.|last7=Barberá|first7=Patricia|last8=Gillespie|first8=Lynn J.|last9=Zuloaga|first9=Fernando O.|title=A worldwide phylogenetic classification of...')
  • bezasjrh B Templat:Taxonomy/Anomochloa 10:29 +668Singmata bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan '{{Don't edit this line {{{machine code|}}} |rank=genus |link=Anomochloa |parent=Anomochloeae |refs={{cite journal|last1=Soreng|first1=Robert J.|last2=Peterson|first2=Paul M.|last3=Romaschenko|first3=Konstantin|last4=Davidse|first4=Gerrit|last5=Teisher|first5=Jordan K.|last6=Clark|first6=Lynn G.|last7=Barberá|first7=Patricia|last8=Gillespie|first8=Lynn J.|last9=Zuloaga|first9=Fernando O.|title=A worldwide phylogenetic classification of the Poaceae (Gra...')
  • bezasjrh B Anomochloa 10:28 +2,350Singmata bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan '{{Speciesbox | display_parents = 3 | image = Anomochloa.jpg | image_caption = Botanical drawing | grandparent_authority = C.E.Hubb. | genus = Anomochloa | parent_authority = Brongn. | species = marantoidea | authority = Brongn. }} '''''Anomochloa''''' merupakan sebuah genus monotypic tumbuhan berbunga dalam keluarga rumput-rumput, Poaceae. Ia adalah salah satu dari dua genus dalam subfamili tersebut dan satu-satunya genus dalam tribus '''Anomo...')
  • bezasjrh B Anisopogon 10:24 +2,225Singmata bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan ' {{Speciesbox |image = Anisopogon avenacea.jpg |display_parents = 3 |genus = Anisopogon (plant) |parent_authority = R.Br. |species = avenaceus |authority = R.Br. |synonyms_ref = <ref name=j>[ Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families]</ref> |synonyms = *''Deyeuxia avenacea'' <small>(R.Br.) Spreng.</small> *''Avena anis...')
  • bezasjrh B Anthaenantia 10:21 +2,910Singmata bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan '{{Automatic taxobox |image = Anthenantia villosa.jpg |image_caption = ''Anthaenantia villosa'' |display_parents = 4 |taxon = Anthaenantia |authority = P.Beauv. |type_species_authority = (Michx.) P.Beauv. |type_species = ''Anthaenantia villosa'' |synonyms_ref = <ref>[ Tropicos, ''Anthaenantia'' P. Beauv.]</ref><ref name=w/> |synonyms = * ''Aulaxanthus'' <small>Elliott</small> * ''Aulaxia'' <small...')
  • bezasjrh B Templat:Taxonomy/Anthoxanthum 10:17 +672Singmata bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan '{{Don't edit this line {{{machine code|}}} |rank=genus |link=Anthoxanthum |parent=Anthoxanthinae |refs={{cite journal|last1=Soreng|first1=Robert J.|last2=Peterson|first2=Paul M.|last3=Romaschenko|first3=Konstantin|last4=Davidse|first4=Gerrit|last5=Teisher|first5=Jordan K.|last6=Clark|first6=Lynn G.|last7=Barberá|first7=Patricia|last8=Gillespie|first8=Lynn J.|last9=Zuloaga|first9=Fernando O.|title=A worldwide phylogenetic classification of the Poaceae...')
  • bezasjrh B Anthoxanthum 10:17 +6,160Singmata bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan '{{Automatic taxobox |image = Anthoxanthum_odoratum.jpg |image_caption = ''Anthoxanthum odoratum'' |display_parents = 4 |parent_authority = A.Gray |taxon = Anthoxanthum |authority = L. |type_species = ''Anthoxanthum odoratum'' |type_species_authority = L.<ref>lectotype designated by Cope in Jarvis et al., Regnum Veg. 127: 19 (1993)</ref> |synonyms_ref = <ref name=j>[')
  • bezasjrh B Templat:Taxonomy/Poeae 10:13 +658Singmata bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan '{{Don't edit this line {{{machine code|}}} |rank=tribus |link=Poeae |parent=Poodae |refs={{cite journal|last1=Soreng|first1=Robert J.|last2=Peterson|first2=Paul M.|last3=Romaschenko|first3=Konstantin|last4=Davidse|first4=Gerrit|last5=Teisher|first5=Jordan K.|last6=Clark|first6=Lynn G.|last7=Barberá|first7=Patricia|last8=Gillespie|first8=Lynn J.|last9=Zuloaga|first9=Fernando O.|title=A worldwide phylogenetic classification of the Poaceae (Gramineae) II...')
  • bezasjrh B Templat:Taxonomy/Cinninae 10:13 +798Singmata bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan '{{Don't edit this line {{{machine code|}}} |rank=subtribus |link=Cinninae |parent=Poeae |refs={{cite journal|last1=Soreng|first1=Robert J.|last2=Peterson|first2=Paul M.|last3=Romaschenko|first3=Konstantin|last4=Davidse|first4=Gerrit|last5=Teisher|first5=Jordan K.|last6=Clark|first6=Lynn G.|last7=Barberá|first7=Patricia|last8=Gillespie|first8=Lynn J.|last9=Zuloaga|first9=Fernando O.|title=A worldwide phylogenetic classification of the Poaceae (Graminea...')
  • bezasjrh B Templat:Taxonomy/Aniselytron 10:13 +649Singmata bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan '{{Don't edit this line {{{machine code|}}} |rank=genus |link=Aniselytron |parent=Cinninae |refs={{cite journal|last1=Soreng|first1=Robert J.|last2=Peterson|first2=Paul M.|last3=Romaschenko|first3=Konstantin|last4=Davidse|first4=Gerrit|last5=Teisher|first5=Jordan K.|last6=Clark|first6=Lynn G.|last7=Barberá|first7=Patricia|last8=Gillespie|first8=Lynn J.|last9=Zuloaga|first9=Fernando O.|title=A worldwide phylogenetic classification of the Poaceae (Gramin...')
  • bezasjrh B Aniselytron 10:12 +2,262Singmata bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan '{{Automatic taxobox |image = |display_parents = 4 |taxon = Aniselytron |authority = Merr. |type_species = ''Aniselytron agrostoides'' |type_species_authority = Merr. |synonyms_ref = <ref name=u>[ Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families]</ref> |synonyms = * ''Aulacolepis'' <small>Hack.</small> * ''Neoaulacolepis'' <small>Rauschert</small> }} '''''Aniselytron''''' ialah genus tu...')

10 Jun 2024

  • bezasjrh B Xenacoelomorpha 14:09 +8,043Kimthami bincang sumb.(Mencipta laman baru dengan kandungan '{{Automatic taxobox | fossil_range = | image = Xenoturbella_japonica.jpg | image_caption = ''Xenoturbella japonica'', seorang ahli xenacoelomorph (xenoturbellids) | image2 = Proporus_sp.png | image2_caption = ''Proporus'' sp., ahli xenacoelomorph lain (acoelomorphs) | display_parents = 4 | taxon = Xenacoelomorpha | authority = Philippe et al. 2011<ref name="Tyler et al. 2006">{{cite web |website=Turbellarian taxonomic database. Vers...')

7 Jun 2024