
Eyalet atau iyalah (Turki Uthmaniyah: ایالت serapan Arab: إِيَالَة, rumi: iyālah seakar أَوَّل awwal "mula, pertama" dan آلَ āla "merujuk kepada"[1]) juga dikenali sebagai beylerbeylik atau pashalik, merupakan divisyen pentadbiran utama di dalam Empayar Uthmaniyyah.
Bermula pada tahun 1453 sehingga permulaan kurun ke-19, kerajaan tempatan Uthmaniyah distruktur secara longgar.[2] Asalnya, empayar dipecahkan kepada beberapa wilayah yang dipanggil eyalet, diketuai oleh seorang Pasha.[2] Wazir Besar bertanggungjawap untuk mencalonkan para pegawai tertinggi Eyalet, kedua-duanya di ibu negara dan wilayah.[2] Antara tahun 1861 hingga 1866, sistem Eyalet ini dimansuhkan, dan wilayah dibahagikan bagi tujuan pentadbiran kepada Vilayet.[2]
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ Abd. Rauf Dato' Haji Hassan; Abdul Halim Salleh; Khairul Amin Mohd Zain (2005). Kamus Bahasa Melayu-Bahasa Arab Bahasa Arab-Bahasa Melayu. Shah Alam: Oxford Fajar. m/s. 19–20. ISBN 967-65-7321-3.
- ^ a b c d A handbook of Asia Minor. Naval Staff. Intelligence Department. 1919. m/s. 203.
Pautan luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Francesco Sansovino (1583). Del governo et amministrazione di diversi regni libri XXII. m/s. 43. Dicapai pada 2013-06-02. Contains a list of eyalets, or 'beglerbei'.
- Claudio Ptolomeo; Giovanni Antonio Magini (1598). Geografia cioè descrittione vniuersale della terra: partita in due volumi ... appresso Gio. Battista [et] Giorgio Galignani fratelli. m/s. 8. Dicapai pada 2013-06-02. Includes a list of provinces or 'beierbei'.
- Turcici imperii status seu discursus varii de rebus turcarum. 1630. m/s. 198. Dicapai pada 2013-06-02. With a list of 'beglerbegatus'.
- Paul Rycaut (1670). The Present state of the Ottoman empire: Containing the Maxims of... Starkey. m/s. 175. Dicapai pada 2013-06-02. With a list of 'beglerbeg' and 'sangiacks'.
- Michel-Antoine Baudrand (1681). Geographia. m/s. 343. Dicapai pada 2013-06-02. With a list of 'beglerbeglics'.
- Evliya Çelebi; Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall (1834). Narrative of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa in the Seventeenth Century. Oriental Translation Fund. m/s. 90. Dicapai pada 2013-06-02. Includes a list of beglerbegliks and sanjaks.
- John Macgregor (1834). The resources and statistics of nations. m/s. 451. Dicapai pada 3 June 2013. With a list of Eyalets and livas.
- Sir Grenville Temple (10th bart.) (1836). Travels in Greece and Turkey: Being the Second Part of Excursions in the Mediterranean. Saunders and Otley. m/s. 274. Dicapai pada 10 June 2013. The appendix includes a list of 'government-generals', sanjaks, and their governors.
Bacaan lanjut
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Colin Imber. The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1650: The Structure of Power. (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.)
- Halil Inalcik. The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age 1300-1600. Trans. Norman Itzkowitz and Colin Imber. (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1973.)
- Paul Robert Magocsi. Historical Atlas of Central Europe. (2nd ed.) Seattle, WA, USA: Univ. of Washington Press, 2002)
- Nouveau Larousse illustré, undated (early 20th century), passim (in French)
- Donald Edgar Pitcher. An Historical Geography of the Ottoman Empire. (Leiden, Netherlands: E.J.Brill,1972.) (Includes 36 color maps)
- Westermann, Großer Atlas zur Weltgeschichte (in German) (includes maps)