Senarai pemeluk Islam
Tolong bantu menterjemahkan sebahagian rencana ini. Rencana ini memerlukan kemaskini dalam Bahasa Melayu piawai Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Sila membantu, bahan-bahan boleh didapati di Senarai pemeluk Islam (Inggeris). Jika anda ingin menilai rencana ini, anda mungkin mahu menyemak di terjemahan Google. Walau bagaimanapun, jangan menambah terjemahan automatik kepada rencana, kerana ini biasanya mempunyai kualiti yang sangat teruk. Sumber-sumber bantuan: Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu. |
Jumlah penduduk | |
Di United Kingdom dan Perancis, lebih kurang 100,000 orang masuk Islam dalam di kebelakangan satu dekad ini[1]), Jerman (biasanya 300 setahun[2]) dan banyak tempat lain di dunia. |
Yang berikut adalah sebuah senarai tidak lengkap orang terkenal yang masuk Islam dari sebuah agama lain atau tanpa agama. Rencana ini mengalamatkan hanya amalan agama lepas oleh individu-individu disenaraikan, dan tidak diniatkan untuk mengalamatkan anggapan etnik, budaya, atau anggapan lain, seperti perkahwinan. Sebarang hal dinyatakan dalam entri senarai mereka. Senarai ini dikategorikan mengikut abjad oleh bekas afiliasi agama.
Dari Agama samawi
[sunting | sunting sumber]Dari agama Kristian
[sunting | sunting sumber]A
- Abdul-Karim al-Jabbar (Sharmon Shah) - bekas pemain NBA[3]
- Abdullah Beg of Kartli - pemeluk Georgian ke dalam Islam[4] yang menjadi seorang claimant pada kerajaan Kartli.
- Abel Xavier - bekas pemain bola sepak Portugis yang masuk Islam dengan nama barunya Faisal.[5]
- Abu Tammam - penyajak Arab abad ke-9 lahir kepada ibu bapa Kristian.[6]
- Abu Usamah - Imam kelahiran Amerika Green Lane Masjid di Birmingham, UK. Dituduh mendakwah kata-kata benci terhadap orang bukan Islam di sebuah dokumentari Televisyen UK.[7]
- Adam Gadahn (lahir Adam Pearlman) - seorang jurucakap Bahasa Inggeris al-Qaeda. Sekolah rumah Kristian.[8]
- Adam Neuser - seorang pastor Lutheran Jerman yang mengkritik tanggapan tritunggal dan telah dipenjarakan kerana itu.[9]
- Addas - Sahabat nabi Muhammad sewaktu hidupnya. Salah seorang pemeluk Kristian terawal kepada Islam.
- Adi ibn Hatim - Sahabat nabi Muhammad sewaktu hidupnya.
- Ahmad Faris Shidyaq - seorang sarjana, penulis dan wartawan Lubnan yang adalah seorang Maronite yang memeluk Islam.[10]
- Ahmad Rashād – olah raga pemenang anugerah Emmy (kebanyakannya dengan NBC Sports) dan bekas peneriam luas futbal Amerika.[11][12]
- Ahmed Santos - Filipina, penjenayah, pengasas Rajah Solaiman Movement & dicuragi oleh pihak berkuasa Filipina sebagai seorang operatif Al Qaeda dimasuk dari Katolikisme[13][14][15]
- Ahmad Thomson - peguam dan penulis British dan juga seorang anggota gerakan Murabitun.[16]
- Akhenaton - penyanyi rap dan pengeluar Perancis hip hop Perancis.[17]
- Allahverdi Khan – Jeneral dan negarawan keturunan Georgia yang terdahulunya Kristian dan memasuki Islam.[18]
- Alexander Litvinenko - bekas pegawai FSB memasuki Islam di ranjang kematiannya.[19][20]
- Alexander Russell Webb - Bekas Presbyterian.[21] American journalist, newspaper owner, and former Consul-General of the U.S.A. in the Philippines.[22][23]
- Aminah Assilmi - seorang bekas pendakwah Southern Baptist, dia memasuki Islam pada 1977 di kolej ketika cuba memasuki sesetengah umat islam ke dalam agama Kristian.
- André Carson - bekas Baptist,[24] Muslim kedua berkhidmat di United States Congress.[25]
- Anselm Turmeda - seorang penulis Majorcan dan seorang Franciscan friar yang memasuki Islam[26]
- Art Blakey - ahli muzik Jazz Amerika[27]
- Aukai Collins - berperang di Chechnya, FBI informant yang diupah, penulis sebuah buku autobiografi[28]
- Anthony Mundine - bekas pemain liga ragbi Australia untuk St George Illawarra Dragons dan kini seorang peninju
- Anthony Small - peninju profesional[29]
- Sir Archibald Hamilton, 5th Baronet - seorang British yang berbeza memasuki Islam.[30][31][32]
- Atik Sinan - seorang arkitek Greek untuk Uthmaniyyah.
- Badr al-Din Lu'lu', seorang Armenia yang memasuki Islam[33] dan penggati kepada para pemerintah Zangid Mosul.
- Benjamin Chavis - bekas ketua yang berkontroversi NAACP, memasuki Nation of Islam.
- Bernard Hopkins - peninju Amerika[34]
- Betty Shabazz - isteri Malcolm X; bekas Metodis.[35]
- Bilal Philips - sarjana dan penulis Islam[36]
- Bruno Metsu - pelatih Perancis pasukan Senegal di Piala Dunia FIFA 2002[37]
- Bryant Neal Vinas - menyertai dan menyokong rancangan al-Qaeda di Afghanistan dan A.S., dan membantu al-Qaeda merancang serangan bom di LIRR[38]
- Colleen LaRose - warga Amerika dituduh dengan jenayah berkaitan pengganasan
- Chris Eubank - peninju British[39]
- Christian Gonzalez - pemain bola sepak Indonesia-Uruguay. Dia mengubah namanya ke Mustafa Habibi Gonzalez
- Claude Alexandre de Bonneval atau Humbaracı Ahmet Paşa adalah seorang bangsawan Perancis abad ke-18.[40]
- Count Cassius- aristokrat Visigoth yang mengasaskan dinasti Banu Qasi dari para pemerintah Muladi.[41]
- Daniel Maldonado - Islamis Amerika dihukum di Amerika Syarikat pada tuduhan berlatih dengan al-Qaeda di Afrika Timur. Dibesarkan Katolik.[42]
- Danilo Fernando - Pemain bola sepak Brazil. Dia mengubah namanya ke Muhammad Danilo Fernando
- Danny Thompson - pemain double bass Inggeris yang masuk Islam dari Katolikisme.[43]
- Danny Williams - peninju British[44]
- David Belfield - orang Amerika, melarikan diri ke Iran selepas membunuh Ali Akbar Tabatabai, seorang pembangkang Iran.[45]
- David Benjamin Keldani, seorang paderi Katolik.
- Dave Chappelle - ahli komedi dan bintang televisyen[46]
- Dawud Wharnsby-Ali (David Wharnsby) - Penyanyi dan penyair dari Kanada.[47][48]
- Elsa Kazi - German writer of one-act plays, short stories, novels and history, and one of the greatest poets of her time.
- Erekle I of Kakheti – pemeluk Islam dari Georgia[49] yang memerintah kerajaan Kakheti dan Kartli.
- Éric Abidal (mengubah namanya ke Bilal) - pemain bola sepak Perancis, kini bermain untuk FC Barcelona, masuk Islam selepas perkahwinan.[50]
- Everlast - pemain rap dari kumpulan House of Pain hip-hop Ireland-Amerika, masuk Islam dari Katolikisme.[51]
- Farqad as-Sabakhi - seorang pendakwah Islam Armenia yang terdahulunya Kristian[52] dikenali dengan ilmu kitab Yahudi-Kristian.[53]
- Franck Ribéry- seorang pemain bola sepak Perancis. Namanya selepas masuk Islam adalah Tarek.[54]
- Firouz - seorang Kristian Armenia yang masuk Islam[55] yang berkhidmat sebagai seorang pengintip untuk Bohemund sewaktu Perkepungan Antioch.[56]
- Gabriele Torsello - wartawan foto lepas Italian berasas di London yang telah diculik di Provinsi Helmand, Afghanistan.[57]
- Gauhar Jaan - Penyanyi India British.[58]
- George XI of Kartli - Komander Saffavid .[59]
- Germaine Lindsay - salah seorang dari pengganas bunuh diri dalam pengeboman London 7 Julai 2005[30][60][61] di mana 52 orang dibunuh.
- Hamza Yusuf - pemeluk Islam Amerika dari Ortodoks Greek ke Islam Sunah Waljamaah; pengasas sama Zaytuna College.[62]
- Hedley Churchward - English painter[63]
- Hersekzade Ahmed Pasha - lahir kepada sebuah keluarga Kristian Croatia[64], dia adalah seorang jeneral dan negarawan Uthmaniyyah dari Hercegovina.
- Ian Dallas - Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi — shaykh Sufi berketurunan Scotland.[65]
- Ibn Jazla – seorang doktor abad ke-11 dan Kristian masuk Islam yang kemudian menulis untuk menyangkal doktrin-doktrin agama Kristian.[66]
- Ibrahim Bey - seorang Egyptian Mamluk dari asal-usul Kristian Georgia.
- Ibrahim Muteferrika (nama asal tidak dikenali) - Dari Agama Kristian Unitarian, sebuah contoh awal penerbit dan pencetak Islam.[67]
- Ilie II Rareş – putera Moldavia.[68]
- Ingrid Mattson – sarjana Kanada dan presiden kini Masyarakat Islam Amerika Utara (2006) masuk Islam dari Katolikisme.[69]
- Isabelle Eberhardt - dari Kristian Lutheran, penjelajah & penulis abad ke-19[70]
- Ismael Urbain - wartawan dan penterjemah Perancis.
- Ivan Aguéli (Johan Agelii) - pelukis masyhur Sweden.[71][72]
- Iyasu V - maharaja Ethiopia.[73]
- C. Jack Ellis - Datuk bandar Macon, Georgia[74]
- Jacques-Francois Menou - jeneral Perancis dibawah Napoleon Banoparte.[75]
- James Yee - bekas Lutheran[76] dan bekas pendeta Islam tentera A.S.[77]
- Jermaine Jackson (Muhammad Abdul Aziz) - bekas anggota The Jackson 5.[78]
- Jerôme Courtailler - salah seorang dari dua adik-beradik Perancis yang dihukum oleh pihak berkuasa Perancis pada 2004 dengan bersekongkol para pengganas[30][79][80]
- Joe Tex - Penyanyi Soul dan artis rakaman.[81]
- Johann Ludwig Burckhardt adalah seorang pengembara dan ahli oriental Switzerland.[perlu rujukan]
- St. John Philby - Arabist, explorer, writer, and British colonial office intelligence operative; converted from Anglicanism.[82]
- John Tzelepes Komnenos - Pemimpin Byzantine dari Orang Greek.
- John Walker Lindh - Digelar "Taliban Amerika" , masuki Islam dari Katholik[83][84]
- John Whitehead – seorang penyanyi, penulis lagu, dan pengeluar rakaman Amerika.[85]
- John Nelson - Orang Inggris pertama direkodkan memeluk Islam.[86]
- Joseph Thomas – seorang pemeluk Islam Australia, dibebaskan dari tuduhan penggansan, diletak bawah perintah kawalan di bawah Akta Anti-Pengganasan Australia 2005, kini tertunda siding mahkamah semula.[87][88]
- Józef Bem – jeneral Poland, seorang Pasha Uthmaniyyah dan seorang perwira negara Poland dan Hungary.
- Judar Pasha – penakluk Empayar Songhai.[89]
- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Lew Alcindor) – pemain bola keranjang yang telah bersara dan NBA's all-time leading scorer[90]
- Keith Ellison - American, Mewakili Minnesota's 5th congressional district, Muslim pertama dipilih ke United States Congress, memeluk dar iKatholik [91]
- Kevin Barrett - Pensyarah universiti dan ahli Scholars for 9/11 Truth.[92]
- Khaled Edward Blair - Peguam bela British, mengahwini Puteri Badiya bint El Hassan dari Jordan.
- Khalid Yasin - Executive Director of the Islamic Teaching Institute, and a Shaykh currently residing in Australia.[93]
- Knud Holmboe - Danish journalist and explorer converted From Catholicism.[94]
- Koca Yusuf Pasha - a Georgian Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire who also served as the governor of Peloponnese.[95]
- Köse Mihal - Pembelot Byzantine. Menemani Osman al-Ghazi dalam penaikan kuasa dan memeluk agama Islam.[96][97]
- Kumba Ialá - a Guinea-Bissau politician who converted in 2008.
- Dolores "LaLa" Brooks - Pemuzik Amerika.[98]
- Leo of Tripoli - seorang Byzantine Greek yang beralih arah dan membebaskan 4000 tahanan Muslim semasa menyerang bandar Byzantine,Thessalonica.[99]
- Loon - Penyanyi rap dari Amerika[100]
- Lee Hughes - Pemain bola sepak professional, sekarang bermain untuk Notts County F.C.[101]
- Lauren Booth - A journalist Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair's sister-in-law in 2010.
- Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf (Chris Jackson) - bekas pemain bola keranjang[102]
- Marcio Souza Da Silva - Pemain bola sepak dari Brazil.
- Markus Horison - Penjaga gawang pasukan Indonesia. Menukar namanya kepada Muhammad Markus Haris Maulana
- Marmaduke Pickthall - Penterjemah Al-Quran yang terkenal.[103]
- Mario Scialoja - Duta Itali dan presiden World Muslim League.[104]
- Matthew Saad Muhammad (sebelum Matthew Franklin) - bekas peninju, memeluk dari Katholik.[105]
- Michael Muhammad Knight - Penulis, pengarang novel, dan wartawan dari Amerika.[106]
- Mike Tyson - Peninju Amerika terkenal, memeluk Islam[107]
- Mihnea Turcitul - was a Prince (Voivode) of Walachia. Converted from Eastern Orthodox Christianity.[108]
- Mirza Malkam Khan - seorang Iranian Armenian proponent of Freemasonry who was active during the period leading up to the Iranian Constitutional Revolution.[109]
- Mleh, Prince of Armenia - seorang Armenia yang memeluk Islam dari Katholik.[110] he was the eighth lord of Armenian Cilicia.
- Mohammad Yousuf - Pemain kriket dari Pakistan. Dikenali kerana memegang rekod dunia untuk ujian masa bagi satu musim, memeluk Islam dari Katholik.[111]
- Mohammed Knut Bernström - Duta Sweden ke Veneuzela (1963–1969), Sepanyol (1973–1976) dan Maghribi (1976–1983)[112]
- Mohammed Zakariya - an American master of Arabic calligraphy, best known for his work on the popular Eid U.S. postage stamp.[113]
- Moralı Enişte Hasan Pasha - Orang Greek Uthmaniyyah yang dilantik menjadi Grand Vizier.[114]
- Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman Barker (Philip Barker) - professor of Urdu, former chair of the University of Minnesota's Department of South Asian studies and creator of the Tékumel fantasy world.[115]
- Muhammad Ali (sebelum Cassius Clay), peninju Amerika terkenal, memasuki daripada Baptist[116][117] to The Nation of Islam to sufism Islam.[118] famous boxer.
- Muhammed al-Ahari lahir 6 Januari, 1965 sebagai Ray Allen Rudder adalah seorang pengarang esei, ulama, dan penulis topik berkenaan Islam Amerika, Kumpulan Nasionalis Hitam, kumpulan ajaran sesat, dan fahaman pemujaan sihir moden.
- Murad Wilfred Hofmann - pegawai NATO, memeluk dari Katholik[119]
- Nicolas Anelka - Pemain bola sepak dari Perancis[120]
- Nuh Ha Mim Keller - dari Katholik ke agnosticism ke Sunni Islam, juga seorang ulama.[121]
- Olu Dara (born Charles Jones III in Natchez, Mississippi[1] on 12 January 1941) is an American cornetist, guitarist and singer
- Omar Bongo - Gabonese, President of Gabon.[122]
- Omar Hammami - American-born member of the Somali Islamist paramilitary group al-Shabaab. Known by the nom de guerre Abu Mansoor Al-Amriki.[123]
- Omar Pasha - Ottoman general. Converted from Serbian Orthodoxy.[124]
- Omar Sharif - Egyptian actor who converted from Catholicism.[125][126]
- Pargalı İbrahim Pasha - born to a Christian Greek family, he was the first Grand Vizier in the Ottoman Empire appointed by Suleiman the Magnificent.
- Peter Murphy - vocalist of the goth/rock group Bauhaus, converted from Catholicism.[127]
- Pierre Vogel - German Islamic preacher and former professional Boxer.
- Poncke Princen - Dutch soldier, later human rights activist, converted From Catholicism.[128]
- Preacher Moss - Former Baptist,[129] American comedian and comedy writer.[130]
- Raghib Pasha - was a Greek Ottoman politician who served as Prime Minister of Egypt[131] and who converted to Islam from Christianity.[132]
- Radu cel Frumos - was the younger brother of Vlad Ţepeş (Dracula) and prince of the principality of Wallachia, converted From Catholicism.[133]
- René Guénon - French Author in the field of metaphysics, converted From Catholicism.[134][135]
- Richard Colvin Reid - shoe bomber (convicted terrorist)[136]
- Richard Thompson - British musician, best known for his guitar playing and songwriting.[137]
- Robert of St. Albans - an English templar knight who converted to Islam from Christianity in 1185 and led an army for Saladin against the Crusaders in Jerusalem.[138]
- Robert D. Crane is the former adviser to the late President Richard Nixon, and is former Deputy Director (for Planning) of the U.S. National Security Council.[139]
- Robin Padilla - Filipino actor.[140]
- Roger Garaudy - French philosopher, converted From protestant.[141]
- Ronald Bell or Khalis Bayyan (born 1 November 1951, Youngstown, Ohio) is an American singer, composer and saxophonist
- Rowland Allanson-Winn, 5th Baron Headley - British soldier and peer.[142]
- Rudolf Carl von Slatin - Anglo-Austrian soldier and administrator in the Sudan. Later reverted to Catholicism.[143]
- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood - British author, converted from Protestantism.[144]
- Ryan G. Anderson - former Lutheran, convicted of charges of espionage for Al Qaeda[145][146]
- Ryan Harris- football player for the Denver Broncos[147]
- Salman the Persian A convert from Christianity[148] who was previously Zoroastrian.
- Sana al-Sayegh, dean of the Science and Technology Faculty at Palestine International University, converted to Islam in August 2007. Fatah has accused its political rival Hamas of forcing the professor to convert from Christianity, a charge Hamas denies.[149]
- Sarah Joseph - commentator on women's issues and founder of emel magazine, converted From Catholicism.[150]
- Brad Terrence Jordan ("Scarface") - American rapper[151]
- Shah Shahidullah Faridi - Writer of German descent born to a Christian family.[152]
- Sheila Musaji - founder of The American Muslim magazine.[153]
- Silma Ihram - formerly a born again Baptist who is an Australian pioneer of Muslim education in the West, founder and former school Principal of the 'Noor Al Houda Islamic College', campaigner for racial tolerance, and Author.[154]
- Siraj Wahaj - Former Baptist.[155] African-American Imam, noted for his efforts to eliminate Brooklyn's drug problems.[156]
- Snoop Dogg - Rapper, Joined Nation Of Islam.[157]
- Suhaib Webb - American Islamic activist and speaker.[158]
- Suleiman Pasha - French-born Egyptian commander.[159]
- T. B. Irving - An American scholar, author and translator
- Tariq Abdul-Wahad (Olivier Saint-Jean) - originally from France, former basketball player for the Mavericks and Kings[160]
- Tawana Brawley (changed her name to Maryam Muhammad) - African American woman noted for claiming to have been raped by several white men, a claim determined to be a fabrication by a grand jury. Later in life she converted to Islam.[161][162][163]
- Tekuder - Mongol leader of the Ilkhan empire who was formerly a Nestorian Christian.[164]
- Thomas J. Abercrombie - photographer[165]
- Timothy Winter - prominent British Islamic thinker and scholar, and a lecturer in Islamic studies in the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge.[166]
- Torquato Cardilli - Italian ambassador, converted From Catholicism.[167]
- Vincenzo Luvineri - American rapper and the lyricist behind the Philadelphia underground hip-hop group Jedi Mind Tricks, converted From Catholicism.[168]
- Wadih el-Hage born to a Maronite Christian family in Sidon, Lebanon, a former al-Qaeda member.[perlu rujukan]
- William Abdullah Quilliam - 19th century British poet, ambassador and journalist.[169]
- Willie Brigitte - French convert to Islam who associated with al-Qaeda in Pakistan and was possibly involved in a plot to conduct a terrorist operation in Australia.[170]
- Wojciech Bobowski - raised Protestant, he was a Polish musician and translator of the Bible into Ottoman Turkish.[171]
- Yahiya Emerick - sarjana Islam Amerika, Presiden Yayasan Islam Amerika Utara, masuk Islam dari Protestantisme.[172]
- Yasin Abu Bakr (Lennox Philip) - dari Trinidad and Tobago, bawah sidang mahkamah selepas kup percubaan pada 9 Mac 2006[173]
- Yusuf Estes - Bekas pendakwah dan pendeta penjara persekutuan, masuk dari Protestantisme.[174]
- Yvonne Ridley - wartawan British, fdari Anglikanisme. Dia masuk Islam selepas diculik dan dibebaskan oleh Taliban.[175][176]
- Zaid Shakir - pemeluk Islam Amerika bekas Baptist memasuki Islam Sunah Waljamaah, pidato, ahli intelektual, pengarang, sarjana Islam, dan pengasas sama Zaytuna College di Amerika Syarikat.[177][178]
- Zağanos Pasha - salah seorang komander tentera terpengaruh Mehmet II (Mehmet yang Penakluk) dan seorang lala, pernah dahulu seorang penasihat, mentor, tutor, penasihat, protector, untuk sultan.[179]
Dari agama Yahudi
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Abdullah ibn Salam - 7th century sahabi said to have been a rabbi of aristocratic stock.[180]
- Hibat Allah Abu'l-Barakat al-Baghdaadi - Berpengaruh pada abad ke-12 .Ahli Fizik, Ahli Falsafah, dan saintis yang menulis kritikan pada Aristotelian philosophy dan Aristotelian physics.[181]
- Ibn Yahyā al-Maghribī al-Samaw'al - Ahli Matematik abad ke 12 dan ahli astronomi Islam.[182][183]
- Ibn Sahl of Seville - Penyair berbangsa Andalusia Abad ke-13.[184]
- Jacob Querido - 17th century successor of the self-proclaimed Jewish Messiah Sabbatai Zevi.[185]
- Leila Mourad - Penyanyi dan Pelakon berbangsa Mesir pada zaman 1940an dan 1950an.[186]
- Lev Nussimbaum - Seorang Penulis dan wartawan pada abad 20an serta orientalis.[187]
- Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss) - Wartawan berbangsa Vienna, penulis, dan penterjemah yang melawat Hijaz pada 1930an, dan menjadi Duta Pakistan ke United Nations.[188]
- Rashid-al-Din Hamadani - Ahli Fizik Abad ke - 13 Persian [189]
- Sultan Rafi Sharif Bey (Yale Singer) - 20th century pioneer in the development of Islamic culture in the United States.[190]
- Tali Fahima - Aktivis Israel berfahaman politik sayap kiri, yang disabitkan kerana membantu pejuang Palestin. Memeluk agama Islam di Umm al-Fahm pada bulan Jun 2010.[191]
- Yaqub ibn Killis - 10th century Egyptian vizier under the Fatimids.[192]
- Youssef Darwish - a labour lawyer and activist[193] who was one of the few from the Karaite Jewish community to remain in Egypt after the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.
Dari agama Dharma
[sunting | sunting sumber]Dari agama Buddha
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Keluarga Barmakid - awalnya para penjaga pekong Buddha besar berhampiran Balkh, selepas mereka masuk Islam mereka menjadi "keluarga besar" sewakatu khilafah Abbasiyah awal.[194]
- Daniel Moore - penyair[195]
- Donei Kalaminjaa - raja Maldives.[196]
- Korguz - was an Uyghur gabenor Khorasan[197] sewaktu pemerintahan pemerintah Mongol Ogedei Khan.[198]
- Mahmud Ghazan - pemerintah ketujuh sIlkhanate.[199]
- Muhammad Khodabandeh - pemerintah kelapan dinasti Ilkhaid dynasty di Iran dari 1304 hingga 1316.[200]
- Mubarak Shah - ketua ulus Chagatai Khanate (1252–1260, March–September 1266).[201]
- Tarmashirin - Khan dari Chagatai Khanate berikutnya Duwa Timur.[202]
- Hussein Ye - Seorang sarjana Islam keturunan Cina yang syarahan-syarahannya sering disiarkan di Peace TV.[203]
Dari agama Hindu
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Abdul Wahid Pedersen - Danish cleric.[204]
- A. R. Rahman (stands for Allah Rakha Rahman) - Penyanyi, penulis lirik, juga pemenang anugerah Oscar. Memeluk Islam dari Hindu[205]
- Dhiren Barot - Born in India to a Hindu family, Barot was later sentenced to 40 years in prison in the United Kingdom for conspiracy to murder. Barot admitted to plotting to bomb the New York Stock Exchange, the International Monetary Fund headquarters, and the World Bank, amongst other targets.
- Divya Bharti - Indian actress who converted on marriage to producer Sajid Nadiadwala
- Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah - son of Raja Ganesha; he converted to Islam, then to Hinduism and finally reverted back to Islam, and later introduced Islam to many Hindus.[206]
- Kabir Suman- Modern Bengali singer & songwriter officially converted to Islam from Hinduism in 2000.[207]
- Kamala Suraiyya (formerly Kamala Das) - Anglo-Malayalam writer[208]
- Khusro Khan - a medieval Indian military leader who was a Hindu convert to Islam.
- Malik Kafur - Indian military general.[209]
- Malik Maqbul - Prime Minister or Wazir of the Delhi Sultanate,[210] during the reign of Feroz Shah Tughlaq.
- Murshid Quli Khan - the Mughal governor of Bengal.[211]
- Muhammed Yusuf Khan - Born Maruthanayagam Pillai, he converted to Islam[212] and later served as Commandant for the British East India Company troops.
- Sahaj Ram Sapru - the grandfather of the British-Indian Muslim Philosopher, Sir Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, who was an official in Kashmir during the administration of the Afghan Governor Azim Khan.[213]
- Sharmila Tagore - Converted after marriage to M A Patudi
- Steven Vikash Chand - Arrested in the 2006 Toronto terrorism arrests[214]
- Tansen - Notable musician and poet.[215][216]
Dari Sikhisme
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Ubaidullah Sindhi - pemimpin agama dan aktivis politik.[217]
Yang lain
[sunting | sunting sumber]Dari agnostikisme atau ateisme
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Charles le Gai Eaton - British writer.
- Martin Lings - a widely acclaimed British scholar. He was raised as a Protestant, became an atheist, and later converted to Islam.[218]
- Mos Def - American rapper and actor.[219]
- Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) - British musician and singer (had a nominally Christian upbringing, but never was a believer)[220]
- Zhang Chengzhi - contemporary Hui Chinese author; raised as an atheist.[221]
Dari Paganisme
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Abba Jifar I - raja Gibe Kerajaan Jimma.[222]
- Baraq - seorang pemerintah Chagatai Khanate yang mengambil nama Ghiyas-ud-din selepas menjadi mualaf.[223]
- Berke - cucu lelaki Genghis Khan dan pemimpin Golden Horde yang menjadi pemerintah Mongol pertama untuk menubuhkan Islam adalam sebuah negeri Mongol.[224]
- David Myatt - dari Paganisme, bekas aktivis Neo-Nazi[225]
- Nawrūz (Mongol emir) - seorang pemeluk Islam;[226] he played an important role in the politics of the Mongol Ilkhanate.
- Negudar - Mongol general and noyan[227]
- Nogai Khan - Mongol general and great-grandson of Genghis Khan.[228]
- Samori Ture - founder of the Wassoulou Empire who resisted French rule in West Africa.[229][230]
- Sultan Satuq Bughra Khan - 9th century Uyghur ruler who was one of the first Turks to convert to Islam.[231]
- Tuda Mengu - Mongol leader of the Golden Horde[232]
- Tughlugh Timur - the Khan of Moghulistan.[233]
Dari Sabianism
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Hilal al-Sabi - seorang sejarawan, birokrat, dan penulis bahasa Arab.[234]
- Sinan ibn Thabit - seorang doktor dan anak lelaki Thābit ibn Qurra.[235]
Dari agama Majusi
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Abdullah Ibn al-Muqaffa - penulis dan penterjemah Kalīla wa Dimna dari Middle Persian.[236]
- Abu'l Hasan Mihyar al-Daylami - a Persian poet from Daylam.[237][238]
- Abu-Lu'lu'ah Al-Nahawndi - a Persian who assassinated Umar al-Khattab.[239]
- Abu-Mansur Daqiqi - a Persian poet.[240]
- Fadl ibn Sahl - Persian vizier of the Abassid era.[241]
- Naubakht - Pahlavi penterjemah mahkamah Abassid.[242]
- Rattanbai Petit - isteri kedua Muhammad Ali Jinnah, pengasas Pakistan
- Saman Khuda - pengasas dinasti Samanid, one of the first native Persian dynasties in the Middle East and Central Asia after the collapse of the Sassanids.[243]
Bekas agama yang tidak dapat ditentukan
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Abd al Malik - nama lahir Régis Fayette-Mikano — Penyanyi rap Perancis yang berasal dari Congo.[244]
- Abd al Haqq Kielan - Swedish cleric.[245]
- Abdallah Schleifer - prominent Middle East expert, former NBC Cairo Bureau chief, and a professor of TV journalism at the American University in Cairo who converted to Sufi Islam.[246][247]
- Abdul Alim Musa - Muslim activist and director of Masjid Al-Islam in Washington, D.C.[248]
- Abdul Waheed (Don Stewart-Whyte) - accused of participating in the 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot.[249][250]
- Abdullah Ibrahim - South African Jazz musician.[251]
- Ahmad Jamal - Jazz pianist.[252]
- Ahmed el Inglizi - was an English architect and engineer who worked for the Sultan of Morocco Mohammed ben Abdallah in the 18th century and converted to Islam.[253]
- Ajdin Muzaka - was the commander in the Battle of Torvioll.
- Ali Shaheed Muhammad - member of A Tribe Called Quest.[254]
- Alys Faiz - human rights and peace activist;[255] converted at the time of her marriage to Urdu poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz.[256]
- Amir Butler- author, engineer and Islamic activist.[257]
- Anthony Mundine - Australian Boxer, Former 2 time Super Middleweight Champion.[258]
- Antoni Aleksander Iliński - a Polish-Ottoman military officer and general.
- Apisai Tora - Fijian politician.[259]
- Batool Al-Toma - Irishwoman who is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Forum Against Islamophobia and Racism.
- B.G. Knocc Out - American west coast rapper.[260]
- Begum Om Habibeh Aga Khan - born Yvette Blanche Labrousse, Miss France 1930, wife of Aga Khan III.[261]
- Bob Denard - French mercenary.[262]
- Brandon Mayfield - American attorney-at-law, was erroneously linked to the 2004 Madrid train bombings.[263]
- Busta Rhymes - American rapper, songwriter and actor
- Charles Brooks, Jr. - converted while serving a sentence for murder; first person to be executed by lethal injection in the United States.[264]
- Ilich Ramírez Sánchez - aka "Carlos the Jackal", convicted murderer and terrorist, currently in prison in France.[265]
- Celestino Caballero - Boxer, Current Super Bantamweight Champion.[266]
- Charles John Pelham (Abdul Mateen)- 8th Earl of Yarborough.[267]
- Christian Ganczarski- Head of "al Qaeda in Europe".[268]
- Christopher de Bellaigue - journalist and author
- Christopher Paul (aka Paul Kenyatta Laws aka Abdulmalek Kenyatta) - American citizen, alleged member of al-Qaeda.[269][270]
- Colleen LaRose - alleged intended assassin of Danish cartoonist Lars Vilks.[271]
- Craig Hodges - former NBA player.[272]
- David Hicks - convicted Australian terrorist.[273]
- Derrick Shareef- charged in a plot to set off four hand grenades in garbage cans 22 December at the CherryVale Mall in Rockford, Illinois during the Christmas rush.[274]
- Divine Styler - American hip-hop musician.[275]
- Dwight Muhammad Qawi - Former boxing world Light Heavyweight and Cruiserweight champion.[276]
- Edoardo Agnelli - eldest son of Gianni Agnelli, the industrialist patriarch of Fiat.
- Everlast - Irish-American rapper and singer-songwriter.[277]
- Frithjof Schuon - metaphysician, poet, painter, philosopher (in the original and Platonic sense of this term), and a leading figure of the perennialist school.[278]
- Gary Legenhausen - American philosopher and writer.[279]
- Ghostface Killah - member of the Wu-Tang Clan.[280]
- Gigi Gryce - American saxophonist, flutist, clarinetist, composer, arranger, and educator.[281]
- Gustave-Henri Jossot - French caricaturist, illustrator and Orientalist painter.[282]
- Hasan Akbar (born Mark Fidel Kools) - American sentenced to death for the murder of two fellow soldiers during the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq.[283]
- H. Rap Brown - civil rights activisit.[284]
- Ibrahim Hooper (Douglas Hooper) - Islamic activist, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).[285]
- Ibrahim Savant - one of the suspects arrested in the UK in connection to the 2006 transatlantic aircraft terrorist plot in the United Kingdom.[286]
- Idris Muhammad - American jazz musician.[287]
- Iliaş Colceag - Moldavian military commander in the Ottoman and Russian Empire.
- Isabelle Eberhardt - explorer and writer.[288]
- Jack Roche - convicted of involvement in an al-Qaeda plot to blow up the Israeli embassy in Canberra.[289]
- Jadel Gregório - a Brazilian athlete.
- James Achilles Kirkpatrick - was the British Resident in Hyderabad.[290]
- Jan Janszoon - Dutch pirate.[291]
- Jason Walters - of the Netherlands, member of the Hofstad Network, convicted on charges of terrorism.[292]
- Jeff Fort - former Chicago gang leader, co-founder of the Black P. Stones gang, and founder of its El Rukn faction. He was convicted in 1987 of conspiring with Libya to perform acts of domestic terrorism.[293][294]
- Jeffrey Mark Deskovic - served 15-year wrongful imprisonment sentence.[295]
- Jemima Goldsmith daughter of the billionaire Sir James, who was married to Imran Khan
- Jesse of Kakheti - a ruler of Kakheti in eastern Georgia from 1614 to 1615.
- John Allen Muhammad - convicted serial killer, known as the Beltway Sniper.[296][297]
- John Ward - (changed name to Yusuf Reis) British corsair and pirate.[298]
- Johann von Leers - advisor to Muhammad Naguib known for his anti-Semitic polemics.[299][300][301]
- José Padilla - the respondent in Rumsfeld v. Padilla currently on trial as an alleged al-Qaida operative, converted while in prison for aggravated assault.[302]
- Juan Carlos Gomez - Former Cruiserweight Boxing Champion.[303]
- Kérim Chatty- Swedish bodybuilding stuntman who was once suspected of attempted hijacking. The preliminary inquiry was dropped.[304]
- Khaled Edward Blair - British barrister, later married Princess Badiya bint Al Hassan of Jordan.[305]
- Khalid Sheldrake - an English pickle manufacturer who established a branch of the Western Islamic Association in South Shields in 1930.
- Larry Johnson - retired American professional basketball player.[306]
- Lauren Booth - a British[307] broadcaster, journalist and human rights activist.[308][309]
- Li Nu - a Chinese scholar in the Ming dynasty who visited Persia, converted to Islam, married a Persian or an Arab girl and brought her back to Quanzhou in Fujian.[310][311][312]
- Lim Yew Hock - Singapore’s second Chief Minister from 1956 to 1959.[313]
- MC Ren - American rapper and hip-hop producer.[314]
- Malcolm X - American to Nation of Islam to Sunni Islam, African-American civil rights leader.[315]
- Malik ul Salih - established the first Muslim state of Samudera Pasai.[316]
- Maryam Jameelah - formerly Margret Marcus. Author of many books covering several subjects, including Modernism, Sociology, History, Jihad, Theology and Technology.[317]
- Maurice Béjart - French choreographer.[318]
- Mike Tyson (Malik Abdul Aziz) - former heavyweight boxing champion of the world. Converted while in prison after being convicted of rape.[319][320]
- Mohammed Knut Bernström - Swedish ambassador.[321]
- Michael Wolfe - American poet, author, and the President and Executive Producer of Unity Productions Foundation.[322][323]
- Michael X - civil rights activist in the United Kingdom[324]
- Nahshid Sulaiman - alternative hip hop artist.[325]
- Nur al-Anwar al-Jerrahi (born Lex Hixon) - syncretist, Sufi convert, and co-founder of the Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Order in the United States.[326]
- Omar Ong Yoke Lin - (1917–2010) Malaysian politician, former government minister and founder of the Malaysian Chinese Association.[327]
- Baron omar Rolf von Ehrenfels - Austrian anthropologist and orientalist.[328]
- Philippe Fragione - French rapper and producer of French hip hop.[329]
- Philippe Grenier - (1865–1944) French doctor, first Muslim MP in France.[330]
- Q-Tip - North American hip-hop emcee, actor, and hip hop producer who was the leader of the critically acclaimed group A Tribe Called Quest.[331]
- Rakan Ben Williams - suspected member of Al-Qaeda terrorist.[332]
- Robert "Kool" Bell - musician.[333]
- Robert D. Crane - former Presidential advisor and ambassador.[334]
- Rodrigo de Triana - sailor and the first European since the Vikings known to have seen America who converted to Islam from Judaism[335] or Christianity.[336]
- Ronald Bell - musician.[337]
- Rory McLeod - British snooker player.
- Sahib Shihab - jazz saxophonist and flautist.[338]
- Saida Miller Khalifa - British author who was originally called Sonya Miller.[339][340]
- Shaheed Akbar - notable rapper who converted to Islam.[341]
- Stephen Schwartz - American journalist, columnist, and author.[342]
- Susanne Osthoff - German archaeologist who had worked in Iraq since 1991 and had been taken captive there for three weeks.[343]
- Thomas J. Abercrombie -Famous photographer and writer for National Geographic Magazine
- Tiara Jacquelina - Malaysian actress.[344]
- Titus Burckhardt - Swiss writer and scholar.[345]
- Tony Hussein Hinde - an Australian-born Maldivian surfer and surfing pioneer who converted to Islam.[346]
- Umar Islam - one of the suspects arrested in the UK in connection to the 2006 transatlantic aircraft terrorist plot in the United Kingdom.[286]
- Uri Davis - seorang akademik dan aktivis yang bekerja pada hak asasi sivil di Israel, Pihak Berkuasa Negara Palestin dan Timur Tengah.[347]
- Vladimir Khodov - pemimpin Beslan school hostage crisis- memasuki Islam dalam penjara.[348]
- Vernel Fournier - pemain gendang jazz.
- Walt Hazzard - bekas pemain NBA.[349]
Lihat juga
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Senarai orang Islam
- Senarai orang yang memasuki agama Kristian
- Senarai pemeluk agama Hindu
- Senarai pemeluk agama Judaism
- Senarai pemeluk agama Buddhism
- Senarai pemeluk agama Sikhism
- Senarai pemeluk agama Majusi
- Senarai bekas Islam
- Senarai orang mengikut kepercayaan
- Kemasukan agama
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ [pautan mati]Islam converts change face of Europe Jerusalem Post. Retrieved on 2010-01-22.
- ^ Germany: Sharp rise in Muslim converts Retrieved on 2010-01-25.
- ^ "NBA great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wants NFL player to stop using name — the former Sharmon Shah, Miami Dolphin running back being sued by former basketball player" Jet Online. Dec. 1, 1997. Johnson Publishing Co.
- ^ The making of the Georgian nation By Ronald Grigor Suny, pg.56
- ^ "Abel Xavier Quits Football And Converts To Islam". Dicapai pada 30 December 2009.
- ^ Ibn Ab̄i Tahir Ṭāyfūr and Arabic writerly culture a ninth-century bookman in Baghdad RoutledgeCurzon Studies in Arabic and Middle-Eastern Literatures: A Ninth-century Bookman in Baghdad, By Shawkat M. Toorawa, pg. 94
- ^ Stephen Brook (2007-08-08). "newspaper report on police investigation into undercover mosque program. Wednesday August 8, 2007". London: Guardian. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ "Al-Qaeda's New Leadership: Adam Gadahn". The Washington Post.
- ^ Lessing's theological writings: selections in translation By Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Henry Chadwick, pg.12
- ^ The holy cities, the pilgrimage and the world of Islām: a history from the earliest traditions until 1925 (1344H), pg. 310, by Ghālib ibn ʻAwaḍ Quʻayṭī (al-Sulṭān.), Sultan Ghalib al-Qu'aiti
- ^ "Ahmad Rashad Bio - Ahmad Rashad Biography - Ahmad Rashad Stories". 2009-06-02. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ "Minnesota Vikings Football Tickets - Vikings Football". Vikings Tickets. 1949-11-19. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ "In Philippines, watchful eye on converts". Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ "Militant Islamic Converts And Terrorism In The Philippines" (PDF). Diarkibkan (PDF) daripada yang asal pada 2008-07-09. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ "MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2009-04-15. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ Thomson, Ahmad – Author Information Ibooks
- ^ Global Noise, By Tony Mitchell, pg. 72
- ^ Shah ʹAbbas & the arts of Isfahan, by Anthony Welch, pg. 17
- ^ "Litvinenko converted to Islam, father says - Times Online". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2011-07-20. Dicapai pada 2011-02-28.
- ^ "Litvinenko's Father Says Son Requested Muslim Burial - RADIO FREE EUROPE / RADIO LIBERTY". 2006-12-05. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ Islam in America, By Jane I. Smith, pg. 189
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- ^ Juan Goytisolo and the poetics of contagion, pg.133, by Stanley Beck
- ^ Art Blakey official site Pada 1948, Art memberitahu wartawan yang dia telah melawat Afrika, di mana dia mempelajari pengendang polirentak dan telah diperkenalkan pada Islam, mengambil nama Abdullah Ibn Buhaina.
- ^
- ^ Sabey, R. (19 June 2010). "Champ to chump: Muslim who abused troops is ex-British boxing ace". The Sun. Dicapai pada 1 October 2010.
- ^ a b c Some converts from 'The Islamic Review', Woking Ralat petik: Tag
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- ^ Conversion: Islam, the growing religion
- ^ Islamic art and architecture 650-1250 By Richard Ettinghausen, Oleg Grabar, Marilyn Jenkins, pg, 134
- ^ Steve Bunce (2001-11-11). "Ex-champion Naseem Hamed's comeback battle Special reports | The Observer". London: Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
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- ^ "Dr.Bilal Philips' Official website". Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ Hughes, Rob (2002-07-31). "SOCCER : Metsu's magic ride ends". International Herald Tribune. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2008-09-13. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ Powell, Michael (July 23, 2009). "U.S. Recruit Reveals How Qaeda Trains Foreigners". The New York Times. Dicapai pada 26 February 2010.
- ^ "Lengthy queue to join religion that offers 'sense of direction'". London: Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
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- ^ Banu Kasi, Casius, Kasi and Qasi in the Spanish-language Auñamendi Encyclopedia.
- ^ Cindy George (20 June 2007). "Houston man gets 10 years for al-Qaida training". Houston Chronicle.
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- ^ Sunday, May. 15, 2005 (2005-05-15). "On the Beach With Dave Chappelle". TIME. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2013-08-25. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
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- ^ Islamic desk reference By E. J. van Donzel, pg.111
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- ^ "Being Muslim One Day at a Time by Adisa Banjoko". Dicapai pada 2010-01-02.
- ^ Historical dictionary of Sufism By John Renard, pg. 87
- ^ Islamic mysticism: a short history, pg. 14
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- ^ The Moslem World, Volume 58, pg.63, Samuel Marinus Zwemer, Christian Literature Society for India, Hartford Seminary Foundation, Published for the Nile Mission Press by the Christian Literature Society for India, 1911
- ^ The complete idiot's guide to the Crusades By Paul L. Williams, pg. 73
- ^ "South Asia | Afghan kidnappers 'want convert'". BBC News. 2006-10-18. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ The importance of being Gauhar Jan The Tribune, May 26, 2002.
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- ^ "ICT - International Institute for Counter-Terrorism". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2008-02-12. Dicapai pada 2011-02-28.
- ^ "Convert Plays Leadership Role in Muslim Community". NPR. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ "Famous London Muslims". 1953-12-10. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ Klemenčić, Mladen (1993). A Concise atlas of the Republic of Croatia & of the Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina. Michigan: Miroslav Krleža Lexicographical Institute (original from University of Michigan Press). m/s. 88.
- ^ The Collected Works by Ian Dallas, Budgate Press, 2005, ISBN 0-620-34379-6
- ^ A history of Arabic literature By Clément Huart, pg.311
- ^ "UU site". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2009-05-05. Dicapai pada 2011-02-28.
- ^ The Historians' History of the World by Henry Smith Williams, p. 137, published 1907
- ^ MSBC Diarkibkan 2010-09-11 di Wayback Machine Article's title says "Raised Catholic, this Muslim professor is bringing the moderate viewpoint to the world."]
- ^ "Isabelle Eberhardt: Explorer". 1904-10-21. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ Roald, Anne Sofie (2004). New Muslims in the European Context: The Experience of Scandinavian Converts . Brill Publishers. pg.28
- ^ Aguéli Museum states "He changed his name to Ivan Aguéli. Later he converted to Islam."
- ^ Bahru Zewde, A History of Modern Ethiopia (London: James Currey, 1991), p. 121.
- ^ "CNN: Macon, Georgia, mayor converts to Islam". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2007-02-04. Dicapai pada 2007-02-04.
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- ^ Jermaine Jackson (I) - Biography
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- ^
- ^ The decline and fall of the Ottoman Empire By Alan Palmer, pg. 52
- ^ The Last Great Muslim Empires, By H. J. Kissling, Bertold Spuler, F. R. C. Bagley, pg.3
- ^ American studies in altaic linguistics, By Denis Sinor, pg.5
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- ^ Matthew Saad Muhammad
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- ^ Ştefan Ştefănescu, Istoria medie a României, Bucharest, Vol. I, 1991, p.164
- ^ The Iranian constitutional revolution, 1906-1911, by By Janet Afary, pg. 26
- ^ Assassin!: The Deadly Art Of The Cult Of The Assassins By Haha Lung, pg. 29
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- ^ Roald, Anne Sofie (2004). New Muslims in the European Context: The Experience of Scandinavian Converts . Brill Publishers. pg.130
- ^ Lea, Brooke. "The Soul Searcher". Psychology Today. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ Evg Radushev, Svetlana Ivanova, Rumen Kovachev - Narodna biblioteka "Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodiĭ. Orientalski otdel, International Centre for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations, Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture (2003). Inventory of Ottoman Turkish documents about Waqf preserved in the Oriental Department at the St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library. Narodna biblioteka "Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodiĭ. m/s. 224. ISBN 954523072X.
Hasan Pasa (Damad-i- Padisahi), Greek convert from Morea.
CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ Gary Fine, Shared Fantasy: Role Playing Games As Social Worlds, University of Chicago Press (Chicago, IL), 1983. Reprinted in 2002.
- ^ On the Other Side of Oddville By Dwight A. Moody, Ike Moody, pg. 122
- ^ Muhammad Ali & Company By Thomas Hauser, pg. 18
- ^ BY: Interview by Deborah Caldwell. "Muhammad Ali has embraced Sufi Islam and is on a new spiritual quest". Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
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- ^ Keller, Nu Ha Mim. Becoming Muslim.
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- ^ Elliott, Andrea (27 January 2010). "The Jihadist Next Door". New York Times Magazine. Dicapai pada 28 January 2010.
- ^ Ethnicity, Cultural Discontinuity and Power Brokers in Northern Iraq: The Case of the Shabak .Amal Vinogradov. American Ethnologist, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Feb., 1974), pp. 207–218
- ^ [3] Omar Sharif converts to Islam
- ^ [4] Ahmed Ramzi witness the conversion of Omar Sharif
- ^ "Peter Murphy". Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ "Ponke, a human rights hero, is dead". 2002-02-28. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ "Christian and Muslim comics show believers that faith sometimes is best shared through laughter - especially when it's at themselves". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2006-06-29. Dicapai pada 2011-02-28.
- ^ “Allah Made Me Funny!” - A Popular Muslim-American Comedy.
- ^ Mohamed, Duse (1911). In the land of the pharaohs: a short history of Egypt from the fall of Ismail to the assassination of Boutros Pasha. D. Appleton and company. m/s. xii. OCLC 301095947.
PRIME MINISTERS * Ragheb Pasha was Prime Minister from July 12, 1882
- ^ Schölch, Alexander (1981). Egypt for the Egyptians!: the socio-political crisis in Egypt, 1878-1882. Ithaca Press. m/s. 326. ISBN 0903729822.
Isma'il Raghib was born in Greece in 1819; the sources differ over his homeland. After first being kidnapped to Anatolia, he was brought as a slave to Egypt in 1246 (1830/1), by Ibrahim Pasha, and there he was ‘converted’ from Christianity
- ^ ’’A Cold’’ By Marin Sorescu, Published 1978, p.16
- ^ "salinan arkib". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2007-07-15. Dicapai pada 2011-02-28.
- ^ Guenonian Esoterism and Christian Mystery, By Jean Borella, G. John Champoux, back cover.
- ^ Elliott, Michael (2002-02-16). "The Shoe Bomber's World". TIME. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2013-08-27. Dicapai pada 2010-04-07.
- ^ Humphries, Patrick, Richard Thompson — The Biography, Schirmer, 1997. ISBN 0-02-864752-1
- ^ Pirates and the Lost Templar Fleet, By David Hatcher Childress pg. 94
- ^ Guest CV - Dr. Robert (Farooq) D. Crane Diarkibkan 2010-01-02 di Wayback Machine, Islam Online
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- CS1 errors: ISBN
- Rencana dengan pautan luar mati dari August 2010
- Rencana dengan pautan luar mati dari January 2010
- Rencana dengan pautan luar mati dari April 2010
- CS1 errors: redundant parameter
- Semua rencana dengan kenyataan tidak bersumber dari July 2009
- Semua rencana dengan kenyataan tidak bersumber dari December 2008
- Pemeluk Islam
- Kemasukan ke dalam Islam
- Senarai berkaitan Islam
- Senarai orang Islam
- Senarai pemeluk agama