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HDS di Kamus Switzerland Sejarah dalam talian dalam bahasa Jerman, Perancis atau Itali.

Fungsi[sunting sumber]

In articles pertaining to the history of Switzerland, to link to the corresponding online Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (HDS) article, usually under the "References" or "External links" heading.

As the HDS is being edited in the three official languages of Switzerland, the template contains links to the German, French and Italian versions of the HDS article. Some articles may not yet be available in all languages, but they are supposed to eventually be. Dead links in one or two languages are therefore no cause for concern.

Usage[sunting sumber]


where ID is the ID number of the HDS article. The ID number is apparent in the URL of the HDS article, for example http://www.hls-dhs-dss.ch/textes/d/D16654.php.

The parameter AlternateName is optional, but if used must immediately follow the ID. When used, this name will appear at the beginning of the link. Otherwise, the article name will appear.

The parameter author= is optional. When used, and supplied with the author of the HDS article, it will prefix the reference with his or her name. This may be linked to an article about the author if you wish.

The parameter date= is optional. When supplied with the date of the HDS article in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, eg. 2006-02-17, it appends version information to the reference. The date text must not be wikilinked.

Examples[sunting sumber]

results in:
Adrian von Bubenberg di Kamus Switzerland Sejarah dalam talian dalam bahasa Jerman, Perancis atau Itali.

  • But in the same article

{{HDS|16654|Adrian de Bubenberg}}
results in:
Adrian de Bubenberg di Kamus Switzerland Sejarah dalam talian dalam bahasa Jerman, Perancis atau Itali.

  • Using the author:

{{HDS|16654|Adrian de Bubenberg|author=Wälchli, KF}}
results in:
Wälchli, KF: Adrian de Bubenberg di Kamus Switzerland Sejarah dalam talian dalam bahasa Jerman, Perancis atau Itali.

  • Using the date:

{{HDS|16654|Adrian de Bubenberg|date=2004-11-02}}
results in:
Adrian de Bubenberg di Kamus Switzerland Sejarah dalam talian dalam bahasa Jerman, Perancis atau Itali. Version of 2004-11-02.