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{{Other uses|Secular (disambiguation)}}
'''Sekularisme''' ialah ideologi bahawa urusan keduniaan seperti [[politik]], [[pentadbiran]] dan [[undang-undang]] harus dipisahkan dari urusan [[agama|keagamaan]]. Sekularisme juga boleh bermaksud fahaman yang menggalakkan idea atau nilai sekular dalam ruang awam atau peribadi. Mereka yang berpegang kepada fahaman ini adalah dipanggil golongan '''sekularis'''.
{{Atheism and Irreligion Sidebar}}
{{Refimprove|date=February 2010}}

[[File:Holyoake2.JPG|thumb|200px|[[George Jacob Holyoake]] (1817-1906), British writer who coined the term "secularism."]]
Sekularisme memperjuangkan hak untuk bebas dari peraturan dan ajaran agama, dan kebebasan dari ajaran agama yang dipaksakan oleh pemerintah ke atas rakyat, sebuah negara yang bersifat neutral dalam hal-hal keagamaan, dan juga tidak memberi keistimewaan terhadap mana-mana agama. Dengan kata lain, sekularisme merujuk kepada kepercayaan bahawa kegiatan dan keputusan yang dibuat oleh manusia, terutamanya yang berkaitan politik, harus berdasarkan bukti dan fakta bukannya pengaruh agama.<ref>Kosmin, Barry A. "Contemporary Secularity and Secularism." '''Secularism & Secularity: Contemporary International Perspectives'''. Ed. Barry A. Kosmin and Ariela Keysar. Hartford, CT: Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture (ISSSC), 2007.</ref>
'''Sekularisme''' adalah konsep bahawa kerajaan atay entiti lain harus wujud secara terasing dari [[agama]] dan/atau [[kepercayaan agama]].

Dalam satu segi, sekularisme dapat memberikan hak untuk menjadi bebas dari peraturan dan ajaran agama, dan kebebasan dari pengenaan agama kerajaan terhadap rakyat dalam sebuah negara yang berkecuali pada hal ehwal agama. (Lihat juga [[Pengasingan gereja dan negara]] dan [[Laïcité]].) Dari segi lain, ia merujukkan pada pandangan bahawa aktiviti manusia dan keputusan, khususnya yang ber[[politik]], harus berasaskan pada bukti dan fakta yang tidak berat sebelah dengan pengaruh keagamaan.<ref>Kosmin, Barry A. "Contemporary Secularity and Secularism." '''Secularism & Secularity: Contemporary International Perspectives'''. Ed. Barry A. Kosmin and Ariela Keysar. Hartford, CT: Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture (ISSSC), 2007.</ref> (See also [[public reason]].)
Tujuan dan alasan menyokong sekularisme pelbagai. Di Eropah, sekularisme disokong sekarang ia pergerakan ke arah modernisasi. Sekularisme jenis ini, pada tahap sosial dan falsafah, masih mengekalkan agama rasmi negara atau sokongan rasmi yang lain. Di Amerika Syarikat, sesetengah orang berpendapat sekularisme melindungi agama daripada diganggu kerajaan, dan pada masa yang sama di peringkat sosial sekularisme tidak meluas. Di kebanyakan negara pula, pergerakan politik yang berlainan menyokong sekularisme kerana pelbagai alasan.

Sekularisme mendapatkan akar intelektualnya dari ahli falsafah Greek dan Rom seperti [[Marcus Aurelius]] dan [[Epicurus]], [[polymath]] [[Zaman Kegemilangan Islami|Islam zaman pertengahan]] seperti [[Ibn Rushd]], pemikir [[Zaman Kesedaran|Kesedaran]] seperti [[Denis Diderot]], [[Voltaire]], [[John Locke]], [[James Madison]], [[Thomas Jefferson]], dan [[Thomas Paine]], dan [[Fikiran bebas|pemikir bebeas]], [[Agnostikisme|agnostik]] dan [[Ateisme|ateis]] seperti [[Bertrand Russell]] dan [[Robert Ingersoll]].
== Definisi ==
[[Image:Holyoake2.JPG|thumb|200px|[[George Jacob Holyoake]] (1817-1906), penulis British yang memperkenalkan istilah "sekularisme".]]

Tujuan dan perdebatan pada sokongan berlainan secara lebar. [[Laikisme]] Eropah, ia telah didebatkan bahawa sekularisme adalah suatu gerakan terhadap [[modernisasi]], dan jauh dari nilai-bilai keagamaan tradisional (yang juga digelar "[[sekularisasi]]"). Jenis sekularisme ini, pada suatu tahap sosial atau berfalsafah, telah sering bermuncul sementarta mengekalkan suatu [[gereja negara]] rasmi atau sokongan agama negara lain. Di [[Amerika Syarikat]], sesetengah berdebat bahawa [[#Sekularisme negara|sekularisme negara]] telah berkhidmat pada setakat yang lebih besar untuk melindungi agama dari gangguan kerajaan, sementara sekularisme pada suatu tahap sosial adalah lebih prevalent.<ref>Yavuz, Hakan M. and John L. Esposio (2003) ‘’Turkish Islam and the Secular State: The Gulen Movement’’. Syracuse University, pg. xv-xvii. ISBN 0815630409</ref><ref>Feldman, Noah (2005). ''Divided by God''. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pg. 147 ("But with the Second World War just ahead, secularism fo the antireligious type was soon to disappear from mainstream American society, to be replaced by a new complex of ideas that focused on secularizing the state, not on secularizing society.")</ref> Dalam negara-negara juga, gerakan politik berlainan menyokong sekularisme untuk berlainan alasan.<ref>Feldman, Noah (2005). ''Divided by God''. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pg. 25 ("Together, early protosecularists (Jefferson and Madison) and proto-evangelicals (Backus, Leland, and others) made common cause in the fight for nonestablishment [of religion]{{ndash}} but for starkly different reasons.")</ref>
Istilah "sekularisme" mula digunakan di United Kingdom oleh seorang penulis bernama George Holyoake pada tahun 1846<ref>Feldman, Noah (2005). Divided by God. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, ms. 113</ref> Walau pun ia adalah satu istilah yang baru, idea berkenaan seperti kebebasan berfikir sudah wujud sekian lama dalam sejarah manusia. Idea awal sekularisme berkisar tentang pemisahan falsafah dan agama boleh dijejaki dari [[Abul Waleed Muhammad Ibn Rushd]] atau Ibnu Rushd dan fahaman falsafah yang dibawa beliau.<ref>Abdel Wahab El Messeri. [ Episode 21: Ibn Rushd], ''Everything you wanted to know about Islam but was afraid to Ask'', ''Philosophia Islamica''.</ref><ref>Fauzi M. Najjar (Spring, 1996). [ The debate on Islam and secularism in Egypt], ''Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ)''.</ref> Holyoake mencipta istilah "sekularisme" untuk menerangkan pandangannya yang menggalakkan satu aturan sosial yang terpisah dari agama tetapi dia tidak secara aktif mengkritik agama. Seorang yang tidak kuat agama, Holyoake berhujah bahawa "sekularisme bukan menyanggah Kristian tetapi tidak bergantung kepada agama itu. Ia juga tidak mempersoalkan ajaran Kristian. Sekularisme tidak mengatakan tidak terdapat kebenaran atau panduan tetapi ia mengatakan kebenaran dan panduan juga didapati melalui sekularisme yang wujud secara bebas. Pengetahuan mengenai sekular dimanifestasi dalam pengetahuan tentang kehidupan yang bersangkut paut dengan apa yang dilakukan semasa hidup, kebajikan dalam kehidupan dan berkebolehan untuk diuji oleh pengalaman hidup."<ref>[ ''Secularism''], Catholic Encyclopedia.</ref>

==Gambaran keseluruhan==
Mengikut kamus Inggeris, sekular bermaksud:
{{Disputed-section|date=June 2010}}
Istilah "sekularisme" pertama kali digunakan oleh pengaran [[United Kingdom|British]] [[George Holyoake]] pada 1851.<ref>Holyoake, G.J. (1896). ''The Origin and Nature of Secularism'', London: Watts and Co. p.51</ref> Walaupun istilah itu baru, tanggapan umum [[pemikiran bebas]] pada mana ia berasas telah wujud di sepanjang [[sejarah]]. Pada khususnya, gagasan sekular awal termasuk pengasingan [[falsafah]] dan [[agama]] dapat dikesankan semula ke [[Averroes|Ibn Rushd]] (Averroes) dan sekolah falsafah [[Averroisme]].<ref>Abdel Wahab El Messeri. [ Episode 21: Ibn Rushd], ''Everything you wanted to know about Islam but was afraid to Ask'', ''Philosophia Islamica''.</ref><ref>Fauzi M. Najjar (Spring, 1996). [ The debate on Islam and secularism in Egypt], ''Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ)''.</ref>{{Verify credibility|date=August 2010}} Holyoake mencipta istilah "sekularisme" untuk menjaslakan pandangannya pada mengalakkan suatu urutan sosial terasing dari gama, tanpa secara aktif menyingkirkan atau mengkritik kepercayaan agama. Seorang [[agnostik]] sendiri, Holyoake berdebat bahawa "Sekularisme bukanlah suatu perdebatan terhadap agama Kristian, ia adalah suatu yang bebas darinya. Ia tidak menyoalkan dakwaan angkuh agama Kristian; ia memajukan orang lain. Sekularisme tidak pernah mengata bahawa tiadanya cahaya atau pedoman di tempat lain, tetapi mengekalkan bahawa adanya cahaya dan pedoman pada kebenaran sekular, yang keadaan dan sekatan wujud secara berdikari, dan bertindak untuk selama-lamanya. Ilmu sekular adalah nyata jenis ilmu itu yang dapat ditemukan dalam hidup ini, yang berkaitan dengan kelakuan hidup ini, membawa kepada hidup, dan adalah mampu diujikan dengan pengalaman hidup ini."<ref>[ ''Secularism''], Catholic Encyclopedia.</ref>
#Tiada agama
#Tidak zuhud

Barry Kosmin dari [[Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture]] membahagikan sekularisme moden ke dalam dua jenis: sekularisme keras dan lembut. Menurut dengan Kosmin, "ahli sekular keras menganggapkan religious propositions to be [[epistemological]]ly illegitimate, warranted by neither reason nor experience." Meskipun, dalam pandangan sekularisme lembut, "pencapaian kebenaran keseluruhan adalah mustahil dan oleh itu skeptikisme dan toleransi seharusnya menjadi prisip dan menolak nilai-nilai dalam membincang sains dan agama."<ref>[ Kosmin, Barry A. "Hard and soft secularists and hard and soft secularism: An intellectual and research challenge."]</ref>
==Negara dan sekularisme==
{{Utama|Negara sekular}}
[[Image:Liberte-egalite-fraternite-tympanum-church-saint-pancrace-aups-var.jpg|thumb|right|250px|[[Moto]] Republik Perancis di sebuah [[gereja]].]]

==Sekularisme negara==
Dalam istilah politik, sekularisme merupakan pergerakan ke arah pemisahan agama dan kerajaan. Ia boleh dirujuk sebagai mengurangkan hubungan di antara kerajaan dan agama rasmi, serta menggantikan undang-undang berdasarkan kitab suci (seperti undang-undang [[syariah]] dan [[Taurat]]) dengan [[undang-undang sivil]], dan menghapuskan [[diskriminasi]] berasaskan agama. Ia juga dikatakan sebagai [[demokrasi]] dalam melindungi hak-hak golongan minoriti.<ref>Feldman, Noah (2005). ''Divided by God''. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, ms. 14</ref>
{{See also|Negara sekular}}
[[File:Liberte-egalite-fraternite-tympanum-church-saint-pancrace-aups-var.jpg|thumb|right|250px|[[Motto]] of the French republic on the [[Pediment|tympanum]] of a [[Church (building)|church]].]]
In political terms, secularism is a movement towards the separation of religion and government (often termed the [[separation of church and state]]). This can refer to reducing ties between a government and a [[state religion]], replacing laws based on scripture (such as the [[Torah]] and [[Sharia]] law) with civil laws, and eliminating discrimination on the basis of religion. This is said to add to democracy by protecting the rights of religious minorities.<ref>Feldman, Noah (2005). ''Divided by God''. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pg. 14 ("[Legal secularists] claim that separating religion from the public, governmental sphere is necessary to ensure full inclusion of all citizens.")</ref>

Sekularisme selalu dikaitkan dengan [[Zaman Kesedaran]] di [[Eropah]] dan ia memainkan peranan penting dalam masyarakat Barat. Prinsip-prinsipnya, walaupun tidak semestinya amalannya, seperti pemisahan di antara gereja dan negara di [[Amerika Syarikat]] dan [[Laïcité]] di Perancis banyak bergantung dari idealogi sekularisme. Seperti di Barat, ideologi [[pemisahan di antara agama dan negara]] wujud di India sejak zaman dahulu lagi. Masyarakat India moden juga berasaskan kepada nilai ini. Masyarakat sekular juga wujud semasa [[Zaman Kegemilangan Islam]].<ref>Ira M. Lapidus (Oktober 1975). "The Separation of State and Religion in the Development of Early Islamic Society", ''International Journal of Middle East Studies'' '''6''' (4), ms. 363-385.</ref>
Secularism is often associated with the [[Age of Enlightenment]] in Europe and plays a major role in [[Western culture|Western society]]. The principles, but not necessarily practices, of [[separation of church and state in the United States]] and ''[[Laïcité]]'' in [[France]] draw heavily on secularism. Secular states also existed in the [[Islamic Golden Age|Islamic world]] during the [[Middle Ages]] (see [[Islam and secularism]]).<ref>Ira M. Lapidus (October 1975). "The Separation of State and Religion in the Development of Early Islamic Society", ''International Journal of Middle East Studies'' '''6''' (4), p. 363-385.</ref>

Kerana kepercayaan agama dan negara harus dipisahkan, golongan sekular lebih suka ahli politik membuat keputusan berdasarkan alasan sekular dan bukan agama.<ref>Feldman, Noah (2005). ''Divided by God''. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pg. 6-8</ref> Dalam hal ini, keputusan dasar berkaitan dengan topik seperti [[pengguguran]], kajian [[sel stem embrio]], [[perkahwinan sejenis]] dan [[pendidikan seks]] menjadi tumpuan organisasi sekular di Amerika.<ref>Washington Post, November 15, 2006 [ "Think Tank Will Promote Thinking" ]</ref><ref>[ "Declaration in Defense of Science and Secularism"]</ref>
Due in part to the belief in the separation of church and state, secularists tend to prefer that politicians make decisions for secular rather than religious reasons.<ref>Feldman, Noah (2005). ''Divided by God''. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pg. 6-8</ref> In this respect, policy decisions pertaining to topics like [[abortion]], [[contraception]], [[embryonic stem cell]] research, [[same-sex marriage]], and [[sex education]] are prominently focused upon by American secularist organizations such as the [[Center for Inquiry]].<ref>Washington Post, November 15, 2006 [ "Think Tank Will Promote Thinking" ]</ref><ref>[ "Declaration in Defense of Science and Secularism"]</ref>

Most major religions accept the primacy of the rules of secular, democratic society but may still seek to influence political decisions or achieve specific privileges or influence through church-state agreements such as a [[concordat]].{{Citation needed|date=January 2009}} Many Christians support a secular state, and may acknowledge that the conception has support in Biblical teachings, particularly Jesus' statement, "Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."<ref>[[Gospel According to Luke|book of Luke]], chapter 20, verse 25.</ref> (See [[Render unto Caesar...|article]]). However, some [[Christian fundamentalist]]s (notably in the United States) oppose secularism, often claiming that there is a "radical secularism" ideology being adopted in current days and see secularism as a threat to "Christian rights"<ref name="christianpost-jerrys-kids">{{cite web
== Etika sekularisme ==
George Holyoake dalam "English Secularism" yang diterbitkan pada 1896 menerangkan sekularisme sebagai:
|title='Jerry's Kids' Urged to Challenge 'Radical Secularism'
|author=Bob Lewis
Sekularisme adalah aturan peraturan yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan, berdasarkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, dan disasarkan kepada mereka yang mendapati ajaran agama tidak mencukupi, tidak boleh dipegang atau tidak dipercayai. Prinsip pentingnya ada tiga: (1) Memperbaiki kehidupan dengan cara kebendaan. (2) Bahawa sains itu adalah panduan hidup bagi manusia. (3) Apa sahaja yang baik itu adalah baik untuk dilakukan. Sama ada wujud kebaikan atau tidak, kebaikan yang wujud dalam kehidupan adalah baik, dan adalah baik untuk mencari kebaikan tersebut.<ref>Holyoake, George J. (1896). ''English Secularism.'' Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company.</ref>
|publisher=[[The Christian Post]]
}}</ref> and national security.<ref name="positiveatheism-foulwel">{{cite web
|title=Jerry Falwell - Quotations - Seventh quotation
|author=Rev Jerry Falwell
}}</ref> The most significant forces of religious fundamentalism in the contemporary world are [[Fundamentalist Christianity]] and [[Fundamentalist Islam]]. At the same time, one significant stream of secularism has come from religious minorities who see governmental and political secularism as integral to preserving equal rights.<ref>Feldman, Noah (2005). ''Divided by God''. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pg. 13</ref>

Some of the well known states that are often considered "[[constitution]]ally secular" are [[France]], [[India]],<ref>[ "Preamble of the Constitution of India"]</ref>, [[Mexico]] <ref>[[Constitution of Mexico#Article 3|See article 3 of the 1917 Mexican constitution]], and [[Constitution of Mexico#Article 24|Article 24]]. See also Schmitt (1962) and Blancarte (2006).</ref> [[South Korea]], and [[Turkey]] although none of these nations have identical forms of governance.
Holyoake berpegang kepada prinsip bahawa sekularisme dan etika sekular tidak harus menunjukkan minat terhadap persoalan keagamaan (iaitu agama itu tidak penting) dan harus membezakan ia dari [[ateisme]]. Dalam hal ini beliau bercanggah dengan Charles Bradlaugh dan percanggahan ini membahagikan gerakan sekularisme kepada mereka yang anti-agama dan mereka yang bukan anti-agama.

==Masyarakat secular==
==Debat menyokong dan membantah sekularisme==
In studies of religion, modern [[Western culture|Western societies]] are generally recognized as secular. This is due to the near-complete [[freedom of religion]] (beliefs on religion generally are not subject to legal or social sanctions), and the lack of authority of religious leaders over political decisions. Nevertheless, religious beliefs are widely considered a relevant part of the political discourse in many of these countries. This contrasts with other Western countries where religious references are generally considered out-of-place in mainstream politics.
Proponents of secularism have long argued that the general rise of secularism in all the senses enumerated above, and corresponding general decline of [[religion]] in [[secular state]]s, is the inevitable result of the [[Age of Enlightenment]], as people turn towards [[science]] and [[rationalism]] and away from religion and [[superstition]].<ref> [ MSN Encarta, Age of Enlightenment]</ref>
Penyokong sekularisme beranggapan bahawa kenaikan sekularisme

Among the first to delineate the nature of a secular society, D. L. Munby characterizes a secular society as one which:
Opponents argue that secular government creates more problems than it solves, and that a government with a religious (or at least not a secular) ethos is better. Some Christian opponents contend that a Christian state can give more freedom of religion than a secular one. For evidence, they cite [[Norway]], [[Iceland]], [[Finland]] and [[Denmark]], all with constitutional links between church and state and yet also recognized as more progressive and liberal than some countries without such a link. For example, Iceland was among the first countries to legalise abortion, and the Finnish government provides funding for the construction of Mosques. Some cite the counterexample of the Netherlands and, more recently, Sweden, it being both a secular state and socio-politically progressive although having [[disestablishmentarianism|disestablished]] its state church in 2000.

# Refuses to commit itself as a whole to any one view of the nature of the universe and the role of man in it.
Proponents of secularism also note that the [[Scandinavia]]n countries are socially among the most secular in the world, with particularly low percentages of individuals who hold religious beliefs.<ref> [ Paul, Gregory S. (2005). "Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies, A First Look". ''Journal of Religion and Society'' 4]</ref> Recently this argument has been debated publicly in Norway where movements sought to disestablish the state's [[Lutheran]] church.<ref>
# Is not homogenous, but is pluralistic.
The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo; Norway Daily No. 238/02; 16 December 2002. </ref>
# Is tolerant. It widens the sphere of private decision-making.
# While every society must have some common aims, which implies there must be agreed on methods of problem-solving, and a common framework of law; in a secular society these are as limited as possible.
# Problem solving is approached rationally, through examination of the facts. While the secular society does not set any overall aim, it helps its members realize their aims.
# Is a society without any official images. Nor is there a common ideal type of behavior with universal application.

Positive Ideals behind the secular society
Some modern commentators have criticized secularism by conflating it with anti-religious, [[atheistic]], or even satanic belief systems. The word ''secularism'' itself is commonly used as a [[pejorative]] by [[Christian right|religious conservatives]] in the [[United States]]. [[Pope Benedict XVI]] has declared ongoing secularization to be a fundamental problem of modern society, and has made it the [[Pope Benedict XVI#Tone of papacy|goal]] of his papacy to counteract secularism and moral relativism. Though the goal of a secularist state is to be religiously neutral, some argue that it is repressive of some aspects of religion. Ostensibly, it is equally repressive toward all religions in order to equally protect all from interference by others. [[William E. Connolly]], a noted opponent of secularism, writes, "Secularism is not merely the division between public and private realms that allows religious diversity to flourish in the latter. It can itself be a carrier of harsh exclusions. And it secretes a new definition of "religion" that conceals some of its most problematic practices from itself."

# Deep respect for individuals and the small groups of which they are a part.
Some political philosophies, such as [[Marxism]], generally hold that any religious influence in a state or society is negative. In nations that have officially embraced such beliefs, such as the former [[Eastern Europe]]an [[Communist Bloc]] countries, the religious institution was made subject to the secular state, in the public interest. Freedom to worship was subject to licensure and other restrictions, and the doctrine of the church was monitored to assure conformity to secular law, or even the official public philosophy. Ironically, although this was done to ensure public safety and stability, these governments often also used atrocities to maintain their power; events such as the [[Great Purge]], the [[Cultural Revolution]], and the actions of the [[Khmer_rouge#Crimes_against_humanity|Khmer Rouge]] are among many examples cited against the moral viability of purely secular governments. In the [[Western world|Western]] [[democracy|democracies]], it is generally agreed that these policies contravened full freedom of religion.
# Equality of all people.
# Each person should be helped to realize their particular excellence.
# Breaking down of the barriers of class and caste.<ref>''The Idea of a Secular Society'', D. L. Munby, London, Oxford University Press, 1963, pp. 14-32.</ref>

Modern [[sociology]] has, since [[Émile Durkheim|Durkheim]], often been preoccupied with the problem of [[authority]] in secularized societies and with [[secularization]] as a sociological or historical process. Twentieth-century scholars whose work has contributed to the understanding of these matters include [[D. L. Munby]], [[Max Weber]], [[Carl L. Becker]], [[Karl Löwith]], [[Hans Blumenberg]], [[Meyer Howard Abrams|M.H. Abrams]], [[Peter L. Berger]], and [[Paul Bénichou]], among others.
Some secularists believe that the state should be kept entirely separate from religion, and that religious institutions should be entirely free from governmental interference. Churches that exercise their [[authority]] completely apart from government endorsement, whose foundations are not in the state, are conventionally called [[free churches|"Free" churches]].

Some societies become increasingly secular as the result of social processes, rather than through the actions of a dedicated secular movement; this process is known as [[secularization]].
Some secularists would allow the state to encourage religion (such as by providing exemptions from taxation, or providing funds for education and charities, including those that are "faith based"), but insist the state should not establish one religion as the [[state religion]], require religious observance, or legislate [[dogma]].
Komen -->

== Nota kaki ==
==Etik sosial==
{{Main|Etik sosial|Agama sekular}}

[[George Holyoake]]'s 1896 publication ''English Secularism'' defines secularism as:
[[Kategori:Ideologi politik]]
Secularism is a code of duty pertaining to this life, founded on considerations purely human, and intended mainly for those who find theology indefinite or inadequate, unreliable or unbelievable. Its essential principles are three: (1) The improvement of this life by material means. (2) That science is the available Providence of man. (3) That it is good to do good. Whether there be other good or not, the good of the present life is good, and it is good to seek that good.<ref>Holyoake, George J. (1896). ''English Secularism.'' Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company.</ref></blockquote>

Holyoake held that secularism and [[secular ethics]] should take no interest at all in religious questions (as they were irrelevant), and was thus to be distinguished from strong [[freethought]] and atheism. In this he disagreed with [[Charles Bradlaugh]], and the disagreement split the secularist movement between those who argued that anti-religious movements and activism was not necessary or desirable and those who argued that it was.

==Pertubuhan sekularisme==
{{Main|List of secularist organizations}}
Groups such as the [[National Secular Society]] (United Kingdom) and [[Americans United]] campaign for secularism are often supported by [[Humanism (life stance)|Humanists]]. In 2005, the National Secular Society held the inaugural "Secularist of the Year" awards ceremony. Its first winner was [[Maryam Namazie]], of the [[Worker-Communist Party of Iran]].

Another secularist organization is the [[Secular Coalition for America]]. [[Sean Faircloth]], as Executive Director of [[Secular Coalition for America]], lobbies and advocates for separation of church and state as well as the acceptance and inclusion of Secular Americans in American life and public policy. While [[Secular Coalition for America]] is linked to many secular humanistic organizations and many secular humanists support it, as with the Secular Society, some non-humanists support it.

Local organizations such as [ Freethought Association of West Michigan] work to raise the profile of secularism in their communities and tend to include secularists, freethinkers, atheists, agnostics, and humanists under their organizational umbrella.

Student Organizations, such as the [[Toronto Secular Alliance]], try to popularize nontheism and secularism on campus. The [[Secular Student Alliance]] is an educational nonprofit that organizes and aids such high school and college secular student groups.

In Turkey, the most prominent and active secularist organization is [[Atatürk Thought Association]] (ADD), which is credited for organizing the [[Republic Protests]] - demonstrations in the four largest cities in Turkey in 2007, where over 2 million people, mostly women, defended their concern in and support of secularist principles introduced by [[Mustafa Kemal Atatürk]].

[[Leicester Secular Society]] founded in 1851 is the world's oldest secular society.

==Lihat juga==
* [[Agnostikisme]]
* [[Anticlericalism]]
* [[Ateisme]]
* [[Agama sivil]]
* [[Clericalism]]
* [[Concordat]]
* [[Deism]]
* [[Pemikiran bebas]]
* [[Kemanusiaan]]
* [[Ignostikisms]]
* [[Laïcité]]
* [[Multiculturalism]]
* [[Naturalism (philosophy)|Naturalism]]
* [[Bukanteisme]]
* [[Pluralisme (falsafah politik)|Pluralisme]]
* [[Katolikisme politik]]
* [[Postsecularism]]
* [[Pseudo-Secularism]]
* [[Rationalism]]
* [[Tolerasi agama]]
* [[Kemanusiaan sekular]]
* [[Negara sekular]]
* [[Secularisme di Bangladesh]]
* [[Sekularisme di India]]
* [[Sekularisme di Iran]]
* [[Sekularisme di Turki]]
* [[Sekularisme (Asia Selatan)]]
* [[Kesekularan]]
* [[Sekularisasi]]
* [[Perasingan gereja dan negara]]
* [[Six Arrows]] of [[Kemal Atatürk]]
* [[Ateisme negara]]

* [[Theokrasi]]
* [[Polis agama]]


2 [ The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo; Norway Daily No. 238/02; 16 December 2002.]

3 Siddiqui, Hannana (2000). "Black Women's Activism: Coming of Age?". in ''Feminist Review'', No. 64, Spring 2000, pp.83-96.

;The secular ethic
*Boyer, Pascal (2002). ''Religion Explained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought.'' ISBN 0-465-00696-5
*Cliteur, Paul (1010). ''The Secular Outlook: in defense of moral and political secularism.'' ISBN 978-4443-3521-7
*Holyoake, G.J. (1898). ''The Origin and Nature of Secularism.'' London: Watts & Co.
*Jacoby, Susan (2004). ''Freethinkers: a history of American secularism''. New York: Metropolitan Books. ISBN 0-8050-7442-2
*Nash, David (1992). ''Secularism, Art and Freedom''. London: Continuum International. ISBN 0-7185-1417-3 (paperback published by Continuum, 1994: ISBN 0-7185-2084-X)
*[[Edward Royle|Royle, Edward]] (1974). ''Victorian Infidels: the origins of the British Secularist Movement, 1791-1866''. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 0-7190-0557-4 [ Online version]
*[[Edward Royle|Royle, Edward]] (1980). ''Radicals, Secularists and Republicans: popular freethought in Britain, 1866-1915''. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 0-7190-0783-6
*Asad,Talal(2003). " Formations Of The Secular: Christianity,Islam,Modernity ". Stanford University Press. ISBN 08047-4768-7
*Taylor, Charles (2007). ''A Secular Age''. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-02676-6

;The secular society
''See also the references list in the article on [[secularization]]''
*Berger, Peter L. (1967) ''The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion''. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
*Chadwick, Owen (1975). ''The Secularization of the European mind in the nineteenth century''. Cambridge University Press.
*Cox, Harvey (1996). ''The Secular City: Secularization and Urbanization in Theological Perspective''. NY: Macmillan.
*Kosmin, Barry A. and Ariela Keysar (2007). ''Secularism and Secularity: Contemporary International Perspectives''. Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture. ISBN 978-0-9794816-0-4; ISBN 0-9794816-0-0
*Martin, David (1978). ''A General Theory of Secularization''. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-18960-2
*Martin, David (2005). ''On Secularization: Towards a Revised General Theory''. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN 0-7546-5322-6
*McLeod, Hugh (2000). ''Secularisation in Western Europe, 1848-1914''. Basingstoke: Macmillan. ISBN 0-333-59748-6
*Wilson, Bryan (1969). ''Religion in Secular Society''. London: Penguin.
*King, Mike (2007). ''Secularism. The HIdden Origins of Disbelief''. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co. ISBN 9780227172452

;The secular state
*Adıvar, Halide Edip (1928). "The Turkish Ordeal". The Century Club. ISBN 0-830-50057-X
*Blancarte, Roberto (2006). "Religion, church, and state in contemporary Mexico." '''in''' Randall, Laura (ed.). ''Changing structure of Mexico: political, social, and economic prospects''. [Columbia University Seminar]. 2nd. ed. M.E. Sharpe. Chapter 23, pp.&nbsp;424–437. ISBN 978-0765614056.
*Cinar, Alev (2006). "Modernity, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey: Bodies, Places, and Time". University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 0-816-64411-X
*Cliteur, Paul (1010). ''The Secular Outlook: in defense of moral and political secularism.'' ISBN 978-4443-3521-7
*Juergensmeyer, Mark (1994). ''The New cold war?: religious nationalism confronts the secular state''. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-08651-1
*Schmitt, Karl M. (1962). "Catholic adjustment to the secular state: the case of Mexico, 1867-1911." ''Catholic Historical Review'', Vol.48 (2), July, pp.&nbsp;182–204. []
*Urban, Greg (2008). "The circulation of secularism." ''International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society'', Vol. 21, (1-4), December. pp.&nbsp;17–37. []

==Pautan luar==
* [ Secularism 101: Religion, Society, and Politics]
* [ SecularSites]
* [ Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture]
* [ The Secular Student Alliance]
* [ SSRC Blog on Secularism, Religion, and the Public Sphere]
* [ National Secular Society (UK)]

{{Age of Enlightenment}}

[[Category:Sekularisme| ]]
[[Category:Agama dan politik]]
[[Category:Agama dan masyarakat]]
[[Category:Falsafah politik]]
[[Category:Pemikiran bebas]]


Semakan pada 09:13, 13 September 2010

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George Jacob Holyoake (1817-1906), British writer who coined the term "secularism."

Sekularisme adalah konsep bahawa kerajaan atay entiti lain harus wujud secara terasing dari agama dan/atau kepercayaan agama.

Dalam satu segi, sekularisme dapat memberikan hak untuk menjadi bebas dari peraturan dan ajaran agama, dan kebebasan dari pengenaan agama kerajaan terhadap rakyat dalam sebuah negara yang berkecuali pada hal ehwal agama. (Lihat juga Pengasingan gereja dan negara dan Laïcité.) Dari segi lain, ia merujukkan pada pandangan bahawa aktiviti manusia dan keputusan, khususnya yang berpolitik, harus berasaskan pada bukti dan fakta yang tidak berat sebelah dengan pengaruh keagamaan.[1] (See also public reason.)

Sekularisme mendapatkan akar intelektualnya dari ahli falsafah Greek dan Rom seperti Marcus Aurelius dan Epicurus, polymath Islam zaman pertengahan seperti Ibn Rushd, pemikir Kesedaran seperti Denis Diderot, Voltaire, John Locke, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, dan Thomas Paine, dan pemikir bebeas, agnostik dan ateis seperti Bertrand Russell dan Robert Ingersoll.

Tujuan dan perdebatan pada sokongan berlainan secara lebar. Laikisme Eropah, ia telah didebatkan bahawa sekularisme adalah suatu gerakan terhadap modernisasi, dan jauh dari nilai-bilai keagamaan tradisional (yang juga digelar "sekularisasi"). Jenis sekularisme ini, pada suatu tahap sosial atau berfalsafah, telah sering bermuncul sementarta mengekalkan suatu gereja negara rasmi atau sokongan agama negara lain. Di Amerika Syarikat, sesetengah berdebat bahawa sekularisme negara telah berkhidmat pada setakat yang lebih besar untuk melindungi agama dari gangguan kerajaan, sementara sekularisme pada suatu tahap sosial adalah lebih prevalent.[2][3] Dalam negara-negara juga, gerakan politik berlainan menyokong sekularisme untuk berlainan alasan.[4]

Gambaran keseluruhan

Istilah "sekularisme" pertama kali digunakan oleh pengaran British George Holyoake pada 1851.[5] Walaupun istilah itu baru, tanggapan umum pemikiran bebas pada mana ia berasas telah wujud di sepanjang sejarah. Pada khususnya, gagasan sekular awal termasuk pengasingan falsafah dan agama dapat dikesankan semula ke Ibn Rushd (Averroes) dan sekolah falsafah Averroisme.[6][7][sumber tidak boleh dipercayai?] Holyoake mencipta istilah "sekularisme" untuk menjaslakan pandangannya pada mengalakkan suatu urutan sosial terasing dari gama, tanpa secara aktif menyingkirkan atau mengkritik kepercayaan agama. Seorang agnostik sendiri, Holyoake berdebat bahawa "Sekularisme bukanlah suatu perdebatan terhadap agama Kristian, ia adalah suatu yang bebas darinya. Ia tidak menyoalkan dakwaan angkuh agama Kristian; ia memajukan orang lain. Sekularisme tidak pernah mengata bahawa tiadanya cahaya atau pedoman di tempat lain, tetapi mengekalkan bahawa adanya cahaya dan pedoman pada kebenaran sekular, yang keadaan dan sekatan wujud secara berdikari, dan bertindak untuk selama-lamanya. Ilmu sekular adalah nyata jenis ilmu itu yang dapat ditemukan dalam hidup ini, yang berkaitan dengan kelakuan hidup ini, membawa kepada hidup, dan adalah mampu diujikan dengan pengalaman hidup ini."[8]

Barry Kosmin dari Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture membahagikan sekularisme moden ke dalam dua jenis: sekularisme keras dan lembut. Menurut dengan Kosmin, "ahli sekular keras menganggapkan religious propositions to be epistemologically illegitimate, warranted by neither reason nor experience." Meskipun, dalam pandangan sekularisme lembut, "pencapaian kebenaran keseluruhan adalah mustahil dan oleh itu skeptikisme dan toleransi seharusnya menjadi prisip dan menolak nilai-nilai dalam membincang sains dan agama."[9]

Sekularisme negara

Motto of the French republic on the tympanum of a church.

In political terms, secularism is a movement towards the separation of religion and government (often termed the separation of church and state). This can refer to reducing ties between a government and a state religion, replacing laws based on scripture (such as the Torah and Sharia law) with civil laws, and eliminating discrimination on the basis of religion. This is said to add to democracy by protecting the rights of religious minorities.[10]

Secularism is often associated with the Age of Enlightenment in Europe and plays a major role in Western society. The principles, but not necessarily practices, of separation of church and state in the United States and Laïcité in France draw heavily on secularism. Secular states also existed in the Islamic world during the Middle Ages (see Islam and secularism).[11]

Due in part to the belief in the separation of church and state, secularists tend to prefer that politicians make decisions for secular rather than religious reasons.[12] In this respect, policy decisions pertaining to topics like abortion, contraception, embryonic stem cell research, same-sex marriage, and sex education are prominently focused upon by American secularist organizations such as the Center for Inquiry.[13][14]

Most major religions accept the primacy of the rules of secular, democratic society but may still seek to influence political decisions or achieve specific privileges or influence through church-state agreements such as a concordat.[perlu rujukan] Many Christians support a secular state, and may acknowledge that the conception has support in Biblical teachings, particularly Jesus' statement, "Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."[15] (See article). However, some Christian fundamentalists (notably in the United States) oppose secularism, often claiming that there is a "radical secularism" ideology being adopted in current days and see secularism as a threat to "Christian rights"[16] and national security.[17] The most significant forces of religious fundamentalism in the contemporary world are Fundamentalist Christianity and Fundamentalist Islam. At the same time, one significant stream of secularism has come from religious minorities who see governmental and political secularism as integral to preserving equal rights.[18]

Some of the well known states that are often considered "constitutionally secular" are France, India,[19], Mexico [20] South Korea, and Turkey although none of these nations have identical forms of governance.

Masyarakat secular

In studies of religion, modern Western societies are generally recognized as secular. This is due to the near-complete freedom of religion (beliefs on religion generally are not subject to legal or social sanctions), and the lack of authority of religious leaders over political decisions. Nevertheless, religious beliefs are widely considered a relevant part of the political discourse in many of these countries. This contrasts with other Western countries where religious references are generally considered out-of-place in mainstream politics.

Among the first to delineate the nature of a secular society, D. L. Munby characterizes a secular society as one which:

  1. Refuses to commit itself as a whole to any one view of the nature of the universe and the role of man in it.
  2. Is not homogenous, but is pluralistic.
  3. Is tolerant. It widens the sphere of private decision-making.
  4. While every society must have some common aims, which implies there must be agreed on methods of problem-solving, and a common framework of law; in a secular society these are as limited as possible.
  5. Problem solving is approached rationally, through examination of the facts. While the secular society does not set any overall aim, it helps its members realize their aims.
  6. Is a society without any official images. Nor is there a common ideal type of behavior with universal application.

Positive Ideals behind the secular society

  1. Deep respect for individuals and the small groups of which they are a part.
  2. Equality of all people.
  3. Each person should be helped to realize their particular excellence.
  4. Breaking down of the barriers of class and caste.[21]

Modern sociology has, since Durkheim, often been preoccupied with the problem of authority in secularized societies and with secularization as a sociological or historical process. Twentieth-century scholars whose work has contributed to the understanding of these matters include D. L. Munby, Max Weber, Carl L. Becker, Karl Löwith, Hans Blumenberg, M.H. Abrams, Peter L. Berger, and Paul Bénichou, among others.

Some societies become increasingly secular as the result of social processes, rather than through the actions of a dedicated secular movement; this process is known as secularization.

Etik sosial

George Holyoake's 1896 publication English Secularism defines secularism as:

Secularism is a code of duty pertaining to this life, founded on considerations purely human, and intended mainly for those who find theology indefinite or inadequate, unreliable or unbelievable. Its essential principles are three: (1) The improvement of this life by material means. (2) That science is the available Providence of man. (3) That it is good to do good. Whether there be other good or not, the good of the present life is good, and it is good to seek that good.[22]

Holyoake held that secularism and secular ethics should take no interest at all in religious questions (as they were irrelevant), and was thus to be distinguished from strong freethought and atheism. In this he disagreed with Charles Bradlaugh, and the disagreement split the secularist movement between those who argued that anti-religious movements and activism was not necessary or desirable and those who argued that it was.

Pertubuhan sekularisme

Groups such as the National Secular Society (United Kingdom) and Americans United campaign for secularism are often supported by Humanists. In 2005, the National Secular Society held the inaugural "Secularist of the Year" awards ceremony. Its first winner was Maryam Namazie, of the Worker-Communist Party of Iran.

Another secularist organization is the Secular Coalition for America. Sean Faircloth, as Executive Director of Secular Coalition for America, lobbies and advocates for separation of church and state as well as the acceptance and inclusion of Secular Americans in American life and public policy. While Secular Coalition for America is linked to many secular humanistic organizations and many secular humanists support it, as with the Secular Society, some non-humanists support it.

Local organizations such as Freethought Association of West Michigan work to raise the profile of secularism in their communities and tend to include secularists, freethinkers, atheists, agnostics, and humanists under their organizational umbrella.

Student Organizations, such as the Toronto Secular Alliance, try to popularize nontheism and secularism on campus. The Secular Student Alliance is an educational nonprofit that organizes and aids such high school and college secular student groups.

In Turkey, the most prominent and active secularist organization is Atatürk Thought Association (ADD), which is credited for organizing the Republic Protests - demonstrations in the four largest cities in Turkey in 2007, where over 2 million people, mostly women, defended their concern in and support of secularist principles introduced by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

Leicester Secular Society founded in 1851 is the world's oldest secular society.

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  1. ^ Kosmin, Barry A. "Contemporary Secularity and Secularism." Secularism & Secularity: Contemporary International Perspectives. Ed. Barry A. Kosmin and Ariela Keysar. Hartford, CT: Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture (ISSSC), 2007.
  2. ^ Yavuz, Hakan M. and John L. Esposio (2003) ‘’Turkish Islam and the Secular State: The Gulen Movement’’. Syracuse University, pg. xv-xvii. ISBN 0815630409
  3. ^ Feldman, Noah (2005). Divided by God. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pg. 147 ("But with the Second World War just ahead, secularism fo the antireligious type was soon to disappear from mainstream American society, to be replaced by a new complex of ideas that focused on secularizing the state, not on secularizing society.")
  4. ^ Feldman, Noah (2005). Divided by God. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pg. 25 ("Together, early protosecularists (Jefferson and Madison) and proto-evangelicals (Backus, Leland, and others) made common cause in the fight for nonestablishment [of religion] – but for starkly different reasons.")
  5. ^ Holyoake, G.J. (1896). The Origin and Nature of Secularism, London: Watts and Co. p.51
  6. ^ Abdel Wahab El Messeri. Episode 21: Ibn Rushd, Everything you wanted to know about Islam but was afraid to Ask, Philosophia Islamica.
  7. ^ Fauzi M. Najjar (Spring, 1996). The debate on Islam and secularism in Egypt, Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ).
  8. ^ Secularism, Catholic Encyclopedia.
  9. ^ Kosmin, Barry A. "Hard and soft secularists and hard and soft secularism: An intellectual and research challenge."
  10. ^ Feldman, Noah (2005). Divided by God. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pg. 14 ("[Legal secularists] claim that separating religion from the public, governmental sphere is necessary to ensure full inclusion of all citizens.")
  11. ^ Ira M. Lapidus (October 1975). "The Separation of State and Religion in the Development of Early Islamic Society", International Journal of Middle East Studies 6 (4), p. 363-385.
  12. ^ Feldman, Noah (2005). Divided by God. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pg. 6-8
  13. ^ Washington Post, November 15, 2006 "Think Tank Will Promote Thinking"
  14. ^ "Declaration in Defense of Science and Secularism"
  15. ^ book of Luke, chapter 20, verse 25.
  16. ^ Bob Lewis (2007-05-19). "'Jerry's Kids' Urged to Challenge 'Radical Secularism'". The Christian Post.
  17. ^ Rev Jerry Falwell (2001-09-15). "Jerry Falwell - Quotations - Seventh quotation".
  18. ^ Feldman, Noah (2005). Divided by God. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pg. 13
  19. ^ "Preamble of the Constitution of India"
  20. ^ See article 3 of the 1917 Mexican constitution, and Article 24. See also Schmitt (1962) and Blancarte (2006).
  21. ^ The Idea of a Secular Society, D. L. Munby, London, Oxford University Press, 1963, pp. 14-32.
  22. ^ Holyoake, George J. (1896). English Secularism. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company.


The secular ethic
  • Boyer, Pascal (2002). Religion Explained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought. ISBN 0-465-00696-5
  • Cliteur, Paul (1010). The Secular Outlook: in defense of moral and political secularism. ISBN 978-4443-3521-7
  • Holyoake, G.J. (1898). The Origin and Nature of Secularism. London: Watts & Co.
  • Jacoby, Susan (2004). Freethinkers: a history of American secularism. New York: Metropolitan Books. ISBN 0-8050-7442-2
  • Nash, David (1992). Secularism, Art and Freedom. London: Continuum International. ISBN 0-7185-1417-3 (paperback published by Continuum, 1994: ISBN 0-7185-2084-X)
  • Royle, Edward (1974). Victorian Infidels: the origins of the British Secularist Movement, 1791-1866. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 0-7190-0557-4 Online version
  • Royle, Edward (1980). Radicals, Secularists and Republicans: popular freethought in Britain, 1866-1915. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 0-7190-0783-6
  • Asad,Talal(2003). " Formations Of The Secular: Christianity,Islam,Modernity ". Stanford University Press. ISBN 08047-4768-7
  • Taylor, Charles (2007). A Secular Age. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-02676-6
The secular society

See also the references list in the article on secularization

  • Berger, Peter L. (1967) The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
  • Chadwick, Owen (1975). The Secularization of the European mind in the nineteenth century. Cambridge University Press.
  • Cox, Harvey (1996). The Secular City: Secularization and Urbanization in Theological Perspective. NY: Macmillan.
  • Kosmin, Barry A. and Ariela Keysar (2007). Secularism and Secularity: Contemporary International Perspectives. Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture. ISBN 978-0-9794816-0-4; ISBN 0-9794816-0-0
  • Martin, David (1978). A General Theory of Secularization. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-18960-2
  • Martin, David (2005). On Secularization: Towards a Revised General Theory. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN 0-7546-5322-6
  • McLeod, Hugh (2000). Secularisation in Western Europe, 1848-1914. Basingstoke: Macmillan. ISBN 0-333-59748-6
  • Wilson, Bryan (1969). Religion in Secular Society. London: Penguin.
  • King, Mike (2007). Secularism. The HIdden Origins of Disbelief. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co. ISBN 9780227172452
The secular state
  • Adıvar, Halide Edip (1928). "The Turkish Ordeal". The Century Club. ISBN 0-830-50057-X
  • Blancarte, Roberto (2006). "Religion, church, and state in contemporary Mexico." in Randall, Laura (ed.). Changing structure of Mexico: political, social, and economic prospects. [Columbia University Seminar]. 2nd. ed. M.E. Sharpe. Chapter 23, pp. 424–437. ISBN 978-0765614056.
  • Cinar, Alev (2006). "Modernity, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey: Bodies, Places, and Time". University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 0-816-64411-X
  • Cliteur, Paul (1010). The Secular Outlook: in defense of moral and political secularism. ISBN 978-4443-3521-7
  • Juergensmeyer, Mark (1994). The New cold war?: religious nationalism confronts the secular state. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-08651-1
  • Schmitt, Karl M. (1962). "Catholic adjustment to the secular state: the case of Mexico, 1867-1911." Catholic Historical Review, Vol.48 (2), July, pp. 182–204. [1]
  • Urban, Greg (2008). "The circulation of secularism." International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 21, (1-4), December. pp. 17–37. [2]

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