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Kesatuan ragbi

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Kesatuan ragbi
Victor Matfield Afrika Selatan mengambil baris lurus
menentang New Zealand pada tahun 2006
Badan induk tertinggiRagbi Dunia
Nama samaranRagbi, Rugger, Ragbi XV, Union,[1] Football
Pertama kali dimainkanAbad ke-19
Pemain berdaftar3,560,000[2][nb 1]
SentuhanSentuh penuh
Ahli pasukan15 (dengan sehingga 8 pengganti)
Jantina bercampurPertandingan berasingan
JenisSukan berpasukan, Luar
PeralatanBola ragbi, Topi skrum (pilihan), But ragbi
Sukan OlimpikSebahagian rancangan Sukan Olimpik Musim Panas pada 1900, 1908, 1920 dan 1924
Ragbi tujuh sebelah dimasukkan pada 2016

Kesatuan ragbi, dikenali ramai sebagai ragbi, ialah sukan berpasukan sentuh penuh yang asalnya dari England pada separuh pertama abad ke-19. Salah satu dua kod bola sepak ragbi, sukan ini berdasarkan berlari dengan bola di tangan. Dalam bentuk paling umumnya, sebuah permainan dimain antara dua pasukan 15 pemain menggunakan sebiji bola berbentuk bujur pada sebuah padang segi empat tepat yang dipanggil lapangan (pitch). Padang mempunyai tiang gol berbentuk H pada kedua-dua hujung.

Kesatuan ragbi ialah sukan yang popular di seluruh dunia, dimain oleh pemain lelaki dan wanita dari segenap umur. Peraturan tidak berbeza antara jantina. Pada tahun 2014, terdapat lebih daripada 6 juta orang bermain di seluruh dunia, 2.36 juta daripadanya pemain berdaftar. Ragbi Dunia, sebelum ini dipanggil Lembaga Bola Sepak Ragbi Antarabangsa (IRFB) dan Lembaga Ragbi Antarabangsa (IRB), telah menjadi badan pentadbir bagi kesatuan ragbi sejak tahun 1886, dan kini mempunyai 101 negara sebagai anggota penuh dan 18 anggota bersekutu.

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  1. ^ As of 2014 the International Rugby Board, now known as World Rugby, removed the total breakdown of world-wide player numbers by country, by age and sex to publish instead an overall figure per country. This document, titled '119 countries... 6.6 million players' adds the number of registered and unregistered players reported by each country. Some unions only report their registered players, i.e. those who play for an affiliated club or region. Other unions, such as England's Rugby Football Union, also report people taking part in outreach and educational programs, or unregistered players. In the 2012 figures reported by the RFU they reported 1,990,988 people playing rugby in England, including 1,102,971 under 13s, 731,685 teens and 156,332 seniors. Some of those recorded would have experienced rugby via educational visits to schools, playing tag or touch rugby, rather than playing regularly for a club. The figures released in 2014 give an overall figure of those playing rugby union, or one of its variants, as 6,684,118, but also reports that of that total, 3.36 million are registered players, while 4.3 million are unregistered.

Nota kaki

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  1. ^ Else, David (2007). British language & culture (ed. 2nd). Lonely Planet. m/s. 97. ISBN 1-86450-286-X.
  2. ^ "119 countries... 6.6 million players" (PDF). IRB. Dicapai pada 27 February 2014.

Sumber tercetak

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  • Encyclopedia Canadiana vol. 8. Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal: Grolier of Canada. 1972. ISBN 0-7172-1601-2.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Bath, Richard, penyunting (1997). Complete Book of Rugby. Seven Oaks Ltd. ISBN 1-86200-013-1.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Biscombe, Tony; Drewett, Peter (2009). Rugby: Steps to Success. Human Kinetics.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Bompa, Tudor; Claro, Frederick (2008). Periodization in Rugby. Meyer and Meyer Sport.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Godwin, Terry; Rhys, Chris (1981). The Guinness Book of Rugby Facts & Feats. Enfield: Guinness Superlatives Ltd. ISBN 0-85112-214-0.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Griffiths, John (1987). The Phoenix Book of International Rugby Records. London: Phoenix House. ISBN 0-460-07003-7.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Marshall, Howard; Jordon, J.P. (1951). Oxford v Cambridge, The Story of the University Rugby Match. London: Clerke & Cockeran.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Midgley, Ruth (1979). The Official World Encyclopedia of Sports and Games. London: Diagram Group. ISBN 0-7092-0153-2.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Richards, Huw (2007). A Game for Hooligans: The History of Rugby Union. Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84596-255-5.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Stubbs, Ray (2009). The Sports Book. Dorling Kindersley. ISBN 978-1-4053-3697-0.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  • Thomas, J.B.G.; Rowe, Harding (1954). On Tour. Essex: Anchor Press Ltd.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)

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