This template creates a {{cite web}} reference to a entry in the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography.
Typical usage would be between <ref></ref> tags, with the code below suitable for copy and paste:
<ref name="DNZB lastname">{{DNZB|last|first|id|title|1 Januari 2025}}</ref>
last and first relate to the author of the biography entry. id is the 3-4 alphanumeric id in the biography URL, for example the id for James Cook is 1c25. All parameters are optional, title defaults to PAGENAME. A plain link without cite web can be created with the parameter plainlink=y.
The biography for Charles Statham[1] is online at http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/biographies/4s40/1. As can be seen in the URL, the id is '4s40'. The biography was written by David Hamer and is entitled 'Statham, Charles Ernest - Biography' as per the footnote on that page. Accessing the biography today (UTC) would result in the following code:
<ref name="DNZB Statham">{{DNZB|Hamer|David|4s40|Statham, Charles Ernest - Biography|1 Januari 2025}}</ref>
This will give the following reference:
- ^ Hamer, David. "Statham, Charles Ernest - Biography". Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Warisan (New Zealand). Dicapai pada 31 December 2011.