William Adelin

William Ætheling (5 Ogos 1103 – 25 November 1120 M), disebut atau digelar Adelin (juga dieja Adelinus, Adelingus, A(u)delin atau variasi ejaan Ætheling dalam bahasa Norman-Perancis Latin[1]), ialah anak Henry I dari England dengan isterinya Matilda dari Scotland, dan merupakan pewaris takhta England. Kematiannya pada usia muda menyebabkan krisis pewarisan yang dikenali sebagai Anarki.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ "Adelin" derives from the Germanic element Adel, meaning "noble", and is equivalent to the Old English word Æthel, "noble". Adelinus is thus equivalent to the term "Ætheling" used for English princes prior to the Norman Conquest. A Latin term meaning "noble", Clito, was sometimes used as an alternate to the two: for example in the case of William Adelin's cousin, William Clito. See Miller, S., "Ætheling" in The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England, ed. M. Lapidge, J. Blair, S. Keynes and D. Scragg. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003. ISBN 0-631-22492-0